The Beginning

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It was the 31st of December, 2029, 11:59 PM.

We were watching the ball drop in NYC. As we were counting, We were getting more, and more excited.

I was with my Wife, and 2 daughters, my eldest, Juniper, she just turned 15 years of age. She was smart, but also Destructive. She is a bit of a Pyromaniac. she had Curly black hair, with a Bright Red tint due to the Hair dye. she loved the color Red, because "It feels, Chaotic, and Alive, and Free, like Me".

The Youngest, Harley, she was the Exact Opposite of Juniper, she was Creative, an Artist, and she was Cautious about a few things. She is 12 years old, and has her Hair in a Ponytail, by her Mother. her Favorite color is Purple, because, "It is the Color of Creativity, and Beauty, and Royalty, and that description represents Her."

Their Mother, My Wife is very Busy at night, She was a C.E.O of a Makeup Company, Beauty Marks.

Just as We were counting Down from 10, Just as we got to 1, an Alert was Broadcast.

"Alert, Alert,Alert. We interrupt your New Years Day to report that Scientists found out that all Drinkable Water has been Contaminated, everywhere. The Whole World is experiencing this Predicament, and Scientists are Working on Contaminating the Water. It is best if You Gather the Uncontaminated Water that is in The Form of Bottled Water, as That is the only Drinkable source of Water left on the Earth. Do not attempt to drink the Contaminated Water, as if You do, you Will be Automatically Killed by The Water. Stay Safe."

Before I Knew it, the Excitement, turned into a Pandemonium of Fear, and Panic.

People were rushing to their Homes, and I, and My Family, ran to our Apartment.

After that, We went to Sleep, after assuring our Youngest child that We will be fine.

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