Heyyo, my device is broken

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So... 👏🏼. Eeeeeee... I haven't updated in a bit. Sorry about that. If you haven't seen any of my recent updates, you won't know my laptop isn't working.

I feel bad that I'm only now posting this news here. But basically all my drafts and stuff is on my Word account on my laptop, which isn't charging, which needs to be fixed.

So... until I get the problem solved, there will likely not be any more chapters coming out... sorry 😅😭.

Plus I've been kinda depressed, uncreative and mopey due to quarantine. It takes a lot out of me to understand the distance learning so... ☹️.

It fucking sucks to say the least.

Hopefully everyone is doing alright in quarantine though.

Once my device is fixed I'll try to get to publishing the next chapter as fast as possible.

Again, sorry for the wait. Thank you for your patience.


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