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2 hours passed. Krish was waiting for Sona but she didn't came. So, he went to her house.

Her mother opened the door and told him she's in her room. He went there and find her reading a book.

He knocked her door gaining her attention and went inside.

Sona," Oh Krish! Why you came?"

Krish," Because you didn't even after promising me that you will."

Sona," Sorry! I thought you must have fallen asleep after getting tired from sit ups and push ups."

Krish," I didn't got tired. I did them quickly and easily. This didn't seemed like a punishment but little exercise."

Sona," You have did them for real or not?"

Krish," Yes! I have made a video too. You can see."

He showed her.

Sona with a dazed expression," Wow! You look awesome."

Krish with smirk," Excuse me?"

Sona looked down and said," I mean you look like you are having fun. You did very fast."

Krish," Actually I had a little."

Sona," Your strength has also increased."

Krish," Sona please stop all this nonsense. I am not turning into a werewolf."

Sona," This is not a nonsense. Do you have any other explanation for your new powers?"

Krish," I don't have and neither I want one."

Sona," But I want to know. It's realted to you and you should know what's wrong with you?"

Krish said angrily," Stop irritating me. Nothing is wrong with me and I don't want to know either if something is wrong for real. So, stop this nonsense right now."

He slammed his hand on her table angrily and she flinched a little.

After a second he realised he got angry on her.

Krish," I am sor"

She ran to her bathroom before he can complete what he was about to say.

Krish," Please listen to me. I am very sorry. Please come out."

Sona," I don't want to talk now. Just go from here."

Krish slammed the door but she didn't came out.

Krish," I didn't realize at that time. Please I am sorry."

Sona," No! Just go! You have never talked with me in loud voice and today you shouted because I showed my concern. Just go."

Krish," I will break this door if you don't come out in next 5 seconds."

Sona," I am not taking to you. I will not come out till you go from here."

Krish," Yes you are talking with me and I will not go. I am counting till 5 and if you don't come out then I will not be responsible for this broken door."

Sona," No!"

Krish," 5..4..3..2 I am breaking it."

Sona," No you are not."

Krish," One! Here we go."

He went little back so that he can go with a speed and break it with a force. We all know force is directly proportional to acceleration and he too knows. It's practical.

As he hit the door with his shoulder he fell down on floor as door was already open. She didn't locked it. She was earlier standing with her back resting on door which he misunderstood as locked. And when he started counting she stepped at a great distance from door so that she cannot got hurt.

Krish," Aaahhh!! It was not locked."

Sona," No!"

Krish," Help me stand."

Sona," Help yourself."

Saying this she went out from bathroom. He came out.

Krish," Why didn't you told me before that it's open?"

Sona," You didn't asked."

Krish," What if my bone got broken?"

Sona," It didn't. You seem to be fine. And you didn't fell from 10th floor just some feet only."

Krish," So caring right?"

Sona," You don't like my care. You get only irritate by it. So, from now on I will not care for you. Just get lost from here."

Krish," No! It's not like that. I didn't mean that. I am sorry."

She switched off the lights and fan of her room and went out. He followed her.

She went to her mother's room and said," Mom I am going to library to return a book."

Saying this she left. Krish was about to go behind her but her mother stopped him.

Her mother," What happened Krish? Did you both have fought?"

Krish," Not exactly! But she's angry for me and not listening to me. I have said sorry many times."

Her mother," Don't go after her. Give her some time to think and sort her feelings. You know her she takes time. If you go after her just now she will not listen. Talk with her in evening."

Krish," Hmm..okay..."

He stand there thinking something for a minute then asked her," Can I take her out for a dinner tonight?"

Her mother," Yes you can if she agrees to go by herself. Don't ask me ask her."

Krish," She will not say yes easily. Hmm... She will not return from library till evening and when she returns tell her that her cousin has visited and she wants to meet her tonight at restaurant. She will directly meet her there as when Sona was in library her cousin went to mall for shopping. Send her there by saying this and rest I will handle. I will message you the name of restaurant and time."

Her mother," Okay! All the best."

Krish," Thanks"


That's all for now...

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