Chapter 5

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Last time, things got bad as Pixal sacrifice her life in the cryptic beam in the Digiverse which cause her boyfriend, Zane, to sobbed over it especially with the man who created her. Cyrus Borg. The creator of the android was like a father type to her ever since she was built. He is lucky that he built someone who can be similar to Dr. Julian's creation also known as Zane who turned out to be his creation's boyfriend and an ally to him. Pixal was his favorite creation most of all but to him, she's a daughter to him and he loves her really much. Cyrus was in pain that she's gone but he hope he can find a way to bring her back. But how? 

Questions come to him like crazy as it confused him with what answer to solve this problem in order to save Ninjago from Virus' control and to bring back Pixal. But what can stopped it all? 

Cyrus looked at a desk full of papers and walked up to it. The creator start looking through them all trying to remember where he put the only blueprint that can save everything. Struggling with dozens of questions coming in his head, Cyrus groaned in annoyance catching the green ninja's attention. 

"Cyrus, you okay?" Lloyd asked him as he run up to him. 

"I'm fine, Lloyd. I just can't find it" Cyrus replied back making Lloyd curious and continued looking through many papers. 

Lloyd was quiet and he watch Cyrus look for something in the pile of papers. This is making the green ninja curious than ever. What is Cyrus looking for that is so important?  Lloyd thought and crossed his arms. I think it's best to help him find it if he have a plan to solve all of this madness in Ninjago. 

Lloyd looked at Cyrus and he picked up half of the stack of papers and put them on another table. 

"Lloyd, what are you doing?" Cyrus questioned Lloyd. 

"Cyrus, I'm helping you out sort this out, don't worry. I got curious of what you are looking for so please tell me what are you looking for" Lloyd replied back. 

"I'm looking for some blueprints with a folded side on the right of it,  I just remember that one of those blueprints is the only way to save Ninjago and  to bring back Pixal to life" Cyrus told Lloyd and the green ninja was shocked. 

"Wait, what does one of the blueprints have that can save Ninjago and bring Pixal back to life?" Lloyd asked him.

Cyrus sighed and looked at him with a serious face.

"One of them have a code that can shut everything even with Virus' control of course. A code that can be a powerful way that can save it all and it can restore Pixal" Cyrus explained.

"What's the code?" Cole asked as he joined the two people's conversation.

"The P.E.A.C.E. Powerful, Enlightenment, Absorbable, Critical, Evolution. It's a way that make things but sadly I was so stupid enough to lost its blueprint in this pile of rest of the blueprints" Cyrus told the two ninja and he continued looking through the pile of blueprints.

The other ninja looked at Cyrus and helped him looked through the pile. Even Dareth and Ronin joined in. 

In the Digiverse, Virus laughed as she looked at Zane sobbing over Pixal's body. "So pathetic that you are sobbing over a replacement WHO replace me! So if I were you, stop crying and maybe finished me off or else I do things the hard way" Virus complained and her hands started to feel so static that green electricity was there. 

ZXW1 looked at her and picked a sword. He started to charge at her, trying to strike her down but failed when she teleported herself in a different place. "You never give up on trying to get me, Z. Why don't you just give up?!" Virus shouted and shocked electricity at the android who dodged that move. 

Virus looked at the cryptic code beam and she use her powers to summoned a virtual keyboard for her to type. "Now it's time for me to get what I want the most: The main power source!" She cackled as she start hacking into the software of the main computer. 

"Uh, Cyrus?" Dareth asked the creator tapping his shoulder multiple times. "Dareth! I'm trying to look for a blueprint that can save us all! What is so important that you want to tell me?!" Cyrus groaned in annoyance. He have no time for games of the brown ninja right now. He needs to find that blueprint. 

"What's the green virtual whatever stuff in your computer?" Dareth replied to him. "OH NO!" Cyrus frantically cried and run to the main computer. Cyrus groaned in fear and start typing something on the computer. "What's wrong, Cyrus?" Cole said and he and the other ninja except Lloyd run up to him. "I've been hacked by Virus again! I can't let that happen again" Cyrus replied to the 5 ninja and he continued typing on the keyboard as fast as he can. 

"Let what happen again?" Kai asked him stressing Cyrus out. 

"Letting Virus get to the main power source but the only thing she can do that is to shut down the cryptic beam and the only way to shut it down is for me to unlock it with a password of mine" Cyrus explained to them. They all looked at each other and watched Cyrus do his work to stopped Virus. 

As for Lloyd, he looked through the pile of blueprints all himself. Remember, one of these blueprints have a folded side, Lloyd thought as he continued looking for the blueprint. It didn't took the green ninja hours to find it but luckily it took him 2 minutes to find it. He smiled when he found it and looked at the blueprints due to his curiosity. 

"Those blueprints are Pixal's, Cyrus? I'm confused why you need that out of all your 320 blueprints based on Ninjago's tech" Lloyd replied walking up to the creator. 

"Thank you, Lloyd for finding it!" Cyrus exclaimed and take the blueprints out of the green ninja's hands. 

"Okay, no prob but why do you need Pixal's blueprints?" Lloyd asked the creator and he looked at it with a shocked face. 

He unfold the folded corner revealing to be a code. "Because I managed to put the code P.E.A.C.E. in Pixal the whole time. All this time, I thought this code was lost but somehow it was in her" Cyrus said surprising everyone in the room and he looked at his computer. 

"But the only way to released the code is let Virus get her way of shutting off the cryptic beam and when that's done, I'll summoned the main power source in order to type in the code plus I need you 5 ninja's elemental powers to help the main power source" Cyrus explained and the 5 ninja nodded. 

"Will this save everything in Ninjago?" Nya asked the creator. "I'm not sure but let's have faith that it can save it all for Ninjago and Pixal" Cyrus answered. 

Virus scoffed that Cyrus didn't stopped her from hacking and she continued doing it making the cryptic beam to disappear. Zane and ZXW1 looked at her and watched to see what's next. "Pathetic, Cyrus! Are you really letting me get away from completing my plan? Are you really that stupid?!" Virus shouted very loud. 

"I can be but you don't have a plan to release this!" Cyrus replied back as he released the main power source with the 5 ninja using their elemental powers to help it. The main power source was released and Virus smiled and walked up to it. 

Zane and ZXW1 gasped and the 5 ninja all watched Cyrus to do his next move. 

He then type in 5 letters: PEACE to the main power source. 

Everyone watched as the code spread in the main power source that Virus groaned and protect herself from the bright colors of it. Suddenly, a purple aura was shining from Pixal's body creating a bright light as it hit Virus from behind. Virus cried loud as the whole entire power source hit her, destroying every piece of her into digital words. 

The main power source then head to Pixal as it went in her body. 

"Pixal? Are you back?" Zane asked his girlfriend and he waited for her answer. 

Suddenly her eyes opened up and looked at his icy blue eyes. 

"Zane...................." She said and she lean closer to kiss him. Zane kiss back making the kiss passionate. 

They let go and hugged each other tight. 

ZXW1 laughed and hugged the two making it as a group hug. 

"I'm proud of you, Pixal" ZXW1 exclaimed and Pixal smiled at him. "Aww, thanks, Z" Pixal gushed. She let go of the group hug and walked up to the main power source as it spreads it's power on all of the technology of Ninjago City making it all normal. 

"Let's go home, you two" She replied to them as she lead them to the desert that she was teleported out. Cyrus saw them and type in something to bring them back out of the Digiverse. 

As they got out of the Digiverse with ZXW1, the ninja, Dareth, and Ronin hugged the 3. 

"Welcome back, you three" Cyrus exclaimed to them and Pixal run up to him and hugged him. 

"I miss you, Cyrus. The mission is successful" Pixal told him. 

"I know it is and I miss you very much, my daughter" Cyrus replied back and he looked outside of Ninjago City. 

"Looks like we are cleaning up the mess Virus left us in the city but don't worry, we're upgrading it a bit" Cyrus told everyone and they all sighed. ZXW1 walked up to him and wrapped his arm around the creator. "Yeah plus I was wondering if I can be your assistant since Pixal's going to be with the ninja for a while as a hero" ZXW1 asked him. "I would love that, Z. Minus well, can you please give me coffee then?" Cyrus replied back. ZXW1 nodded and he head downstairs to get some coffee for the creator. 

4 months later 

Pixal and Zane walked in a really nice forest outside of the city for alone time. "Zane, Cyrus will freak if I didn't go back till curfew" Pixal said to her boyfriend looking worried. "Don't worry, Pix, ZXW1 already covered that and right now, you can come back any time" Zane replied back to her and put his hand over her eyes. 

"Uh, Zane, where are we going?" Pixal told him. Zane didn't replied back and lead her into somewhere that she'll be so shocked. 

When he put his hand out of her eyes, she gasped of where they're at. 

"This is beautiful, Zane" Pixal exclaimed admiring the purple daises field with snowflakes falling out of the sky in the middle of the forest. 

"Not as beautiful as you, Pixal" Zane told her giving her a purple daisy. 

Pixal smiled and hugged him. 

"I love you, Zane" 

"I love you too, Pixal" 

At the end, they shared a kiss as the moon rise up in the sky. 

No matter what, those two love each other like ice and mind. 

That's the end of this story! 

Sorry if this is a bad ending, readers. 

So what do you think of this story? 

Tell me in the comments. 

Don't forget to vote and comment your favorite part of this completed story of the Wattys this year! 

-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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