Chapter 2

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From the start of what happened in Ninjago, Cyrus Borg sent Pixal and Zane into the Digiverse to stopped this villain, Virus. The two nindroids never know why would Virus controlled the tech of Ninjago City but one thing they did know was that she was after Cyrus. To kill him. But why? Well besides that, the two nindroids split up and somehow got themselves into trouble by some unknown robotic androids that were sent by Virus. 

As for the ninja, they are somewhere in Ninjago City. Maybe spending time together. Or maybe interfere with trouble like the two nindroids are dealing. 

"Kai! Next time, we are not letting you steer the Bounty ever!" Cole, the black ninja, groaned in sickness as he puked somewhere else. Not in front of his friends. 

"Well, sorry! You all voted for me to steer that ship!" Kai, the red ninja who's hotheaded as usual crossed his arms as he pout in anger. 

"We didn't vote for you to steer the ship. We vote for you to take out the trash" Jay. the blue ninja, funny and mischief complained and the red ninja's face was turned to his stupidity. 

"Oh! No wonder you all told it's hardwork cause it is than steering the ship" The red ninja exclaimed in frustration. 

"What's the good thing is that we're near the tower. Bad news is that Cole needs to teach Kai how to steer the Bounty properly after we deal what the heck is going wrong in the city" Lloyd, the green ninja said with excitement but to his friends' answer. they all hoped Cole teaches Kai how to steer their own ship or else he might get in an accident. Again. 

Cole smacked his hand over his forehead of what the green ninja said but he have to listened to Lloyd or else he won't cook his famous cake for dinner. 

Nya, the water ninja, gasped of what's all the smoke and all of the screaming about. She take out her trident and looked at the guys who were about to argue in a minute. "Before you all argue about the stupidest thing, something's wrong with the tech". She lead them on top of smashed cars and watched of what's wrong in the city. 

Technology. All of the tech attacking innocent civilians who didn't do anything and right now, they are in harm. The tower who controlled the tech have green electricity that's heading to their way but the blue ninja strike his own electricity at it. 

"Whatever's controlling the tech is somehow planning to do something bad to Cyrus. I just hoped Zane and Pix are there with him finding a solution to this" The green ninja replied to his friends as they all nodded in agreement. 

In the main control room of the tower, Cyrus looked through many papers for Virus. His first android he have ever built before Pixal. "It must be in here. Whatever's the cure, I just hoped the code Peace will stopped this madness" Cyrus murmured remembering how the code Peace. He didn't know what happened to it except how much Virus hates him and that he doesn't know where he last put it. 

A long time ago, something bad happened to the tech and Cyrus did all he can to stopped it. So he put in the code, Peace. A code that can Virus shutting her down to the Digiverse and end her madness. Peace represents a way for tech to be free from her control and live in harmony forever. Until the Overlord interfere and pushed Virus away for her to grow. When he was defeated, she started to rise after dealing with some ways to hack in the computers recreating herself, her own body. Cyrus tried to enter the code Peace again to stopped her from creating her body again but somehow got fried. The man realized he can put the code Peace somewhere. Somewhere that Virus can't access it. Cyrus did the right thing but to put it somewhere safe. 

But where is it? 

Cyrus looked so furious that he didn't remember where the code's at that he knocked down his old journal off the table. 

Deep in the Digiverse, Pixal opened her eyes realizing she's not in the desert anymore. Instead she was in a tent. With someone. His eyes are red but on the left, an eyepatch. He was wearing torn clothes with a torn cape. He was not human. He was an android like her. 

"Where are we?" Pixal said to the android was scanning the area outside. 

He didn't answer back. 

The female android struggles getting out of the rope she was tied in and kicked a knife to her right hand. Clever, she started to get the rope free off of her that the android was alert. 

"You can't leave the tent, young droid. It's too dangerous to get out there to risk your life" The android said turning to her. 

"Dangerous?! My boyfriend! He's out there somewhere! I need to go to him before he gets hurt" Pixal answered with anger and fear in her green eyes. 

The android crossed his arms and looked at her. "Look, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to protect you from Virus". 

Pixal rolled her eyes and walked out of the tent ignoring the android's warning. "Also when you were knocked out, I saw something inside you like you have some power. Stay here for your safety" The android pleaded. 

"Power? What sort of power?" 

"An elemental power" 

Pixal gasped and faint on the soft floor of the tent. The android laughed and carry her back inside to placed her on a bed for her to rest. 

"ZXW1! Can you hear me?" Cyrus called through his comm to the android. 

"I can hear you, long time since we talked, Cyrus. Pixal's safe. She fainted cause I told her something extraordinary" 

"What is it that you told her it was something extraordinary?!" 

"Cyrus, she have powers. Elemental powers. Something to stopped Virus" 

Meanwhile in the weird dusty junkyard full of scraps and junk, Zane was surrounded by many androids that have weapons in their hands like guns and spears. The male nindroid take out his bow and arrow and point at the female android. 

"Who are you?" 

The female android laughed and crossed her arms with a weapon in her hand. 

"Name's Robecca. Captain of the androids of this pathetic place called the Digiverse. My master, Virus wanted me to distract you while she do something for a while, so prepared to die" She turned to her army of androids and snapped her fingers. "Attack this pathetic ninja!" She commanded. 

The androids nodded and each of them jumped in the air to kick the ice ninja. Zane move just in time before one kick him and he shoot an arrow far that hit 3 androids straight making them fall apart. 

Zane hit one with a bow on his right hand and one with an arrow with his left smashing it all with the rest of the androids. 

Robecca growled and summoned a large soundwave at the nindroid knocking him down on the floor. She laughed as two androids punched Zane multiple times. Zane groaned and his eyes turned crystal blue and an aura of white pushed the androids away from him. 

He got up and freeze all of the androids that were heading towards him with his ice powers. Seconds passed and Zane snapped his fingers crushing the frozen androids into pieces. 

"Oh, so this ninja wants to play bad, huh?" Robecca murmured to herself and watched the nindroid in action of defeating her army of androids with his elemental power. As she watched carefully, the ice ninja managed to crushed the androids with all of his might of the power. Meaning, he's using his strength onto Robecca's army with only bravery in his eyes. 

One by one, each android were either crushed or destroyed by the nindroid and Robecca sly smile at the white ninja's victory. 

"Good job on defeating my army, ninja but you forgot one thing to defeat" Robecca jumped off the broken rusty cars and take out her katana. 

"Me" She added with a smile. 

Zane picked up his bow and arrows and shoot one at her. However she moved quick like a second before it hit her and end up hitting one destroyed android on the dirt ground. 

Robecca smiled and swinged her katana at Zane who jumped up in the air and did a backflip landing on a pile of junk. 

He shoot out 3 explosion arrows around the female android, waiting for it to explode. 

Robecca scanned the arrows knowing it was about to explode and dropped her katana. She summoned a large soundwave knocking the arrows into the sky exploding and knocking Zane off the pile of junk he was on. 

Zane groaned as he landed the dirt ground hard. His bow and arrows were separated from him and Robecca walked up to him with a devious laugh of hers. The female android end up kicking him hard making some pieces on his titanium skin tear with statics of metallic parts. 

"Give it up, ninja! You will never get Pixal back to you! She's in good shape if you are wondering about her condition in the Digiverse" Robecca stated with her arms crossed. The nindroid started to remember two things of his mission besides defeating Virus and he got up, weak. 

"I will get my girlfriend back because I promise her creator that I'll protect and love her with all my life" Zane replied with strength in his voice. 

His suit was torn a little by Robecca kicking him hard and his hands were a wave of his elemental power: ice. 

"And by the way, a ninja never quit cause I'll never give up defeating you and whatever's in the way especially Virus" He added with a smile. 

Robecca growled in anger and shoot out a large soundwave at him trying to make him fall on the ground again. Zane struggles of the soundwave echoing louder than ever and he continued walking towards to Robecca. Robecca gasped and the ice ninja summoned a ice fractal aiming it at her. Robecca move quick to dodge that fractal but unknown to her was that Zane trapped her with walls of ice. 

She summoned a soundwave crushing it and she yelled with fury in her eyes. She picked up her katana as she charged towards to the ice ninja. 

Her eyes turned red and stared at his crystal eyes sending rays of red to it. Zane groaned as he fall to his knees. Feeling weak, Zane panted in fear shutting his elemental powers away from the good and into the evil. 

Robecca laughed and pressed her ear revealing a comm. 

"Virus, I got your target and he's under my control" 

Back in Ninjago City, green electricity went to a room where broken androids are at and a tech who was in charge rebuild someone. Someone that will distract the ninja. 

"Thank you, blue ninja, water ninja" A mother of three kids said with a smile as the two ninja landed their hydroelectric dragon on the streets of Ninjago. The two ninja saved them from a out of control plane they were on to go to Paradise. "No problem" Nya exclaimed as she lay her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "Just always remember that we ninja have your back even though it's quite shocking to do it everyday" Jay joked whom his results was a kick by his girlfriend. The three kids laughed and the two ninja flew away to where their friends are at. 

"We save every civilian from many crazy tech of Ninjago, what now?" Nya explained and Lloyd walked up to the rails of the building they are at and spotted one building they all need to go. 

"We are going to Cyrus' tower and helped him stopped this tech madness" Lloyd replied to the water ninja's answer and all of his friends nodded. 

"Actually, you won't be heading there" A dark voice echoed in the room and the 5 ninja gasped and take out their weapons. 

"Who are you?" Cole shouted and he and his friends wait for the answer of the mysterious person or whatever he is. 

Loud footsteps echoed louder as he got closer to the ninja. He was wearing a cloak that the ninja can't see his face. 

"Okay? Reveal yourself cause we ninja can kick your butt" Kai retorted boastfully and the figure take off his cloak. 

The ninja was shocked of who it is. 

"General Cryptor?!" Lloyd gasped in surprised. 

"I'm back, ninja!" General Cryptor boomed loud and the ninja groaned in anger that an old villain is back. 

Next chapter's coming up soon! 

On a scale 1-10, how good is this chapter? 

Also what is your favorite part of this chapter and what will happened in the next chapter? 

@Sopherloafer, can you be an honor of making a cover of this story. I appreciated of the cover you made for my artbook and how amazing it turned out so I want to see if you surprise me when you get a chance to make a cover for this story. 

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 4th of July, btw! Hope you enjoy your day! 

-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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