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Some weeks passed.

Krish's powers were increasing as time to full moon night was decreasing.

Sona was noticing all but she didn't said anything. She knows Krish will not agree. Krish was not paying any heed to any of this.

To be honest he knew strange things are happening with him and he has started getting little nervous but he's playing cool.

Sona was thinking what to do but she was not getting any idea.

It was break time. Most of the classes were over. Sona went to canteen and started thinking again while waiting for Krish. He was stopped by the professor for giving him lecture to improve himself in story in order to get pass in exams.

Her pov...

Why is this professor taking this much time when he knows Krish is not going to listen and concentrate on class but will get pass by studying at last moment. I know it's wrong and he should study from start but now I am with Krish. Situation is different. His need to give his undivided attention to himself. To changes going with him.

1 thing is common in all the scenes that have happened till now. When Krish's eyes changed its colour and his nails grew crazily.

Everything happens when he get angry. He changes when his emotions overflow like sadness or excitement and when he get angry it's at peak.

2 days ago when he got sad because he got punishment of not stepping outside the house and I went to a college's trip which didn't lasted for more than 2 hours as bus broke down on the way. When I returned I saw him whimpering in his room alone with his eyes changed. He was not sad because he didn't get to go or he was sad because he was not with me.

There is one boy in college who he thinks flirts with me and he don't likes it. But it's not true. That boy don't flirt with with but is the only one boy who dares to talk with me.  Well if we see accurately some of them thinks I am bookworm and not so cool type.That's why they are not interested. Others who get interested in talk stay away because of Krish's fear.

Leave it... What was I thinking? I always get off topic. Yeah why Krish was sad. He was sad because he will not be able to protect me from that flirt and what if by chance I became friend with that boy? Haha! He's so cute. My little cutie wolfie!

I am again getting off topic. Yeah! Focus Sona focus. So, the main point is he triggers with change of emotion.

I need to make him angry. It is a strong emotion. But how? Hmmm! 

Should I make him jealous? No he will break that boy's bones. Well what if he brake bone of someone? Why should I care?(You are mean girl!)

Well let's make it a plan B. For plan A, I should consult Tara. She has done PhD in irritating her brother.

She must be somewhere here only.
(Tara is doing M.sc and Krish and Sona are in their final year of B.com)

Yeah she is coming.

Pov ends...

Sona called Tara to her table. Tara excused her friends and came to her.

Tara," Yes baby doll! Tell me what's new.

Sona," Well! I need your help."

Tara," Ask your Romeo! He will gladly do it."

Tara got up but Sona stopped her.

Sona," No! I can't! I need help regarding him only."

Tara," What happened? Need to persuade dad? He again got fail or forgot assignment?"

Sona," No!"

Tara again spoke before she can tell," Wait! Don't tell me he's getting kicked out from college?😏😜"

Sona," Noooo! Big no! Let me complete and don't say bad things about him."

Tara," Alright! Alright!🙄"

Sona," Yeah so, umm I want your help in making Krish sort of angry."

Tara," What? You want to make him angry! YOU! Why?"

Sona," Yes me... I want to irritate him."

Tara," Irritate! Say clearly that you want to prank him!"

Sona," Well! Yes that one."

Tara," That one!🙄 Leave it babes. It's not your cup of tea."

Sona," Tea? I am not drinking tea! I have not ordered tea and haven't opened my tiffin yet. I am waiting for Krish."

Tara," And everyone say you are intelligent!😒"

Sona," I am intelligent.😠"

Tara," I can see that pretty girl."

Sona," Just help me. Don't make me feel bad."

Tara," Okay okay! First tell me why do you want to prank him?"

Sona," Tell me what to do. Leave unnecessary little details."

Tara," Those little details are must in order to design a successful plan."

Sona," Well! Umm!😰 I have a bet with one of my classmate who you don't know that Krish can never get angry on me or can get irritate by me. So, I said no he can."

Tara," I don't buy this excuse. You very well know he never and you understand reason too. But for sake of my own entertainment I will help you."

Sona," Okay..Thanks!"

Tara," He is coming. We will discuss at night after everyone sleeps. Bye!"

Sona," Bye!"

She went and Krish comes and sit beside Sona.

Krish," What was Tara doing here?"

Sona," We both were planning our date behind your back.🙂"

Krish," Haha! Very funny!"


That's all for now.

Well no need to think I am stretching this story aimlessly and slowly because in next part you all will see👇

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