My Ranking of the WoF books

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I spent a long time moving things around here. I really love all the books, so it was hard to put some of them later on the list. But here's basically how I would rank them.

I didn't include graphic novels or winglets. (I like the winglets, but I feel like they go in a different category.)

              #1: Talons of Power

You might not expect this to be my number one, but Turtle's book did everything for me! It had a good plot, a wonderful and relatable character, heartwarming and heartbreaking scenes, funny dialogue, and an adorable ship (Turtle and Kinkajou). I loved the parts with Queen Coral. I just think that Turtle's inner monologue is so interesting, he's definitely one of my favorite characters.

              #2: Legends: Darkstalker

This book is like a dark painting, with every word a stroke of the brush. (Too dramatic?) Clearsight, Whiteout, and Indigo are the best. Their stories are so sad, but they eventually got nice, happy lives. Despite my ranking of this book, I quite dislike Darkstalker. I think he's evil and he kind of always was. Nonetheless, I like reading his story. This book is the darkest book in the series (in my opinion), and I kind of like that about it.

              #3: The Hive Queen

This book was an awesome adventure. I loved all the mysterious backstory and exploration of the hives. Cricket's point of view is awesome. This book didn't really accomplish a lot in the sense of the bigger story, but I'm okay with that. I just liked the architecture and social structure of the hives.

              #4: The Lost Continent

This book was such a fun read. I loved learning about a new dragon society with its own tribes and flaws. Blicket is a fun ship. I also enjoyed the whole fugitive thing where they traveled all over the hives. I always think worldbuilding is interesting. The temple of Clearsight scene was quite good too.

              #5: Darkness of Dragons

I took my time choosing where to put this one, even though I really enjoyed it. For some reason I always have a hard time remembering what happens, even after reading it multiple times (although I remember it pretty well right now). I thought the breakout from Vulture's compound was very exciting, as was the play for the throne by Onyx. I think the fact that Kinkajou is the one who takes down Darkstalker is awesome too. The main problem I have with this book is that I'm not a huge fan of Qibli; I think he would've been a terrible animus. I'm kind of a Winterwatcher shipper too, so Moon choosing Qibli hurt a bit.

              #6: The Brightest Night

I love Sunny and her unique point of view. I think it's so awesome that she's the one who figures out how to stop the war between the tribes. I really like Thorn and Smolder too. Another great thing about this book is the mystery surrounding the SandWing treasure.

#7: The Hidden Kingdom

Glory's point of view was interesting, since she's the only RainWing PoV in the series. I especially liked the competition for the throne at the end of the book. Glory is truly a great queen, and I would 100% elect her for president if I could.       

#8: The Lost Heir

I mostly liked this book because of how cool the SeaWing palaces are described to be, and all the interesting stuff SeaWings have and do. Coral's love for her daughters is real, she just got a little too worked up about them and made bad choices.

#9: The Poison Jungle

The jungle was really awesome, and I thought the enemy being a plant was very intriguing. Pretty creepy but cool. The way Leafspeak works is very interesting.

#10: Winter Turning

I like Winter a lot as a character, but his book wasn't super memorable. The whole Hailstorm-Pyrite thing is interesting, though. The main character being an IceWing is really cool too, with how Winter thinks and acts and getting to learn about their fancy society.

#11: The Dark Secret

It was arguably slow paced, but I like Starflight and Fatespeaker. The RainWing ambush on the volcano is always fun to read.

#12: The Dragonet Prophecy

I thought it was kind of weird to start the series in a cave, but once it got going this book was quite fun. Also the only MudWing PoV in the series. A bit bloody, though.

#13: Moon Rising

I like the school and the peacefulness of this book. It's much calmer than most of the other books, as the characters spend most of the time hanging out at the school. Moon's not my favorite character, however. I guess it felt to me like all the other dragons had a crush on her and that was kind of weird.

#14: Escaping Peril

I know a lot of people like Peril and I can see why, but I feel like everyone overlooks the fact that she killed like, hundreds of dragons willingly. Also, I find the fact that no one in the story really likes her (except Turtle) kind of depressing. And I don't feel like that problem is resolved very well. But I was happy to see that the sky kingdom was explored further, and I like Ruby (Tourmaline).

              #15: The Dangerous Gift

I liked a lot of this book; I'm so sad that it ended up in spot 15 (I guess I just didn't have a spot for it earlier). I had a hard time getting into it because Snowfall was so annoyingly paranoid at the beginning, not to mention incredibly unfeeling and mean. I also thought that her character arched a little too quickly. I did enjoy the whole "scavengers can talk" scene because of Cricket and Winter's reactions. (Oh whoops I meant humans.) The ring visions and Boa's story were both great parts of this book.

              #16: Legends: Dragonslayer

There were definitely parts of this book I enjoyed. But there were a lot of things I took issue with. First of all, Tui's funny, intense writing style works well for dragons, but not quite as well for humans (in my opinion). I mean, it was kind of ridiculous how incredibly horrible and stupid all of the adults were. Wren's parents willingly allowed her to be sacrificed to dragons just because she was annoying. And another thing, Wren just shrugged it off easily and decided to live in the wild for the rest of her life. Also, how did Wren learn to speak Dragon from a dragon that was so young he could barely speak? And how did Rose live with adult dragons for like twenty years and not pick up at least a few words of their language? Sky was really cute, but he seemed a little too babyish. I did enjoy the plot and the parts with Deathbringer and the SandWing fortress. But overall, I don't like having human characters in a world that was previously just about dragons. It doesn't fit for me.

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