Thank you

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Hello, Fellow FanWings. I just wanna thank yall for getting me this far! I'm at 800 reads right now, almost reaching 1k reads and three moons, you have no idea how exciting this is for me!

I started off Wattpad, having absolutely no idea how this works, and soon discovered how you write a book. I've deleted multiple ones, due to it making no sense at all, and the plotline getting all messed up. But this one has lasted for quite a long time. I just wanted to thank you all for being my fans- no friends! 

I've acknowledged every one of you. Wanna thank my two friends who comment on most of my chapters, thanks, BricketFan and Moonwatcher639. I see your support, and I thank you. Your comments are the ones who keep my motivation coming. 

Thank you. It's been a great journey, and I hope to reach 1k reads with your help. 

Annnd, there goes me being all cringy and cliche again.

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