Murder Mystery Forms (ENDED)

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EDIT: This has been officially finished. Please don't put in any more forms.

So, I got inspired by BricketFan's The Spoofy Games series. (Go check it out! It's really cool) and I've asked for permission to make a thing similar to hers! It'll be a murder mystery kind of story though..

Basically, put down your ocs (although, I do know this is going to take a lot longer than Bricket's...) and yes, you can put multiple. The max is 3 ocs though. 

Here's the form you need to fill out if you want to be a part of this :D






Additional information: 

(Our special guest have submitted one as well :)

10/10 YES! YESS! FINALLY, WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL TvT check this book (or just add it to your library, I suppose) since I'll be updating pretty soon.

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