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I Don't Want You Back By AJ Mitchell


Well I'm single again! Nora left me for a Rapper! I'm just going to take this a day at a time..
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AshRobin: Hottie! @LizaDiary
G_Eazy: she did?! Wow and I thought I screwed up with Liza.....
Blizzylc: what happened bro?
AddysHeaven: dm me? I need someone to talk to.....
LizaDiary: Why did you tag me @AshRobin? I don't know this dude....

Aaron's POV:

After posting the picture I saw the comments and then clicked on Liza's profile and saw her latest post about her breakup, I liked it but didn't comment. She was beautiful, wait Aaron stop you just got broken up with and she just left her man, she isn't going to just jump into bed or go out with another guy for awhile...I sighed and got up leaving my laptop on Instagram as I went to change into swim trunks. Once I was changed I headed out to the beach, I looked around as all the girls stared at me shirtless, I headed for the water away from all the googling girls who were giggling, I walked out until I could dive under, I dove through a wave feeling free and trying to let out the pain I was feeling from Nora leaving, she was my first and we were together ever since we were 15 it's been 10 years together and she just leaves me for another dude. I was starting to get mad as I reached the surface of the water, I looked around the beach then I spotted her, Liza she was standing with another girl who looked like AshRobin, Liza's tattoos were beautiful and I really wanted to talk to her but I chickened out and kept watching her from afar.

Liza's POV:

"Ash I'm done with men for awhile! G tore my heart open and ripped it into a million fucking pieces then excepted me to forgive his cheating ass! I don't wanna jump into it with another for at least 6 months, I'm that fucking hurt over G," I said to Ash.

"Alright! Don't kill me!" She holds her hands up in defense, "but there is a hottie and it's the Instagram dude Aaron staring at you.."

I turned my head and spotted him as he quickly looked away since he had been caught, "damnit he was! I can't do this!"

Ash put her hands on my shoulder and looked at me seriously, "We're getting fucked up tonight and you're going out with me I won't take no for an answer!"

"Fine! But I will not hook up with any guy or kiss them! This isn't me taking a stranger home either!" I made it clear to Ash who was currently single and looking for a man.

"Okay okay I get it! I'll hook up you just be you!" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Thank you! Now let's go shopping for a new outfit I need to feel hot," I said as I grabbed her hand and took one more look at Aaron.

We locked eyes and my breath caught in my throat, G was the only one that ever made me feel that way and now Aaron and I locking eyes changes my view on life. I look away as Ash grabs my hand and we run towards our truck. I forgot to mention Ash is my roommate/best friend.

A/n Hello readers! Comment vote and share! I wanna hear your thoughts! Do you think Liza and Aaron will meet again soon?
5 reads and 5 votes for the next chapter I only did this one since spreadyourwordss gave me such a nice comment! Thank you!!

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