10,000+ reads special!!

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Seriously guys thank you! So I decided, as a celebration, to write the famous ships in the stories. Turtlejou, Glorybringer, Ripnami, and Moonbli (we all voted), Starspeaker, and Cleril

Thx for 10,244 reads! Oh and this chapter will have all sorts of PoVs.

Aaaaand these are all connected so sorry if one story has no mushy stuff and the other has a totally different ship.

I am ALSO not good at writing mushy stuff (recent ripnami and glorybringer have PROVEN that)

Thx and happy reading :)


~~~Moon's POV~~~

I sorted the class.

The others watched.

I left the class.

The others followed.

I went into the dormitory.

The others went too.

I got ready for bed. 

The others did too.

I went to the north wing balcony.

Qibli followed. 

I leaned against the balcony rail.

Qibli tried not to trip over a rock.

"What now?" I asked him as he nearly toppled over the railing.

"What do you mean, what now?" Qibli asked, clutching the railing.

"WHy'd you follow me?" I asked. I kinda knew this was wrong to say, but too late to turn back now.

"Well uhhh-" he stopped, apparently lost for words.


"Cuz I can..." he tried. "And also I wanted to ask you about the plays."


"What plays?" I demanded.

"Wow, you didn't hear?" Qibli said. "The teachers are going to split the ninth graders into six different pods all acting out-" 

he let out a long suffering sigh.

"Disney princess skits."

I nearly fell.

Qibli must have seen me shaking with laughter because he said, "Oh yeah. Hard to imagine Winter in an Elsa dress right?"

"No I-" I started laughing some more, because I was NOT imagining Winter in an Elsa dress, but thanks to Qibli, I nearly lost my breath laughing.

I was trying to get the image of Qibli wearing a mermaid crown and singing the Little Mermaid song with a mini Flounder swimming about.

"Deathbringer dancing?" Qibli guessed.

"Stop making me CHOKE." I ordered, but it came out weirdly and I coughed and held my stomach as I laughed.

"Oh come on, Riptide dancing with Cinderella? Tsunami's Cinderella, if you were wondering."

"This is NOT helping my situation." I pointed out. 

I imagined Tsunami's grumpy face on Cinderella.

"Oh I KNOW. Clay as Tiana?" 

I whacked him.

I still remember what you've told me, Glory. I won't forget. I don't really want to choose, but he's never really given me a chance to laugh before.

"I'm going off to bed." I declared. "Oh and were the pods assigned?"

"Yes." Qibli said. "You and I are in the pod for 'Aladdin'.

"Aladdin?" I demanded. "Ok."

"Aaaand Winter's in the pod for Frozen." Qibli added with a wide grin.

I couldn't help myself, I leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. "Good night." I called over my shoulder as he stumbled. "Oh and I was imagining you as Ariel." 

I laughed all the way back to the dormitory.

~~~Glory's POV~~~

I was NOT happy.

At all.



I stomped to the first rehearsal.

At least Deathbringer was in the same pod as me.

Ruby, the manager of the Sleeping Beauty was waiting for us. With about a hundred other kids.


"Hi guys." Ruby said. "As you all know, we are going to act out 'Sleeping Beauty'. We have a very tight schedule so we must waste no time in giving out roles."

We were all waiting in strained silence as she gave out parts.

Anemone got Merryweather.


Carnelian was Fiona.


Coconut was Fauna.

Don't ask me how he got THAT role.

At last, only two roles were left, and two people were role-less.

Me and Deathy.

"And finally, Glory will be Aurora and Deathbringer will be Prince Phillip."



Everyone knows that Aurora and Phillip actually





In the movie.


I have to admit our pod got pretty far. 

Like, very far.

Like, when Aurora met Phillip.

Let's just say it didn't end up very well.

Deathbringer was supposed to hug me or something, but he tripped and we both ended up on the ground.

And when nobody was looking


Deathbringer kissed my forehead before yelling "OW MY LEG. I BROKE ME LEG. OH DA PAIN. DA PAAAAAAAAAAIN" in my ear and hobbling upright as Ruby hurried over.

I was storming all over the place when we got back.

"I guess you two got the main leads?" Tsunami grumped.

"YES." I raged. 

"Me too." Tsunami said. "I got Ariel."

That made me feel a little better, although imagining Tsunami wearing a swimsuit was enough to make me want to erase my memory.

there was also when Deathy roared in my ear and the part before that.

"Aaaand you can guess who Riptide got." Tsunami said.

I didn't bother answering.

I whirled to the others.

"Same here." Kinkajou said. "I got Belle and Turtle-" she snickered. "Got the Beast."

"OOOOOOOOO-" Tsunami cheered. 

"I got Aladdin." Qibli said. "Curse you Granduer."

"Good job Granduer!" I said. "And I take it that Moon got Jasmine?"

"Yep." Moon said.

"Peril got Tiana." Clay offered.

"Clay's gonna be acting out a FROG!" Starflight said. "Wow. Didn't know that. Fatespeaker's gonna be Anna in Frozen. Idk who's Elsa or Hans or Kristoff-"

"I'm Elsa." Sunny said cheerfully.

"Icicle would have been a good Elsa," Winter muttered.

"Shut up." Peril said to Starflight. "You are Kristoff. Winter's


"So the world is OFFICIALLY against us." I said with a sigh, as Qibli snickered at Winter.

~~~Turtle's POV~~~

Let the torture begin.

Second rehearsal came the next day.

Since I was the beast, I had to practice roaring and harrumphing.






wasn't until the end thank goodness.

Kinkajou had to practice reading.

Naturally she complained, but she stopped as soon as she realized she had to sing.

"SING." she roared after the rehearsal. "I have to SING? while holding a BOOK? It's like my nightmare came true!"

"You have nightmares?" Winter pouted. "I'm a stupid snowman who's head is bigger than both his middle and bottom section put together."

"You know what, that makes me feel better!" Kinkajou said.

Qibli was grumpily dangling a toy monkey from his elbow, while Moon was being obnoxious about the outfit she had to wear. 

"I HATE it." she said. "I will NOT wear that ATROCIOUS dress."

"It was our assignment to try on the outfits." Deathbringer protested. "I have to wear a suit."

"Better than wearing something that shows your stomach." Moon pointed out.

Qibli dropped his monkey on accident. "Moon, I have to wear nothing but a dingy cap, a coat and pants."

"What he's saying is that he can't wear a shirt." Deathbringer said matter of factly. "Next time Qibli, don't beat it around the bush."

Qibli was at loss for words.

"I'll try my dresses on first, if that makes you feel better," Kinkajou offered to Moon. "I hate my dress too." 

She disappeared into the bathroom with the big box of her costumes.

A moment later, she swept in an embarrassed manor, wearing a huge yellow and gold poofy dress that got glitter into my eyes.

"My EYES," Winter yelled.

"You were MADE for yellow." Glory said.

"You know, that's the first supportive thing you've said since kindergarten." Kinkajou huffed. "Since it's only a dress rehearsal, I'm not going to do my hair."

She went back to the bathroom to take off her dress.

Five seconds later we heard her yell. "OW, my hair got caught in a button! Turtle, help me."

I ignored the teases as I went embarrassedly into the bathroom 

(Nobody get any ideas. This is normal as you can get with a group as weird as WoF high school peeps :P)

Kinkajou was gingerly pulling her hair and I could see where the hair was tangled up on a silver button on her back.

I tried valiantly to get it free.

Finally, I did it.

"thanks Turtle!" Kinkajou said cheerfully, pecking my forehead before shooing me out. 

~~~Riptide's POV~~~

"Part of your wooooooooooooorrrrrrrlllllld."

That was Tsunami trying to sing.

Not like I'm complaining or anything. Shut up.

I was standing to the side because she'd asked me to watch over her sing because the teacher for our pod said we had to go in pairs to rehearse.

And of course she'd asked me. 


"Your turn." Tsunami said as she slammed her script down.

 She'd put on her costume yesterday after Kinkajou.

Let's just say she and the costumes didn't exactly get along well.

Moon looked okay, I tried not to laugh uncontrollably on Winter's 

(WHATTTTT? He looks so fat)

nudged Moon on Qibli's (to which she whacked me back), clapped politely on Turtle's, tried not to wonder why Deathy's costume was so much better than mine, snickered on Fatespeaker and Starflight's, Sunny's looked ICY, and so on and so forth.

I read my script.

(Note To Self. Watch Disney Princesses before actually writing about them.)

(In other words, I've never watched any Princess movies except for Aladdin or Frozen. Sorry)

I wasn't in yet, but I still recited it.

Apparently I had to pretend I was in a sea-storm on a ship.

I propped a leg on a chair and shouted something like, "OH NO" then swayed vigorously back and forth to mimic being tossed around on waves.

I closed my eyes, imagining a crew that was hurrying about around me, and crying out in fear.

I felt like I was actually falling!

I was supposed to, because I think Eric falls off the ship.

It's good that I was feeling like I was falling, right?


I toppled off the chair and landed on Tsunami.

"Woah there!" Tsunami yelped, but she couldn't really move because uhhh

My head was on her lap and it was



"Woah woah woah get off." Tsunami said, pretty flustered.

I scrambled but it didn't really work because my leg was still on the chair and the chair was pretty high up so that meant my other leg was dangling in mid air.


 At that exact wrong moment, Thorn came in.

"Are you guys ready to put all the lines toge-" she started, then saw us.

A very gleeful expression came across her face.

"I'll just leave-" she said, then backed off.


Qibli, Sunny, you better not tease us.

~~~Peril's POV~~~

I'm going to be Tiana.

I am officially going to look like a christmas tree.

Red and green.


Clay's gonna be Naveen.






He's super burly, there's no way he could be a teeny frog that was supposed to be smaller than my hand.

I almost asked if I could kiss an actual frog, but Coral said no.


As I'd expected, the first rehearsal was absolutely TERRIFYING.

I messed up all my lines, kids snickered at me, and I fell once or twice.

I buried my face in my hands as soon as I got outside the classroom.

"Why the down face?" Clay asked.

"I blew it." I said miserably. "I did horrible."

Clay took my hands in his and then smiled goofily.

"I did worse." he said. "I'm sure you did awesome."

He suddenly went instantly alert.

"What?" I asked him nervously.

"Didn't you hear that??" he asked.

"Nope." It was almost impossible to hear anything over the thunder of the kids hurrying around.

"It's the lunch bell. WE'VE GOTTA GO." He took off, towing me behind him, my hand still in his as we made a 




It went something like this:

Clay was running as fast as he could to the cafeteria, I was smacking into everyone in my path, and when we got to the cafeteria, Clay kicked a mighty kick at the door and it thundered open, leaving dust in our wake.

The cafeteria went silent.

Then started clapping.

Clay bowed, then sat down to eat his chips.

~~~Fatespeaker's POV~~~

Apparently I'm Anna.

Starflight's Kristoff!


I've got to admit Winter as Olaf is 


But it isn't about him right now :)

It's about MEEEEE who is RIDING off INTO the SUNSET to SAVE 


Aka Sunny.

Alright I've got to admit, Sunny the Sand princess as the Ice Queen? Winter was kind of right about saying how an actual ice dragon would be better, but at least I don't have to sing "for the first time in forever" in front of a random person I don't know.

Speaking of singing...

"I'm aFRAID of what I'm RISKING if I fOlLoW yOu into the unKNOOOOO-"

"SHUT UP JAMBU!" Moorhen roared. "We're rehearsing Frozen I not Frozen II."


"I CAN CALL UR GRANDMOTHER," Moorhen bellowed.

"I can hear you. BuT i WoN't." Jambu sang cheerfully.

Moorhen facepalmed.

I, in the meanwhile, was being a good kid and practicing songs I actually have to sing.

"Cuz for the first time in foreve-"


"I finally understand," I tried again.

"I'm SORRY secret SIREN but I'm bLoCkInG oUt YoUr CalLs,"

"WHO THE HECK IS SCREAMING?" The whole group of queens thundered into our pod's room. "IS SOMEBODY DYING?"


I escaped, grabbing Starflight's hand as I pounded throughout the halls.

(Yeah I know.)

"It's safe." I sighed. 

"Uhh Fatespeaker?" Starflight asked from behind me. "You're five feet into the boy's bathroom."


I rushed out, blushing, then I slammed into Starflight face-first.

Starflight toppled over.

I think you know what happened next.

~~~My POV~~~

Thanks for reading my peeps :D 

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