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The smell of petrichor is strong in the room. An earthy aroma lingers all around and permeates my clothes. It's as if I've bathed in lumps of coal, ready to ignite myself on fire.

Grabbing the salve with my bare fingers, I scoop the mixture into a glass filled bottom. The pink tinged mixture glows slightly before it settles down and fades to a lovely Quartz Pink.

"This will sell wonderfully in Aine's shop. It's nice on the eyes. Even if it is for Genital Herpes."

My fox snores away, ignoring my babbling as I stock up on different salves and potions. Aine isn't the best at making them. She's got the brewing version of two left feet. It's almost always a miracle when she's in the brewing den and doesn't end up catching people on fire.

I let out a sigh as I put the quartz down.

"I guess I had better go and report to the King."

Every inch of me wants to stay curled up by the window as it pours with rain. Unfortunately, I already know I'll have someone banging on my door if I don't show up of my own accord.

The heavy doors of the grand hall loom in front of me. I push open the sturdy piece of wood and wince as it creaks louder than the protests of my tired legs. The hall was rather grand even when everyone knew it held more drama than valid royal decrees.

The King's folk were awfully dramatic in their dealings.

Tall arched windows allow sunlight to spill through and make the marble floors gleam. The King's castle was awfully posh. I feel too out of place. Everything is much too regal.

King Malleus meets my eyes from afar. The man is perched on his throne at the far end, his face one of brooding and sternness like always. The King was surrounded by a minister and some of his advisors. The usual prissy King folk.

I nearly freeze in my stride as I catch sight of Kier.

Oh. Kier.

I'll pretend as if the mere sight of him doesn't send my heart into a frenzied dance. Not the good kind either. It's more like I'm about to vomit my heart right out in front of everyone.

Kier stands there as cold and guarded as ever. His eyes concealed but I can feel them piercing completely through me.

I take a deep breath, mentally reminding myself that I need to stand strong. This isn't the time to get overly flustered by a wolf who has much emotional capacity as a rock that my familiar pisses on.

I had an important task to take care of. I had information to deliver and my feelings had no place in this grand palace.

But ugh, they still crowd my thoughts and every inch of me.

"Your Majesty, I have rather important news to share with you," Luckily my voice stays steady.

The King leans forward, his interest piquing.

"What have you discovered, Althea? You may speak."

I glance at my mate, harbouring no questions about the bond. His gaze causes goose bumps to erupt onto my flesh.

I have to resist from shivering while also sticking my tongue out at him. I know it's petty but his stubbornness irritates me.

"I have strong reason to believe that someone is working on the inside. There's a mole who is leaking information at the most. They could be behind this whole thing and have ties with my mother. They were seeking shadow root along with the information. That is a very dangerous combination."

Malleus leans forward, his hand reaching up to scratch at the stubble on his face.

"That does seem dangerous. Do you have any proper evidence?"

I mull my words over.

"I have a friend at the Shadow Bazar. She said that a few members of the guard came asking for potions that she didn't have access to. They wanted to acquire shadow root."

The Wolf on the other end of King Malleus shifts albeit slightly, his gaze heating.

"I have already informed King Malleus regarding this," His voice hits me like ice.

"Your information is redundant."

Seriously? Redundant? I bite back the retort on my tongue.

"Well good for you Wolf. It's nice to see that we're somewhat on the same page for once." I don't let my voice show it but I feel the irritation crawling up my throat.

Why is the man always like this? We're supposed to be freaking fated mates but he always acts as if I'm annoying. Like a petulant fly buzzing in one's ear.

Calm down, Althea. You don't want to smite anyone in front of the king.

Just smile and wave.

King Malleus looks between the two of us, his eyes narrowed but not in a mean way. Almost as if he's up to something.

"We should take this seriously. Kier. Althea. There must be some truth to it. No one would impersonate a member of the King's guard. They have no reason to. Althea, do you have a lead as to who might be the mole?"

I shake my head, hating that I couldn't get down to who it was. I suck at getting information out of people.

"No. But I have a strong feeling that it's someone high up. Someone who has access to sensitive information," I try to sound more certain than I am.

Kier must sense this as he lifts his head, dismissal in his voice.

"Feelings are not evidence."

Anger rises within me and I can't help the sharp words out of my mouth.

"Oh is that so? Because I thought cold suspicion was the new decisive evidence."

The sting from his words at the bazaar clearly hurt deeply. His lingering stare while I talked to Aine unsettled me then and I'm not pleased with it now either. He obviously didn't trust me with this task.

Great. Just great. I showed everyone just how hurt his words made me.

The King clears his throat, raising a hand to make us quieten down.

"How about we stop bickering and focus on the facts," His voice is awfully soft.

"Althea. I think I've got another task for you. We need someone to go undercover. There's a tavern in town. It's a well known drinking hole for the King's folk and those who associate with them. It's a bit more well to do and you might just get your information from there."

"Undercover? As what?" My face nearly blanches at the thought, revealing how much I absolutely detest the thought of pretending to be someone.

I am frightfully crap at acting.

"A barmaid. We've got a few contacts there and they'll be able to get you in, no questions asked. You'll be able to blend in easily and gather any insightful information."

I nod. Not pleased but accommodating. My eyes involuntarily flicker over to Keir.

I might butt heads with the gorgeous man but I do hope he gets assigned with me.

"Kier. You can continue your investigation within the castle walls. We need eyes and ears stationed here as well."

Well, there goes my hope.

"No issues. Your Majesty," I try to hide my disappointment.

Hopefully, none of them catch on.

The King is quick to dismiss us and I'm all the more quicker to rush out of the place. I don't ignore the fact that Kier is walking beside me. It's not as if he alerted me to his presence, the man is as silent and brooding as ever.

The damn bond doesn't let me forget. It's an indescribable heat that flows through my veins whenever he so much as looks at me.

Even now, I can sense his eyes on me. Nothing I can decipher but sending me into a frenzied mess nonetheless.

"We need to talk."

My voice is blunt and surprisingly, Kier doesn't question me but instead, follows along.

We quickly move to my quarters, the comfort of my room grounding me and sending delight through me. My familiar lays sprawled on the bed, his tail twitching lazily. Lifting his head, the fox narrows his eyes and gazes at Wolf with suspicion.

"Come in."

I notice the way Kier hangs around uncomfortably. His eyes take in the various potions and books that are scattered throughout the room.

I'm clearly no clean freak.

"Your abode is... interesting."

I snort at his words.

"Thanks. I think. I actually wanted to show you something."

I gesture for him to follow me. I head over to one of the books already splayed open. Picking it up, I rifle through the pages.

"What are you doing?" The man approaches me. Equal parts uncomfortable but also intrigued.

"I want to try and do a reading. Maybe it could help us get an insight into our current situation."

I wait for sounds of protests but I'm taken off guard to hear nothing from him. He looks incredibly skeptical but sits down.

"I'll do a tea reading. Maybe it'll help me understand some aspects about you. Considering that we're working together now."

I don't add in the part that I want to get to know why they ell he acts like he has a stick up his ass.

Kier merely nods before he flicks his hood off with one swift movement. My mouth grows dry and heat pierces my chest.

Words die on my tongue and I busy myself with the tea leaves.

He doesn't utter a word but sits across from me. I watch in fascination as he reaches out to my familiar. To my amazement, the kitsune allows it. He rubs his nose against Keir's fingers, nuzzling into his hand.

A soft purring sound escaping his chest.

This was startling.

"It seems like he likes you," I muse as amusement creeps into my voice.

Wolf looks surprised.

"What's his name? He doesn't really let anyone near him."

Warmth pools through me. Colour me surprised because I've never seen Kier show interest in anything so far.

"His name is Sora. You should consider yourself special."

Grabbing the now warmed cup of tea, I hand it over to Kier making sure not to touch his skin,

I don't need those damn sparks distracting me.

"Drink this but leave a bit at the bottom. I'll be able to read the leaves then."

Kier keeps his eyes locked with mine as he takes the cup. A moment stretches between us as the air starts to charge up. Unspoken words remain on the tip of my tongue. Too scared that he'll run away if the silence breaks.

Kier takes his time as he drinks the tea but doesn't linger. He leaves a bit at the bottom as instructed and deftly hands me the cup. Taking the now cooled cup in my hands, I swirl the leaves and focus as the pretty patterns form.

"Let's see what we have here then."

I feel the air shift as Kierleans forward, skepticism clear as day on his face. The leaves settle into a strange yet intricate pattern.

"This- this is interesting."

"What does it say?" Questions Kier.

I peer further into the leaves, purposely amping up the intrigue but also trying to make sense of the symbols.

"There's a connection. It's obviously linked to you. But the connection, it's desperately trying to form. However... There's a wall. A barrier that's preventing it from forming."

"A barrier?" The wolf's eyes are narrowed and I can tell his suspicion is increasing.

"Yes," My voice drops to a low tone as the whispers of the reading beseech me. It almost puts me into a trance the way the leaves dance around and murmur their true meanings.

"You're blocking the connection. Whether you realise it or not."

I can practically feel Kier stiffening across from me.

"What else does it say?"

I circle my finger over the lip of the cup, letting the leaves settle as their meaning rings true.

That's it. The confirmation I wanted.

"There's conflict. Tension. But... there's also an underlying deep desire."

My eyes flicker up, latching onto grey ones. The man stares back with a clenched jaw, eyes hardening.

"This is completely ridiculous."

My own eyes narrow as I feel the sting of his words.

The truth for one is a reckoning for another.

"Is it? Or are you just scared to face the actual truth?"

It's a simple moment but the two of us merely stare at each other. The air is thick and crackles until Kier lowers his gaze, looking away from me.

"I didn't mean bad by it. I only meant well," Kier's words are so soft, I barely hear them.

"What? What do you mean?"

Am I hearing things or is Kier actually opening up?

"I didn't mean any harm. Not to you. It's just-" Kier cuts off and looks down at my kitsune.

Sora pretends to sleep but I can feel him letting out a soothing aura.

I'm too stuck staring at Kier to say anything as a strange mix of emotions courses through me.

Is this him showing that he's not the worst? Even if it is in his own weird cold and distant manner?

I go to question his motives but a knock sounds at my bedroom door.

Maybe it is for the best that I was interrupted. It might've led to Kier shutting off again.

"Yes?" I call out only to see one of the King's staff poke their head through.

"The King requests your presence, Ms Althea. He stated that he would like to brief you regarding your next task."

Ah yes. The undercover mission.

"I'll be right there."

I stand up and watch as the man leaves as fast as he came.

"I guess that's it for now."

I make sure to add the remaining words. I hope he knows that there'll be more to us than mere glances across the hall. Which is worse for me because I can't even see him under that damn cloak.

Kier follows my movements and stands up. His face back into its unreadable mask.

"You should be careful, Althea. The Drunken Huntsman isn't a safe place."

"Don't worry. I can handle myself. Besides, I'm sure Sora will give me some company. He can deal some damage."

Kier's eyes switch to the kitsune who stares back at us unwaveringly but with keen interest.

"I know. But it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Of course. Always."

My smile is small as I leave my room to head back to the grand hall.

Kier parts ways with me and disappears. Probably going to the cave he sleeps in like a damned caveman.

I clear my throat as I enter the grand hall. Nerves swirl in my stomach but I can't help the partial excitement running through me.

Sure, pretending to be a barmaid at the Drunken Huntsman will probably lead me in a world of trouble but I'm sure it'll be fun in its own ways.

Won't it?


AN: Keep your eyes peeled for the following update

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