Ch. 10| His Words

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Things to Know~
•(Y/N)- Your Name
•(L/N)- Last Name
•(J/T)- Jury Title
•(H/C)- Hair color
•(F/C)- Favorite Color
•(E/C)- Eye color
•(W/T)- Weapon Type
•(N/N)- Nick name

-Play Song-
|Your POV|
I ran to the portal.... And Jumped Through, And Landing on the other side. I let my hair fall into my face and took a deep breath, and Made my way to hopefully See Aaron.... I really need him right now.
I took to the outskirts of Phoenix Drop and Made my way to that Spot, I looked deeply at the explosion Hole..... A million thoughts racing through my head, I broke down in tears. "Where are you when I need you?" I cried; I Punched the Nearest tree, And lightly Placing my head on the bark and Just cried. I turned around and sat at the trunk of the tree; "I think That Tree Has Feelings Ya'know" Someone chucked.
"Aaron!" I turned "oh... Vylad"
"Hey I might not be the person Your looking for but I'm here." He softly said, I turned away from him and stared at the Spot where I last saw Aaron... I heard his foot steps come closer and a hand place on my cheek pulling my face towards his. I stared Blankly into his Green Eyes, For an old reason they made me feel safe. Underneath that scarf he wore I could tell there was a slight smile, I painfully smile as tears lightly fell down my cheeks. He took his thumb and Wiped them away, And Sat next to me. "I don't know if you remembered me, If there's a slight chance you do.... It would be great." He mumbled, "huh?"
"You don't remember me do you?"
" Am I supposed to?"
He sighed "I had a feeling, (Y/N) I know this may sound strange but I've followed You-"
"What The!? You perv-" I cut him off about to slap him, He put up his hands up.
"Hear me out!" He stopped me, I looked at him confused. "To protect you, I did the same for Aphmau. You two are more important to this world that you think"
"W..we are?"
"Yes, I have not figured it out yet but Your Special; and I know that You And Aphmau are here for a reason." I sat Silent, What do I say to that? I've been piled with so much confusing information that it's unsettling. "I'm sorry." He whispered and stood up, "for what?" I asked, He held out his hand waiting for me to take it. I accepted it and he pulled me up, pulling me into a hug. I didn't hug back immediately but when I did I cried into his shoulder lightly. When I pulled away, His scarf was pulled down and he had a light smile on his lips. Through all the tears I smiled.
"Why were you sorry for that?" I asked,
"Cause..." He simply answered pulling back up his scarf, "must go now" he quickly said. "Why?" I asked, "heh reasons" he slightly chuckled and ran off, I watched as he disappeared into the brush of the forest. Honestly I didn't want him to go; I started walking back to Phoenix Drop, Looking back at the spot. "I guess I'll talk to you another time.... Aaron.... If your really there." I walked back to the portal.

-- ~ --

|Laurance's POV|
(Woah another POV for once! This is gonna get interesting~)

Laurence, It's calling. Come on! Answer it, You know you want to, You can't take it anymore.

Shut up.

Oh what's wrong Laurence? Eh? It's calling you...

Will you just shut up!

Hm, Why? Just answer it, It's nothing but saying "just come home." C'mon Laurence Your not loved! Not by the women You think you care about!

I do care about her! I honestly do love her, Something about her just-

Oh now you shut it!

Ugh! Why can't you just leave me alone... I'm perfectly fine! Don't you understand that! I'm not going to answer that calling! There's nothing there for me!

Oh yeah? Nothing there for you? Laurence there's so much for you, Power, And Everything You've ever wanted.
You a monster Laurence, Why can't you accept that!

A monster! A monster! No I will never be one! I've- Ive-

Oh what Laurence, Finally seeing that Your a Pre-Mature shadow knight! That You can have full power! Your A Monster!


Have nothing to say? Ha!

Ughh! Leave me alone! I'm not a monster! Your the monster here.... Not me! I've only wanted to love.... Not hurt! I don't want to cause pain.

Hm.... Guess you right, I'll leave You to Yourself, You thoughts will only Confuse and make you- Eh? Well you'll find out.

What? No tell me!

Hm.... Nope

I took a deep breath in, No I'm not A Monster.... I can't be, My Shadow knight self is Just causing me to become insane... Just I'm not a monster....

Ha! but you are....

~Continue Next chapter~

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