The Champions

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We started.

Morrowseer let out a thundering 'GO', and everyone took off. I ended up trying to get the same ball as Moon, and our hands brushed. 

She paused for only a second, her hand still, then she grabbed another ball, and got Peril out with it, ducking one from her brother as she whisked by.

I grinned. 

Like an IDIOT.

Brain clicked into game mode.

I started barreling through people, knocking them from the games with balls, until I have defeated four people. Not a lot, but still half of their team. 

I noticed that Pike was giving me a dirty look.

What?! I thought angrily. Didn't I help you? Then I realized that if I blew past so much, then the others had less people to get out. 

I tried to think of something.

Epic Fail.

The only thing I could think of, was Moon's hand brushing against mine. 

I shook my head furiously until I got dizzy, and until I saw that Moon was giving  me a confused look.

I thought of something else. 

Wait.  The only thing I could think of was, Morrowseer and Secretkeeper's  children are Moon and Deathbringer, which meant that Deathbringer and Moon are brothers, and Morrowseer is Moon's dad-

My kind-of-obvious-stuff thinking ended when a ball hit me in the face. 

I slowly made my way to the bleachers, where half of my team was sitting. 

Turtle, Ostrich, and Umber.

They gave me grins and 'you did gooood's.

Moon, Glory, Pike, and Sora were still in. 

Whoops, minus Sora. She just got out.

"You did good sis!" Umber said to her. 

Sora smiled but didn't say anything.

Moon, Glory and Pike against Deathbringer, Riptide, and Icicle.

Icicle hurtled a ball at Pike, which bounced off his rear end.

That, was a sad way to get out. 

Moon, Glory. 

Deathbringer, Riptide, Icicle.

Whoo, this is inTENSE

Glory got Icicle out.

Deathbringer got Glory out just as Moon got Riptide out.

Moon vs Deathbringer.

Sister vs Brother.

I leaned forward.

"GO MOOOON" I bellowed. 

That did it. 

Deathbringer  was so surprised that he misfired, and Moon chucked the ball to hit him in the face.

A HUGE cheer erupted from our side of the room. 

All of our team members rushed to envelop Moon in hugs and shouts.

Deathbringer stormed out of the gym as Morrowseer and Secretkeeper presented our team with the trophy.   

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