Chapter One

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Chapter One

Chloe sat in her room, laying on her bed, staring up at the dull white ceiling of her even duller home, as she waited for Harry to come back from school. Chloe's best friend, Harry Potter, lived next door to her, with his nasty relatives that she had despised ever since she had met them those so very many years ago. She hated the way they treated Harry, as if he was nothing but a dirty sock shoved beneath a bed that had grown large quantities of mold.

"Chloe! Harry's here to see you!" her Aunt Martha shouted up to her from the kitchen. Chloe leaped out of her bed, and looked at herself in the mirror to see if she was presentable. When she realized that her waist-length blonde hair looked like a dead water buffalo, she quickly brushed through it, then ran downstairs, taking the steps three at a time, making sure not to trip on the way down.

"Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry!" she shouted quickly as she ran down the wooden spiral staircase. She could hear him giggling from her eagerness as her bare feet hit the wooden floorboards. She glanced down the hall and saw none other than ten-year-old Harry Potter standing there, a huge goofy grin on his face.

She could see his scar on his forehead, Harry liked hiding it underneath his dark bangs. He was wearing a bunch of Dudley's, Harry's fat and stupid cousin, old clothes that didn't seem to fit him any longer. His glasses looked like they had a new layer of Scotch tape on them, which meant that Dudley had decided to pick on Harry for over the twentieth time that day. That made her angry. Chloe marched straight over to Harry. He gave her a confused look, realizing her stern facial expression. Before he could say anything, she took his glasses right off of his face and examined them.

"What did Dudley and his gang of idiots do this time?" she asked, running her thumb along the spot where Dudley had broken them. Harry just stood there, speechless. Chloe breathed on the lenses of the glasses, then rubbed them with her shirt, cleaning them off. Harry watched her as she held them towards the light, seeing if they had gotten any cleaner from her attempt.

"They chased me at recess. I almost got away but...." Harry trailed off. Chloe handed him his glasses back, he took them and put them back on his face. They stepped out of the house and began to walk down the street side by side like they always did after Harry would come home from school. Chloe on the other hand, she was forced to be home schooled because her aunt said that she "wasn't normal". Chloe  had learned to believe her, that she wasn't like regular kids. Chloe was intelligent, like Harry. The other normal kids were stupid and thick-headed, like Dudley for example.

"You're really fast, I don't understand how they could've possibly caught you." Chloe said to him, perplexed. Chloe and Harry continued to walk, their sneakers thumping against the cobblestone ground, til they reached the bakery on Main Street. Chloe had a few pounds in her pocket, so the two walked in and bought two chocolate covered doughnuts. Harry's eyes widened when he looked at the huge variety of pastries.

They sat outside in metal chairs at a table with a big yellow umbrella sticking up through the middle once they had paid for their treats. Chloe handed Harry his doughnut and he thanked her. She gave him a small smile and they ate their snacks in silence. Chloe wondered what was flowing through Harry's mind. He was never usually this silent, he always seemed to have something to say. She didn't mind that fact, Chloe liked hearing what Harry had to say. It seemed like no one else in the world did, so she enjoyed being there for him.

"What's the matter? You've never been this quiet before. Is everything alright?" Chloe asked him finally after they had washed down their doughnuts with some bottled water Chloe had bought with the left-over change in her pocket. Harry sighed, his gaze glued to the clear plastic bottle in his hand. Something was obviously bothering him. And Chloe was determined to know what.

"Lately I've been getting strange letters. They don't have stamps, they don't have return addresses, just my address. They actually are addressed to H. Potter, in the closet, Privet Drive. Everyday I get at least one in the mail, sometimes two or three. But my stupid uncle won't let me read them." Harry explained to her. Chloe sat and listened as he described how he would get up early just so he could get the mail, but his uncle had ruined his plans each and every time.

"Have you been sending me those letters?" he asked her, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. Chloe shook her head sadly and looked down.

"I'm sorry, Harry. But I haven't been sending you letters. I'd have told you by now if I was." she said to him, a plan forming in her mind. She sat back in her chair and stared blankly at her bottle of water, the gears in her head turning. Harry knew that look on her face. That look meant she was plotting something, and he loved that look. He thought it was amazing how complicated and full of facts Chloe's mind was. That was one thing he had admired about her ever since they were younger.

"What are you thinking?" Harry asked her, a small smile on his lips. After a moment, Chloe gave him a small grin and stood up from her seat, pushing her chair back.

"You're just going to have to find out. Come on." she said and grabbed his hand. They ran down the street and away from the bakery. Chloe's mischievous grin never left her face as they ran, making Harry's heart skip a beat as they ran home.

"Can you please tell me? I don't want to left in the dark." Harry said to Chloe, she just gave him a smirk and pulled them towards her house.

"Today is Friday, am I correct?" she asked. Harry nodded, wondering what amazing plan Chloe had thought of this time. They burst through the front door, catching a glimpse of Chloe's Uncle George as he read the newspaper in his blue and white sparrow-print recliner in the small living room. Chloe and Harry ran up the wooden mahogany spiral staircase, down the hall, and finally into Chloe's room. She slammed the door closed behind them, they were both breathing heavily from running. Harry plopped down on Chloe's bed, his head on her pillows as he stared at the ceiling, his chest rising up and down with each deep breath he took. Chloe sat beside him, he looked up at her as he waited for his friend to spill the beans.

"Alright, here's the plan. I'll ask my aunt to see if you can spend the night-"

"But my aunt and uncle won't let me."

"Easy, we'll just convince them that having you out of the house will do them some good. You and I both know that that won't be very hard." Chloe answered, a huge goofy grin on her face. Harry rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips, as Chloe started to chuckle. She continued to describe the plan.

"Once we've convinced Mr. and Mrs.Monster, also known as Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, that you should stay at my house, we'll stay up and wait for the mail to arrive, then go and retrieve it before your uncle has a chance to take it before you." Chloe said. Harry thought about the plan for a second, then sighed, the smile not leaving his lips.

"I have to admit, it's a pretty good plan." he said. Chloe scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"It isn't a good plan, it's a great plan! Boo-yah! I am awesome!" she said and started doing her happy dance around the room. Harry put his hand over his mouth, trying to hide his snickering. Chloe heard him and grabbed onto his arm.

"Come on! You know you want to join in!" she said, gesturing for him to dance. He laughed as they began to break dance. Chloe jumped onto her bed and did 'the sprinkler', as Harry did 'the moonwalk' across the wooden floor, his socks moving soundlessly on the ground. Chloe couldn't help but laugh as Harry tripped on one of Chloe's old books she had forgotten to put back on her shelf. Harry landed with a loud THUD on the floor, then quickly stood up, an embarrassed grin as his facial expression. Chloe fell back on her bed, holding her stomach as she laughed hard. Harry began to laugh as well.

"Harry! You're uncle's here!" someone shouted. It was Chloe's Aunt Martha. After Chloe had gotten her laughter under control, she groaned and closed her eyes, covering her face with her hands. She heard the floorboards creek as Harry walked over and sat beside her. The bed squeaked from the weight and Harry put his hand on her Chloe's shoulder.

"You ready to put our plan into motion?" he asked her. She peaked from between her fingers and sat up, her hands falling to her sides.

"Let's do this." she said and stood up. They made their way across the room to the door, determined to get Harry one of his letters.

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