Round Two Results!

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Hey everyone! 

First of all thank you to the judges, and to the participants for being a part of this! Below are the results:

Bracket 5

Judge: MissOgilvie

Leah Reeves and the Sea of Secrets by PilindielTheElf

COVER: 4/5. Very beautifully made. You get all the info you need for the book on the cover. It felt a little clustered with book 1 written in the middle of the title of the book 

TITLE: 4/5. A very interesting title that pulls you in. only thing, is it could have been a little less 'winded'. It's a mouthful to say. Maybe shorter. 

BLURB: 5/5. Love, love, loved the blurb. It gives you so much information about the story you're gonna read without giving anything away. So intriguing and it really hooks you in.

PLOT: 6/7. Love how it jumps straight from before school to her in Azkaban. A very clean transition in the chapters. You can see the author has put time and effort into the book with the titles, length of chapters and personalized collages to each chapter. Writing, description, and storytelling; very good. Very strong. The dialogue; sometimes it feels like the dialogue doesn't bring the story forwards. The timeline doesn't always seem to add up. Not a very important detail but things don't match up with how much time has passed or what time they are in. Satisfying and interesting plot twists. Very rushed towards the last chapters and little dialogue to fix up dilemmas and problems. Overall, excited to see what's coming next.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: 6/6. It shows very clearly how she's changed from being in Azkaban for all these years and how she's slowly adjusting back to normality surrounded by friends and family.

GRAMMAR: 5/6. The descriptions are beautiful and very creative. Very few spelling mistakes but quite a few grammatical errors and wrong punctuations. 

Total: 30/34

Once Upon A Twisted Time by theoffcialearthling

COVER: 5/5. Simple yet fitting. Author name, title, everything necessary on the front. Beautiful, minimalist artwork on the front and to me personally that speaks a lot because I very much enjoy simple covers.

TITLE: 5/5. Intriguing and makes me want to read it.

BLURB: 4/5. Short and sweet. It gives a quick introduction to the name of the main character. The blurb doesn't make it obvious what timeline you start in and what she's travelling back to but maybe that's the point. I think readers would enjoy a little intel to see where they start and where they are going before starting the story. 

PLOT: 5/7. Hooked by the first chapter. Funnily written characters with a good dynamic. Super intrigued with the storyline. A lot of the story explanation isn't perfect but the dialogue is very strong and entertaining. It's a fun book with a plot that gets you involved very quickly. Starts very strong but with all the explanations of the family members it does drag on for a bit. It's hard to stay focused after the time-turner moment and the introductions because it gives more of a filler feel in those chapters than any relevance to the plot. It's an interesting plot and I look forward to the continuation.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: 4/6. There has been no development yet but I think that's because we're in the early stages of the book and the characters are all just getting introduced right now. But you do get to see a change in Harry a lot while Lily and Lysander are there. The rest of the Order also start off overly suspicious but then trust them as they tell their story. Interested in seeing the development between Lysander and Lily.

GRAMMAR: 4/6. Writing and structure aren't perfect. A few spelling mistakes and s a couple of grammatical errors but overall good. But the sentence structure really pulls it down a bit and makes it 'heavy' to read. Apart from the dialogue, which is really good, interesting, relevant and entertaining. 

Total: 27/34

Winner: Leah Reeves and the Sea of Secrets by PilindielTheElf 

Bracket 6

Judge: NickSolemnlySwears

Rewriting Our Stars by WeaselbeeWeaseltoe

Cover: 5/5-I like the colors of it and the font of the title looks good! 

Title: 3/5-The title is cute but it's a bit overdone. There are many like it around Wattpad. I didn't finish the book but up to the point I read it, I couldn't find the relation to it. 

Blurb: 2/5-The blurb needs to be worked on. It has many typos and run-on sentences that might discourage the reader. Remember, it's the first impression of your book you need to make people want to read it.

Plot: 4/7-The book is really cute and funny, but I find that it lacks a sense of direction? The main plot is her falling in love with Fred but when we begin reading the feeling are already there. During the book, we get many moments between them but there's always somebody there to interrupt. 

 -I'd like to see more moments between Fred and Alyssa, show me why she fell in love with him. Show me why he likes her so much. Not just flirting and tiny gestures but make them have conversations, and arguments. This is where character development comes in. -In the blurb, it's mentioned that a family situation makes her parents decide to send her to Hogwarts. What was that situation? I need to know more about Alyssa too. 

Character development: 3/6-I couldn't find that the characters really developed in this book. Then again, the book is not completed so there is still a chance for them. 

Grammar: 4/6-Grammar was good, there are a few typos here and there but nothing crazy. 

Total: 21/34

A Billion Stars by g-lil-ginny

Cover: 5/5-It's really cute! It fits with the title very well and it gives me magic vibes. 

Title: 5/5-I like the title. At first, I couldn't find how it related to the story but I got it in the last chapter. The whole thing of two stars coming together is super sweet. 

Blurb: ⅗-The blurb describes what the book is about but to me, it's not very eye-catching. Maybe you can add a quote or add something else that will really make the reader click on the book. 

Plot: 5/7-To start off I find that the fact her mother is an Auror and is being chased is so interesting. I wish I could read more about that and how it's affected Leah. I know that Leah and her sisters were pulled from school and had to travel a lot but how did it affect other aspects of her life and how is it affecting her now. It'd be nice to see her sending letters to her mother or talking with her sisters, checking up on them. Things like that cause I have a feeling the issue with the criminal is not resolved. 

-In terms of the main things happening we got their normal day-to-day shenanigans in school, we always love that. I do think though -and that's just me- that their emotions change too quickly. It only took Sirius to look at her once to 'be in love' and forget about all other girls, I would've loved to see him talk to her first, have a bit more of a reason to like her other than her looks. 

-I know James is totally in love with Lily but when Lily told him off about how he treats girls, he instantly changed and that's not something that happens just like that, you know? It seems like he doesn't quite understand what's wrong with it and he's only doing it because of Lily. 

 Character development: 4/6-I find that the character development is a bit off. The characters often times "change" their beliefs too quickly or drastically.  

Grammar: 4/6-Grammar was good, there are a few missing commas here or there but it's not a big deal and it didn't affect my reading of the book. One thing I would suggest is reading your sentences clearly because sometimes they are too long and don't flow as well. 

Total: 26/34

Winner: A Billion Stars by g-lil-ginny

Well, there you have it folks! Sorry for being a bit late, but everything is slightly behind schedule so perhaps round three will begin on July 22. Once again thank you to everyone that participated and stay tuned for the final round! Have a good day! <33

-Serina and April

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