Chapter 2

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Word Count: 555 words
⚠️TW⚠️: Swearing

Dumbledore called every teacher and student into the Great Hall for a meeting. Everybody sat down at their respective tables and watched Dumbledore with every move. Dumbledore began to speak. "As you all may have seen or heard, yes it is true that a student was hexed. I will be assigning students to help find the culprit. Once the culprit is found, there will be extreme consequences". Everybody remained silent. "I will be assigning 4 or more 8th years to stand guard. I will be assigning students that I deem are qualified to finding the culprit. If you are chosen, we will call you down and assign you a position. Do I make myself clear". Everybody gave a solemn "yes". "Dinner will now be served" Dumbledore said.

After dinner, Y/n and her friends walked back to their common room. Y/n went back to her dorm and started reading to clear her mind. She heard a knock at her door. When she opened to door, it was Olivia standing there. "Dumbledore said he wants you in his office" she said. "I doubt that. Nice joke" Y/n responded. "No I'm serious" Olivia said with a stern look on her face. Y/n rolled her eyes and walked passed her friend. She began walking to Dumbledore's office. When she finally made it, there were about four students in front of the door waiting. One of the students being Remus Lupin. "Hey" Remus smiled at her. "Oh hey" she said back. "You don't think Dumbledore is gonna assign us a job. Right?" Remus said with worry on his face. Y/n chuckled. "I mean who knows. Dumbledore is very unpredictable"she responded. The worry on his face faded and he looked back at Y/n. Suddenly, Dumbledore's office door opened by itself and everybody stepped inside.

"Hello everybody" Dumbledore said. "Good evening Professor" everybody responded. "Will Y/n MacDonald and Remus Lupin please step forward?" Dumbledore asked. Remus and Y/n stepped at the same time. "You both will be tasked at finding the culprit. You will interview everybody in that class at the same time. We think the culprit is in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw because of altercations William has had in the past. I have put a lot of trust in the both of you and expect you to fulfill that trust. If it is needed, you may recruit your friends for extra assistance. You may copy notes and spend time analyzing clues after school. Don't mess this up and take your time". After Dumbledore's instructions, the two of them nodded and slowly walked out of his office. "I fucking knew it" Remus said. "Knew what?" Y/n asked. "I knew he was gonna chose us to be partners. But why? "Probably chose us because of the mysteries we solved before" Y/n responded. "Like how I solved who killed that one girl's cat, or who punched a hole in that wall" Remus said. "Like how I figured out who broke all the potion bottles or who tracked in mud on the floor" Y/n said. "There's always a reason for everything" Remus said. "Anyways, goodnight Y/n. Remus said. "Goodnight Remus" Y/n said back. They shook hands and made their way back to their respective common rooms.

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