11.🤎 Game🐺

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That day passed peacefully but Krish kept waiting for Sona as she didn't came back or called or messaged him. (Well Krish why only she visit or contact you always!)

Actually she was busy for completing assignment that they are supposed to submit next week, about which Krish have no idea because when they were being told about it he was not paying attention in class.

He was missing her so he finally decides to call her.

He called her but she didn't picked it as she by mistake left it in hall and it was on silent mode. She was so engrossed in her work she didn't remember that she left her phone.(So, strange... We can never even forget our mobiles in our dreams.)

Krish," She's not picking. Damn!"

He slowly tiptoed out from his room and saw his father sitting in hall reading a newspaper.

Krish," He's back. If I in front of him he will ask questions about study or something else. Maybe scold. Hmm... Yes! I will go through my window then climb the wall. Easy!"

(What easy? After going out from your window you can go by gate like normal humans.
His amswe: What if he heard the voice of gate and come out and catch me?)

He went out from his window and then climbed wall and was about to jump other side but stopped listening his father's voice," When did you joined circus my son?"

Krish," Dad! Umm..I..I was going to meet Sona."

Father," I have made this much big gate, you could have used that monkey."

Krish," I am not a monkey. I am a wolf ."

His father," Just shut up and come down and use gate."

He jumps down, right beside his father making him jump back a little.

Father," You are a monkey who keeps jumping from one place to other."

Krish," You were reading newspaper in hall just few minutes ago and now you are here? Are you keeping an eye on me?"

Father," I came to water the plants but I think I might start keeping an eye on you. Thanks for suggestion.😏"

Krish," No need! I am going to my Sona. Bye!"

Krish ran out from gate.

Father," Idiot!"

He directly entered Sona's house and was directly going to her room without being catched or meet anyone in her house but her father who had just returned from his office saw him.

(Well Sona's father name is Arnav. So, that it can't create any confusion between him and Krish's father.)

Arnav," Hello Krish! What a surprise?"

He turned and gave a fake smile," Hello uncle!"

Arnav," You are here to meet Sona."

Krish," Yes! She was not picking my call so I came myself."

Arnav," How can she receive your call? Her phone is lying here on couch."

Krish," Ohh! She always forget her phone."

Arnav," She seems to be like people of my generation."

Krish," Yes she's different. I will give it to her."

Arnav," Yes! Take it but wait! Have some chat with me too. You always talk with her not me. Let's have one round of carrom."

Krish," But?"

Arnav," Ohh! Don't be shy. I am not gonna talk about conditions for marrying my daughter to you. There's time for that. Just a casual game. Come! Come!"

Krish didn't had any other choice to say yes.

Krish," Okay!"

Half hour passed. Krish and Sona's dad were playing. Krish was getting irritated but he can't do.

Her father is not boring such that he get bored and irritated but the real thing is he was not able to do the task for which he had visited i.e. to meet her.

Krish," That's amazing uncle. I can't imagine how interesting your company would have been in your college days. You still such a sport."

Arnav," What do you mean still? I am not old. I am still young. Ageing doesn't change you."

Krish," Really? Have you met my dad?"

Arnav laughed," Many times! We were together in college. We grew up together in same society. Not only you and Sona are neighbours since childhood."

Krish," I have asked my grandparents many times but they didn't answered. But I have hope from you. Please tell me did he met with any accident in childhood or head injury or his pet died or something?"

Arnav laughed and nodded in no.

Krish," So, did his girlfriend betrayed him and eloped with his friend?"

Arnav," Noo! Nothing of that sort ever happened."

Krish," Then why he is like this always? Something is there."

Arnav," No no! There is nothing. Its his nature. He is a serious type of person. No not serious but quiet to be appropriate. He's serious with you only because he expects great things from your and you..."

Krish," I am what? I know I am not good in studies but that doesn't mean I will not excel in life. I will manage to do something good in life and keep my family happy and satisfied."

Arnav," I know. We all expect same from you."

Krish," Or maybe grandpa must have scolded him too much when he was small. So, that's why he do same with me. Yeah! That's the thing.  Give what you received. Hmm... That's understandable."

Arnav," So, you will do same with my grand..I mean with your son?"

Krish," I don't know. No! I won't..."

Arnav," You should have asked all this to your father instead of me. He would have answered you better."

Krish," If I asked, then you will not be able to see me for days."

Arnav again laughed. Krish too laughed.

Then Sona's voice came from behind," Are you both laughing on me?"

Both of them turned towards door and saw Sona entering inside.

Arnav," Not at all doll. You were in your room, busy in studying as per your daily schedule and Krish just visited when I returned so, I asked him to play one round with me."

Krish, said dramatically" Ouch! That hurted me. I thought you are different but you are no less then my dad."

Arnav," What?"

Krish,"You played game with me so that I cannot disturb your daughter's study time."

Arnav, "No..."


Arnav," No really. Sona your mother was not at home and you were studying and I met Krish after long so that's why I asked him to..."

Krish said in between," It's fine! I am used to all this. No need to explain."

Arnav," No son! Its not like that."

Krish," It's fine uncle. I was joking."

Sona," Krish!"

Krish," Yes Sona! I am fine." (Not at all. He's offended.)

Sona," Okay! Let's go to my room."

Krish," No! I think I should go. Mom must be finding me. We will talk later. Bye!"

Sona," But!!"

He returned to his home and saw his father watching news. He quickly pecked his cheek and ran inside saying," Sorry dad!"

His father,"What? Are you fine?"

Krish shouted from his room," Love you dad." He said to himself,"You are good then other people and fathers. I know this and I realized this again today but sometimes get irritated by your scolding, that's why I always keep complaining about you. Sorry!"

His father chuckled shaked his head and mumbled," Idiot! Always upto something."

Sona ranged bell of Krish's house and his father opened.

His father," Hello Sona! What a surprise!"

Sona," Hello uncle! I have come to meet Krish."

His father," Okay..Come in... He is in his room but he have just returned from your home."

Sona," I..I have come to help him doing assignment. It will be better if we complete it before due date."

His father," Yes it will be. Go to his room. If you need any help then ask me without hesitation. Krish's mother have gone out with her sister and Tara with her friends. I am only one at home."

Sona," Yes sure uncle. Thanks..."

She went to Krish's room and saw him lying on his stomach while doing something at his phone with serious expression.

She slowly sit beside him and put her chin on his right shoulder, her one arm was over left side of his back and said, startling him while peeping in his phone," Go for yellow one, it will give a point."

He shockingly turned his neck and saw her," Sonaaa!!"

Sona," Krishi!😃"


That's all for now. I hope you all will feel somewhat better after reading this.

I know I have told I am on break and will not update. I wouldn't have updated but my friend Anjana_2305 told me she's leaving wattpad for 2 years. I am as and don't like her decision at all but her reasons are understandable so, I cannot stop her. So, before she leave I updated this part for her. Before going she can read. She have posted announcement for same few minutes ago.

What do you think about this part?

I don't know when will next part be written and updated?.

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