Within a Blink

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The rain poured down on the streets,its harsh sound echoing in the surroundings.

Jay exhaled scornfully as he felt the water on his face.The car he was riding on had broken down midway and he had to park it somewhere and continue his journey back home on foot.To make it even worse,he wasn't alone.He was accompanied by a woman he didn't like even one bit.His wife.

He cocked his head backwards to catch a glimpse of her and saw her quickening her pace to approach him,a pale red umbrella spread over herself.Soon, she was beside him and had him under the umbrella.

"Don't come near me!"he scoffed,meeting her coal black eyes.They were extremely attractive but something was missing .They seemed pained.Dead.

"I'm not doing this for coming near you.You're extremely sensitive to rain.I don't want to waste my time taking care of you when you fall sick."she said,shoving the umbrella into his hands forcefully.

As much as he wanted to get out of this marriage,he wanted her to get out of this too.It has been two years since their wedding and she had tried all means to make it work,in vein.He just couldn't bring himself to love her,given that he already had another woman in his heart.

He stared on as he saw her walk away,her arms wrapped around her body.

After a twenty minute walk,they reached their house.It was nothing that they could call a home.Just a luxury building where they lived together since they had no other choice.

Jay unlocked the door and went straight to his room,leaving his shivering wife behind who stood rooted to the floor,eyeing him until he left.She then trudged to her own room and closed the door shut.


"How I wish I could go back to my past and then stand up for myself and the woman I love!"he sighed,looking at his reflection on the mirror near his bed.

All his memories with her came flashing back,pulling him into a daze,tears slowly pooling in his hazelnut eyes.

He was seated on the edge of the bed and slowly caught his head in his arms.Then he slowly closed his yes so that the pain and frustration would subside.

After a while,he opened his eyes but something had changed.He could feel it in his bones.He hesitantly glanced at the bedside mirror and gasped.His thick beard was gone and so was the tattoo on one side of his neck.He looked younger and his clothes had been changed too.Everything had changed within a blink.

'Whats going on!'he wondered and touched everything around and pinched himself to make sure it was not a dream.But still he couldn't understand what was happening.

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door,after which his mother popped her head inside.

"What are you doing here?"he asked,bewildered.

"What do you mean?Went nuts huh?"she snickered and smacked his head playfully.

"Come out.Dad wants to talk to you."she informed and went out of his room.

There was no way he could forget this day.The day when he was forced into something which he never wanted.As things started sinking in,a grin made its way onto his lips.It was an opportunity change the past!He wanted to utilize this chance to its maximum.Even if this was a dream,he didn't care.Atleast he could stay firm on his decision and feel the bliss for a few moments.

He quickly got out of his room and rushed to his father,who sat on the velvety blue sofa in the leaving room just like two years before.

Soon enough,he broke the silence and asked Jay to marry a girl who was the daughter of his new business partner.Jay was determined to not give in this time and fight back.His life was not a business deal.He loved somebody else and can't break her heart.

"Jay,you won't inherit a single penny if you don't consent to this."his father snarled,fed up of everything.

"I don't want any.Its my life and I will leave it the way I please.You can't force me into this.Not again."Jay retorted.

"Seriously Jay?I really think you should think again.Iam speaking to you as your father.I genuinely feel your girlfriend is of no good.The girl I'm asking you to marry is way better than her.She's extremely disciplined and earns on her own despite her father being filthy rich.Why can't you atleast consider her for once?"

"No matter who she is,she can never equal with my girlfriend"he stated loudly,not even moving an inch from his stance.

"Then do whatever you want!"his father hissed and stormed away.

Jay let out an excited breath.He should have been this strong earlier.He wouldn't have spent two toxic years,moored into a woman he never will love.

He couldn't contain his happiness and drove over to his girlfriend's house,eager to inform her about the good news.He still remembered how bad she cried last time when he told her they had to part ways.

He reached her house within minutes and hurriedly climbed the narrow steps to her doorstep.Before ringing the bell,he noticed that the door was already open.He pushed the doorknob avidly,feeling ever so cheerful.

"Honey,I-"he froze,mid-sentence.There was his girlfriend on the couch,making out with someone who seemed oddly familiar.They were startled by the sudden interference and the man looked at Jay.He was the same person whom she introduced as her cousin,just days ago.

His heart plummeted into his stomach as he slammed the door shut.He hoped she would follow him,trying to explain herself but nothing happened.He drove back home,unaware of what to do next.


Two years later,

Jay leaned on the railing of his house's balcony,his eyes set on the road that was being whipped by huge drops of rain.

His whole body tensed as he spotted a man and woman walking down the street under an umbrella.It was her,the woman he was arranged to marry with and once used to be his wife.She was laughing heartily as the man whispered something into her ears.He was holding her so close as if his entire existance was dependent on her while she giggled away,looking at him with her shiny black eyes filled with love and warmth.

She can never equal with my girlfriend....because she is way better than her.

She will never belong to me....because she deserved someone better.

She deserved to have this liveliness in her eyes and smile on her face forever.

And I was not the one who could walk with her,embracing her, because I never did it when I had the chance.


A small oneshot before I hibernate again😁

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