🌓 Rogue Cliché 🌓 1

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Let's start from the beginning.


The Rogue finds a Home.


"Find her!" His scream was a howl—the threat of it wringing the fear from those around him.

The eyes of uncertainty, for they did not even know where to begin.

"Now!" He barked as he found their lag bothersome and deplorable.

"Yes sir!" The several males before the leader barked in response before they rushed out of their hideout, a temporary one not too far away from the city. They rushed hoping to catch the scent of the lost female.

Silver eyes, glimmered in the darkness, the cold eyes glared at one of the moons, the one that was closest to them. The moons, all of them, seemed to sneer at him. They were making fun of him, snickering at him at the misery that was his life.

Still out of all of them, the one that shined the brightest; the one that spoke of fairies that lived on the moon gently smiled at him. The smile was unwanted in the eyes of the male.

The alpha male wolf did not believe in fate nor destiny. No, life was what he made it to be. Cause and effect of what came from the choices he made everyday willing or consciously.

There was nothing more capricious and cruel than made up lies. And lies were plenty in the planet he lived in.

He scoffed to the air, no one to hear him, but for everyone to hear.

"Where are you..." This was quiet though. Spoken into the mysterious air that surrounded him, he allowed a minuscule amount to show.

In a moment, a glance, a timid moment, a weakness showed, his voice softened into one of worry.

It was a very rare moment, rarer than the rarest thing in the universe.


Long legs took long strides smoothly and with ease. As he walked with a bop to his steps, the male hummed lightly his ears moving together with the bumps of his mood. It was a wonderful day, the sun wasn't beating down on them, and the gentle winds that passed through the trees were soft on his skin.

His lithe body moved smoothly, his muscles having memorized the pathway from the numerous time he had spent and gone on this path every  particular day.

Freshly bloomed herbs and plants that he found on his way and a little way off were plucked with a gentleness, his song of the day being hummed.

Seokjin Kim was a half, only able to achieve half form. The wolf, whose close acquaintances called him Jin, never really cared for what others thought or what it meant to be a half, not really. He was just happy with himself, he couldn't help but be happy with it because—well—look at him. He was easily the most beautiful being in the universe and he was naturally a happy-go wolf that nothing really brought him down.

He uplifted himself on the thought that he was beautiful—physically and internally.

The only thing that did bring him down or could damper his mind was his brother—younger. The older male was not an Alpha as he usually should be as he was the first born but he was not because he was a half. That didn't matter though—to Jin, what mattered was his younger brother—a true Alpha wolf—no, the Alpha wolf of the Nova Pack. To Jin what mattered was what his younger brother thought and what he could do for him.

So far, nothing much.

Seokjin did his best though. The wolf was accepted into the Pack easily, despite being half human and unable to morph completely, because he was naturally a well-liked person. When he was younger, Seokjin did his best not to be a bother to his younger brother who would have to fulfill the role as Alpha. The only thing he wanted was to help his brother, and not be nuisance, because his younger brother of three years was his anchor and the only family he had—the only one that mattered.

The current Alpha of Nova Pack was an unconventional leader and wolf, but he was the perfect one to be an Alpha. The many young wolves that came to train under him, at Nova Pack hidden in the Morrap Mountains, was a testimony to that.

All Seokjin wanted was for him to be of help for the younger. Also not to be of nuisance or for the older to have to rely on the younger as everyone else did, because his younger brother had enough on his plate. That's why, Seokjin studied in medicine, and made sure to understand folium and how to harness the natural resources around them. He was not the doctor of the Pack, but was important and valued, and not because he was the Alpha's brother.

Seokjin made sure that it was because of himself. He didn't want needless rumors of him being accepted because his younger brother was the Alpha. He had his own pride but it was mainly because of the backlash his brother would get. Even if it was he who made the mistake, or fucked up, his younger brother would be getting blamed or criticized.

Seokjin continued moving down his path, straying elsewhere if he wanted to. He had explored enough that didn't easily get lost. It was only when he heard and smelled something unusual, peculiar as it did not belong in the Morrap Mountains.

Seokjin stopped to look up. He closed his eyes before sniffing the air.

The male moved closer and closer, his nose in the air, his hands getting sweaty at the excitement. There was no reason for him to be so excited but he was. When he moved the shrub in front of him away, he was met with...her.

She took his breath away, the scent of  strawberries with a light floral tint. It was refreshing against the heavy scent of wood and rocks.

She howled, growled, but no matter what he kept coming closer. Despite the hostility in her voice, he could not help but find her voice pretty.

He kept getting closer to her. It was as if he could not stop his own body from moving. Although the threat was present, the threat of her teeth in his neck, Seokjin could not stop his movements, his feet movign closer to her, but slowly.

Back, back!

The female wolf barked. She growled and threatened, knowing his scent was similar to hers. He was not human, she knew that, but there was something about him that did not make him...completely wolf, in the sense. When he took another step, she snapped her feriocious jaws but she did not get the reaction she wanted, despite the threat. Yet the weak smelling male wolf came closer, his disgustingly attractive face coming closer to her. She didn't understand why he looked and smelled so good, not when there was no need for that.

"No!" The female wolf, with an aromatic scent coming from her, seemed to scream at him. She sounded scared but also intimidating at the same time.

Seokjin was stubborn and he could not help but stay and deny the female wolf the satisfaction of his obedience.

"You're hurt, let me help you." He cooed to her hoping to soothe her very stressed self. The male could tell, her fur risen above in alertness, in fear and also fight response. Her canines were threatening him yet he could not find himself to cower in intimidation.

"No!" Even though she threatened with a growl, the pain was evidently too much, as whimpers escaped her lips.

Seokjin's heart ached for her, but it was mainly because of his healer heart. Mainly because his soul naturally sought to help other, and to see someone, her, in pain, he needed to help.

"Please let me help." He crouched lower, his hands low to the ground and knees now digging into the ground below him. "I can help. I'm not a threat."

Her eyes were narrowed on him, and she kept it on him until she was forced to close her eyes when a pain shot through her entire body. It forced to freeze.

Female wolf could not help but howl in pain as she was forced to morph back into her hairless form, her nakedness peeking. Her body had become too weak to maintain her wolf's form and had resorted to return her to her human form. Soon she was naked in front of a male wolf, wounded and vulnerable. She hated that even more and abhorred being naked, but there were other thing that alarmed and distracted her. She knew now that she could not feel her fingers, but only the throbbing of her bleeding cut that seemed to radiate the pain to the rest of her body parts.

It hurt. Her body arched and she wished to cry and whimper out loud but she forced herself to push herself to be stronger.

The smell of blood and poison was much more clear to Seokjin as she was naked. Still the male couldn't help but admire her form, but he was quick to divert his eyes back to her face. And keeping his eyes on her face was easy. She was much too beautiful that it was easy for him to focus on her face and not the delicious body of hers, thin but well built.

If Seokjin wasn't so taken by her beauty, he would have gasped and realized that she was more hurt than letting on. Instead he took a step forward, his feet instinctively going toward her in silence because of her beauty.

"Go away," she groaned as a sharp pain shot through her thigh, still profusely bleeding. Her heightened healing abilities were dull, slowed like a humans. The female wolf clenched her teeth as she covered herself as best as she could while trying to stop the bleeding.

The male finally snapped out of his dazed state, scolding himself to stop googling at her naked skin.

"Uh..." hurriedly he took his outer robe off, the fluffiness his choice anytime of the year. "Here..." The male wolf with ears, slowly inching close, came near enough till he could push the robe to her. "I'm Jin. Please use it."

The loud beating of his heart, the nervousness, the pace of it was not one that alarmed her that the hurt female took the robe. She took it but she did so cautiously, careful to touch and handle it, as if it could have dangerous weapons concealed in it.

"Go away." She felt dizzy. Everything seems to warp and move in lightning hyper speed. Until all was black...


When she woke up, everything was a terrible blur. This time though it was different, it was not the strange unknown rocky mountains that she had awoke earlier in the day, or days, she did not know. Slowly her eyes adjusted and she woke up from the heavy slumber that had taken over her body. Her body...which was sore, and burning, but from before, it felt much better.

Shaking her head, she tried to focus on what was important.

"Let me go!" She screamed, her voice still hoarse. She was parched. She did not know how long it had been since she had a drink of fresh water. But more than thirst, it was the ache in her body that alarmed her.

"I'm sorry I can't."

"Let me go!" She flinched as a loud clank rang in the holding cell. Something had fell to the ground, but she did not know whst. It wasn't a cage but it was the same, the room had no windows except small sliding window that was attached to the solid metal door.

"I can't...not until..." he flinched at the hatred filled glare from the female wolf. He didn't want to be looked at like that, not from her. He wanted to let her free, and take that atrocious looking shackles off form her ankles, but he had no power, not here. He had rules to keep, and the only one who could let her go was the Alpha.

"I say so." The deep rumble of the Alpha's voice came into Jin's ears.

Jin was interrupted, and when he turned at the familar boice, he found his brother standing tall, his shoulders squared and long legs taking strides to reach the door before opening the heavy doors easily. It had never been locked. That fact, showed the female wolf that they were not scared of her. They were alarmed but they had confidence in their Pack and their territory. These wolves were not normal. Something about that stood them apart form other Packs.

The female wolf, staggered back, her feet limping quickly as possible to move away from the wolves that now entered past the bars that had separated the room in half. The Alpha entered the room, his scent and aura intimidating her with each step. It was thick and heavy. As he stepped closer, with the wolf that she knew as Jin behind him, she realized that she preferred to be alone in a locked room. This wolf...was not to be trifled with. She could feel his strength, and she could feel the suffocation that came from his blood calling for her to keel and submit.

"Who are you..." She was cautious to ask, trying to keep her voice neutral, but the obvious manner of holding himself told her that he was the Alpha. Not just any alpha wolf, he was the Alpha that controlled this Pack.

"Me? You should know...also, I'm the one who will be asking questions." The Alpha spoke, with a snappiness in his tone, and Jin knew the Alpha was not on the best of moods. Something other than the female wolf had pushed the Alpha to his current mood. "Jin, what is this?" He asked without turning to Jin, instead he kept his eye on the unknown female wolf.

"I-I...Namjoon." He blinked as Namjoon glanced at him once he could not answer properly. Jin sighed. The Alpha was in a really bad mood. "Alpha, she was hurt."

"I see that." The Alpha has noticed the way the older stepped back and he forcibly tuned down his aggression.

It was not Jin's fault for his foul mood and it was wrong of him to take it out on Jin, who no matter what was older than him and for bringing a female wolf who was hurt, even if she was unknown wolf in his Pack. She had been hurt, their code followed that they provide the hospitality and care a hurt wolf required, even certain humans applied to this rule. The Alpha sighed, a deep and heavy one, something all Alphas of Packs had.

"You—begin with your name." When Namjoon—this Alpha—spoke, his Alpha voice was unlike any compelling command she had ever heard.

"It's rude for someone to demand ones name without sharing theirs." Soo—that was her name—wasn't sure where she got the courage to go against such a powerful Alpha but she did. In a way, she guessed that it was because she was used to it. Although this one...this wolf was undeniably alpha material.

Namjoon growled, a grimace forming. He didn't appreciate the diminishing tone and rudeness of her words.

"Tone down, wench. You're in my Pack. Unstated and unmarked by any Pack Mark—do not think you will not be harmed for hostility against me."

"Namjoon..." Jin took a step forward, but stopped when Namjoon shot him a glare. He knew his place, and Namjoon was just reminding him that upon matters regarding the  safety of the Pack, Namjoon's words was law. "I brought her here, she was hurt—dying. She needed medicine. And there was a rabid bear chasing after us."

"Jin!" Namjoon had warned him many times before about going out without previously informing him. "What did I tell you about going out to the hunting areas? Alone?"


"Alone?"Namjoon looked at him with disbelief. Seokjin was not even a very good liar. "Don't lie to me. I know for a fact that Jonas, who was asigned to you had not accompanied you."

Of course, since he had been busy with a female in town instead.

"I...I'm sorry."

"Tsk, it was one day, I went out to check the cliff side, Jin, and you bring an unknown female wolf to our inner headquarters?" His voice was deep but it was softer when it was directed at Jin, who apologized again. Jin looked down at his hands, because he knew that bringing someone to the inner most part of their headquarters was dangerous. This was their place of refuge in an emergency. It was the last spot where all the Pack members scattered on the Morrap Mountains could come to, the caves also served that propose, one just as this cave that she was put into.

"But...I couldn't leave her, Joon."

"Jin," Namjoon let out a frustrated sigh. He was now just tired. More than angry, Namjoon was tired. "The females are going crazy at the smell of an unknown female, you know that female wolves, even Lunas who come to visit must receive permission from the she-wolf association."

Usually it was the Luna's acceptance that would be needed, but as there was no Luna in position, it fell to the she-wolf association.

"I'm sorry. I just..." Jin lifted his head to look at the female wolf. She was now clinging to the rough sides of the wall and met her wary eyes. He felt so bad, but this was the only way to ensure her safety. "I wanted to save her. I had to save her. I'm sorry."

"What's done is done."  Namjoon sighed.

There was nothing else the Alpha could do. Nova Pack's Alpha could not throw her out, not when he knew she had been injected with poison specifically made to poison wolves, and that Jin had saw her and saved her in their Mountain. As a wolf, Namjoon had a duty to care for the she-wolf. It was a part of a wolf's code and he as Nova Pack's Alpha had to adhere to that.

A knock interrupted them.

Both males turned around, it was a tracker, one of their best too. 

"Alpha." His sharp eyes took the scene all at once but never took his eyes off the Alpha. Soo noticed how he never even truly glanced at Seokjin. "A moment."

The Alpha nodded, "I'll be out." He turned back to his brother and the unknown female. "This will continue on a later time. Give her the necessary check up on her wounds, and come out, Jin. Immediately, no dawdling. Water is sourced from potable spring water, you may drink that. Once the poison is controlled, feed her. Not before."

Seokjin nodded, and watched in silence as his half-brother left, his steps echoing in the cave and his own ears.



Seokjin quietly wrapped her wound up, but she noticed him flinching at her words. It was probably because it was about his Alpha.

"He's stuck up isn't he." The female grumbled. She had not meant it for it to be so loud.

"Do not—you do not have to submit." Seokjin had known that she did not like to submit, thus not deciding not to, but he needed to remind her that this place held the Alpha's words laws. It was especially more important since she was in Morrap Mountains. No matter, whether or not it was good or not. The only thing that kept Seokjin from disavowing his Pack and Alpha was because their Alpha was who he was. "But, Namjoon—our Alpha is not one you can trifle with."

"I will not kneel or bare my neck for him just because he is an Alpha." She growled.

"I-I...that's not what...you have to understand. You're not particularly welcomed here." Although he welcomed you personally, but he didn't tell you that. "Partially my fault since I brought you here without his permission."

"So you need his permission to save someone, to help someone." She scoffed. She was incredibly attractive even when she was scoffing. "Aren't all packs required to be hospitable?"

"Yes," he nodded, "but if the Alpha deems them unworthy...and there's tension going on with the packs right now, and the humans...it's just bad timing."

"So you're saying I'm just bad timing?" Soo was almost insulted, but she kept her tongue still since she had no reason to be insulted.

"No! I..." Seokjin paled but relaxed when he saw her face. He looked at the healing wounds, noticing the color of blood. The poison was near gone, but she was still healing as if she was a human, when she was not. He went back to her dressings and finished up. "The poison is almost gone, I'll be back with food. Is there any allergies we need to know about?"

"Allergies? Aren't I your captive? Why would you care about someone you want to kill?"

"No! No one will kill you." Seokjin shook his head, as if the thought itself filled him with dread. "No one."

She watched him carefully. She waited for anything that could indicate false words. Much to her disappointment, he had been telling the truth.

"Will you tell me your name?" He timidly asked, waiting for her to respond. "Please...my name is Kim Seokjin..."

Soo paused. Finally after a long impregnable silence, she answered.

"It's Soo. You can call me Soo."

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