Three moons!

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*The Dragonets of Destiny were sleeping peacefully- not Bumblebee of course. She's planning world domination. Ah, anyways, suddenly everyone hears shrieking*

Tsunami: ARGH! CLAY SHUT THE F*CK UP. I thought you said you stopped daydreaming about cows and their . . . uhm tails!!

Clay: Chicken . . . Pig . . . HOLY COW- what's that noise!?

Starflight: . . . Guys, something is out there, and they're jumping up and down like a total maniac.

Glory: Sounds like Tsunami.

Tsunami: No, I do not! I don't scream--- AHHHH, GLORY BREATHED THE WRONG WAY AGAIN.

Sunny: No matter! We need to go out and find out what's causing this awful destruction. Remember, we are the Dragonets of Destiny. We're the destiny of dragonets.

Glory: Uh, I don't think that's how it works...

*They walk out, assuming the worse when all they saw was an overly enthusiastic scavenger.*

Tsunami: That b*tch really interrupted my sleeping time for this crap?


Starflight: What?

The b*tch: Y'know, the thing you signed up for? That Spoof Thing?

Sunny: *mutters* How could I forget? I almost got killed by Peril thanks to a certain scavenger. Ahem, ahem, BricketFan.

Tsunami: THREE MOONS? Does that mean we're famous? Can I get that new useless dagger I wanted? Y'know, just- just to kill cows, of course!

Glory: It's labeled, "Dagger to kill annoying dragonets" Tsunami. Also, aren't we kind of already famous from like- saving Pyrrh-

Tsunami: Hahahahahahahah, what? Can't hear you! *slowly disappears* Also, don't forget to collect my money.


The b*tch: Uh... I think I'm going to go now~ 

*The Jade Winglet was also sleeping peacefully, cuz that's the literal only thing I do when suddenly, they heard loud excited screaming. Again.

Turtle: Fishtail, fishtail, fishtail! Is someone dying? I promise, I told Winter not to kill anyone, already! Please, spare me!

Moonwatcher: *sigh* Why can't I ever have a good night's sleep without anyone interrupting me?

Darkstalker: Hahahaha.. not me or anything!

Winter: *mumbles* shut up...

Kinkajou: Ooh! Guys, I think it's a scavenger who's making all the noise!

Qibli: Well that's weird...

Winter: SCAVENGER? WHERE? Do you know if it likes hats? I'm sure it likes hats! I'm gonna go get my hat collections!

Kinkajou: . . . Turtle, did you teach him about a collection?

Turtle: I just shared about my stick collection! Although, he said I was a freak when I showed him... *mumbles*says the one who collects scavenger hats!

*Winter rushes back, holding thousands of adorable hats.* 

Winter: Alright! I'm ready, let's go!

*They headed out, and just as Kinkajou suspected, it was a scavenger who was causing all the ruckus. They confronted it--- or in Winter's case, smushed it to death.*

Moon: Is this the b*tch who interrupted my sleeping time?

The b*tch: OH, C'MON. Why am I called the b*tch every single time?!

Winter: Hey, thanks for carrying the title, pal.

The b*tch: Anyways, I came here to gently tell you that *yells loudly into their ears* WE HIT ONE THOUSAND VIEWS ON THE SPOOF BOOK!

Peril: You f*cking came in the middle of the night, scaring the crap out of us. I wouldn't call that "gentle". 

Qibli: Wait what, spoof book?

Kinkajou: OH! Is it the one I signed you all up for? The one I most definitely did not do against your will?

The b*tch: Yes! 

Winter: Oh. Cool. So, hey, b*tch. Do you like hats? 

The b*tch: Oh! Look at the time! Gotta go, y'know catch uh, Santa Claus in action! Hahahaha...

Winter: NO! Check out my latest creation first! Bandit 0.2 and Pumpkin 0.2 burned it to a crisp. I don't even know how.

Qibli: Hahahahahaahahahahahahaah

*The Foursome of Pantala was dead-silent. But not actually dead. Like sleeping, but look like dead, when suddenly Cricket screams with pure excitement.*


Sundew: Where are my bullet ants when I need them?

Blue: *mumbles drowsily* Really? That's nice, honey (Pun intended) 

Swordtail: GAH. Can't you guys go to sleep? I and Luna are doing some important things in the closet! 

Sundew: What the hell? Even me and Willow haven't taken it that far. 

Blue: *oblivious af* Huh? What are you doing? Three moons! Is it a surprise birthday party for Bumblebee? Nobody told me about it!

Cricket: *drags Blue before he could protest* C'mon! Let's go!

*They headed out with Sundew being tied in a rope and dragged by Blue*

???: OH SWEET! It's the Foursome of Pantala! I don't need to do the screeching this time.

Sundew: What the f*ck is wrong with that name. "Foursome of Pantala"? Really?

???: WELL, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO CALL YOU DRAGONS. Tui didn't make you a group name- at least, not that I can remember.

Swordtail: You can call us . . . the AWESOME Swordtail and Swordtail junior.

*That was the last day Swordtail had been seen. He was covered with bullet ant bites after that event.*

Cricket: Hi, reading monkey! Do you have a book? I have a book! Can we share stories? I have awesome fanfiction about Willow and Sundew.

*That was the last day Cricket had been seen. She was covered with bullet ant bites after that event.*

Reading monkey: HAHA! IN YOUR FACE, WINTER! I've been titled Reading Monkey this time. You just gotta love Cricket sometimes---

Sundew: God, what are you doing here, b*tch?

B*tch: I'm not even going to... anyways! Haha, we reached a thousand views on the spoof book!

Blue: Oh, that's wonderful! 



Sundew: You made Cricket wake us all up for that!?

B*tch: Uh... yes?

*That was the last day B*tch had been seen. She was covered with bullet ant bites after that event.*

Moral of the story: Always tell the truth . . .

Unless it's Sundew you're talking to.

A/N: Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! Thank you FanWings, for getting me to 1k views, and getting me killed by Sundew- sorry- mystery dragon. Also...

 Send help.

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