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The change in the air is all one needs to know to recognise that the forest is coming to an end. The cloying atmosphere that hung on the ends of branches and tips of leaves, encompassing each pore in the human body suddenly letting up, dissipating into thin air.

The black magic only finds home in the surroundings of the forest, squandering deep inside but almost as if it refuses to step out and into the rest of the world.

Thankfully we had left that behind us all now, and with the lighting of the sky from dust to dawn, we were traipsing on the outskirts of the Old City, crossing farm holds with people either still nestled into the warmth of their beds or just rising to face the new day.

A thin layer of frost accompanied our footsteps, untouched before we came and traversed all across the road, dew forming at the soles of our shoes as sereine rain trickles all around us. Not a cloud in the sky but that doesn't stop darkness from surrounding us, blanketing us in.

Wrapping the cloak around me, I glance back at one of the warriors who gave me a spare on the behest of the King. I had even reached down to pluck my fox into the folds of my covering but one sharp look from my familiar had me halting in my steps and nearly falling flat on my face in front of everyone.

That would have been a whoopsie indeed.

"We're nearly there!" An excited whisper rises from beside me.

The young man named Ezra was quick to befriend me, tagging along and trying to make small talk.

I appreciated the effort but I find small talk absolutely ghastly.

Something I told him only for him to question;

'Who talks like that?'

Quiet murmurs of appreciation rise from the small group as I lift my gaze from Ezra to the sights in front of me.

My eyebrows raise of their own accord, eyes keenly taking in the way we cross past a thick wall and wrought iron gates with prongs as thick as me in diameter. Sweeping my eyes passed the gate that lies ahead, I smile at the feel of the smooth path fading away into cobbled stone streets. A bazaar of sorts opens up to my left and a plethora of houses springing up all with lanterns at a dim, barely causing the smooth stones to glint in the light.

"We can cut through the market, no one will be up. It'll be much quicker but just in case, Brutus, William. Scout ahead. I don't want any civilians getting any wrong ideas."

The King's command is stern and clear, the two warriors scuttling off after apt 'yes's' as we trail after them.

We walk on in silence as we have during much of the trip although I don't mind it, too intrigued by the Old City which I have only gone a handful of times before. Mostly when I was but a child and when my mother wasn't threatening to kill me. Or me her if I'm being honest.

The warriors certainly know how to do their jobs as we cross through the market with no one in sight. Weaving through the back end of stalls and through side alleys, I soon notice we aren't marching up the front steps of the castle as I imagined.


Instead, I could tell we were skirting up a hill where the great monstrosity of a building was built, going from the back rather than the front.

The draconian-esque castle rose in high turrets almost as if spirals were shooting out of every corner. It most certainly is intimidating in the little light that beseeches us. A true castle is what I would call it but not out of a nice cute fairytale, it seems more like what stereotypical vampires such as Dracula would be seen crawling in.

Shivering at how cold the castle looks, I'm pleasantly surprised when the King moves past us and towards a small gate covered in overgrown moss and creepers. Pushing the latch aside, the King motions us through, still keeping a keen yet inconspicuous eye on me.

Entering into a back garden, I preen in delight as I catch sight of all the flora around me, a gasp nearly rips past my lips but I manage to reign in my excitement. I can tell this garden was somewhat forgotten but still as beautiful as what the rest were like, I'm sure.

Rosebushes cluttered around in floral beds along with chrysanthemums and lilies. Large trees surrounded the boundary walls almost as if shading everyone inside. A small bench sat next to the flowerbed and a pond stood in one corner, slightly elevated and covered in dark stone wet to the touch.

"This is the back garden. It isn't used as much but it's still pretty tight with security," Ezra informs me to which I nod.

I would be a fool to think that King Malleus would leave any place unprotected in his castle, especially since there have been whispers floating around about him meeting his mate.

If that were true, trying to break into the castle would be a suicide mission, maybe even breaking out.

My Kitsune and I share a tentative look, knowing this might be a bit trickier than we expected.

Keeping all my senses on high alert, I follow after the King while being aware of the previous two warriors so easily flank either side of me, watchful. The hulking man who outmuscles even the King stands behind me, taking everything in at once.

I can tell nothing gets past him.

The back garden opens up into a dark and dreary tunnel, a stark contrast to what lies outside.

At least on a sunny day, I would imagine.

The tunnel is covered in a greenish stone and brackets hang at every few intervals with lanterns casting eerie glows across anyone who weaves past them.

I don't realise how long we've been walking for but I can feel the ache in my legs, almost numb as the pain spreads past my hips. My stomach churns silently for lack of food and my eyes are heavy with sleep but I still can't say I'm a hundred percent occupied with thoughts of a warm bed and hot food.

My eyes dismally look forward before I crane my head backward, trying to see behind Brutus and Will, seeing if maybe I can catch sight of a shadow that is 'shadowing' too well.

I wonder where he wandered off to.

The tunnel stretches out for what feels like miles with corridors branching off at random ends. We pass by all of them no matter how intrigued I am by the various sounds being expelled from the cavernous corridors.

Soon enough, the muted thuds of the King's footsteps cease abruptly as he nears the end of the tunnel we're in. A thick oak door stands in front of us with metal bolts so thick it would probably take an immense amount of strength to merely open the door.

The King doesn't waste a second, opening the door through which the sound of women's voices filters through.

"He's very good looking for a human. You can tell he's just all man-"

Murmurs of agreement spill through after the first voice speaks up causing the King to grumble under his breath, forgetting all about me as he practically launches his way into the room beyond. Ezra follows suit, leaving me behind.

I glance wearily at the door before turning around to the two warriors who stare hesitantly back at me, not sure what to do either. The large man that accompanied us without saying a single word does much the same.

"How about you scurry along to the barracks and I can just let myself in," My soft voice nor does the fluttering of my lashes help me out, instead the two men give me weird looks before shaking their heads and standing closer together, trying to barricade me inside.

Grumbling under my breath, I curse my dead mother for not letting me interact with anyone outside my coven. Being raised by women doesn't help much when it comes to trying to flirt your way out.

I probably looked like I was trying to get some dirt out of my eyes.

With a low groan, I throw my shoulders back and practically skip into the great room beyond. My eyes take a few seconds to adjust to the place only to realise it's a huge hall.

The throne room considering the large throne that sits in the middle of it.

Great deducing skills, Althea.

Scanning the room, I put two and two together as I watch Ezra rush over to a rather petite woman, nearly breaking himself in half as he swoons all over her. Next to the couple stands another woman, taller and fiercer, almost causing me to feel self conscious.

The King and one other woman stand to the side, coiled around each other and it is her who I put all my focus on.

The Queen to be.

The rumours were not unfounded after all.

The woman is beautiful and regal while also not appearing as if she has a stick up her ass, much like her mate. She stands almost at shoulder height with her mate, tall and exuding confidence. Her brown hair coils around her shoulders, framing the softness of her face from which two piercing grey eyes cast over me, attentive but full of intrigue.

I go to speak but pause, not sure if the Queen will understand what I am trying to say.

"Holy shit," Ah yes, the Queen is well versed in the same language I am.

"My name is Althea, It is nice to finally meet you, my Queen."

Clasping my hands together, I bow my head as a sign of request, not too keen on the way the wolves throw themselves to the ground in a matter of symbolics.

If I get down on my knees, I won't be able to hoist myself back up.

"Likewise, Althea. But please, call me Fie."

The Queen motions for the other two women to step forward and introduce themselves all while I try my best to appear as respectful as possible.

I briefly notice the big sturdy guy from before waltzing past me and rushing to the remaining woman in the room that isn't wrapped in their mate's arms. My smile is polite as I go to greet them, mimicking their own appraisals but something in the corner of my eye has my halting in place.

I can almost feel my stomach heart dropping straight to my ass, my stomach clenching uncontrollably all while my head swims. I can feel my blood levels dropping as does my smile which slips completely off my face. Taking multiple steps backward, I falter in my steps while zooming my eyes in on the creature on a course directly headed for me.

My breathing falters as pure dread runs through me. I can hear buzzing rise up all around me, murmurs filled with absolute horror only for me to realise it was me.

The mumbled sound of uncomprehension flowed over me as I stare head on in a deep daze, scared out of my witts.

"C-cat," I finally manage to splutter out.

I don't bother to look at the Queen, eyes glued on the animal barreling towards me while destroying everything in its path.
"I'm so sorry, I completely forgot but don't worry, she's harmless. Just a kitten," Queen Fie speaks up as she scoops the animal covered in fuzzy black fur that covers it completely except for its vivid green eyes.

The Queen backs away, trying to show me the kitten is far away from me but I still can't focus on anything but the sharp fanged creature, nearly recoiling and heading back into the tunnel as it meows and lets out a light pink tongue.

I take a few moments to compose myself, slowly edging closer but still a safe distance from the dastardly animal.

"I'm sorry about that," I mumble while not feeling sorry whatsoever.

I will smite that devil creature when I get the chance.

"I'm Asha. Head Advisor to the throne. My mate Apollo joined you on your journey."

The big hulking man who doesn't say a word still stays silent, stocky, and lips pressed in a firm line as he wraps his arm around his mate. The woman in question stands taller than her own mate, decked in a vibrant yellow dress that brought out the dark colour of her skin. Her skin is completely unblemished with deep brown eyes and jet black curly hair wrapped in a matching headwrap. A silver necklace adorned her neck and multiple ruby rings on her fingers.

The woman was stunning.

"I'm Rui. War General to King Malleus."

The third woman in the room was tiny. Small for who I would assume to be a warrior. A War General at that.

I grin tentatively, already knowing I'll like the petite woman who reaches my shoulder, eyes a deep grey with striking black hair to match. I know that I shouldn't take her lightly as her almond shaped eyes capture every single move of mine, friendly but cautious.

As soon as we exchanged our pleasantries, Queen Fie speaks up and cuts the awkwardly thick tension in the air.

"How about all of you get settled into your rooms and we can discuss everything after you're all freshened up?"

I nod, quite liking the idea and wanting nothing more than to step into some fresh water to relieve myself of all the mud and sweat attached to me from our journey.

Rui takes Fie up on the offer, telling everyone she'll show me to my room. I barely understand my trip, the odd twists and turns up different staircases and intricately decorated hallways caused my mind to reel.

I'm not taken aback but somewhat attracted to the ornaments displayed. From the ornate vases filled with fresh flowers sat atop stone tables, rugs displayed here and there, showcasing the expensive wooden flooring underneath.

What catches my eyes are the various paintings adorning the walls with thick gold tinged frames with unique carvings.


I bet that's worth a pretty penny.

Rui doesn't speak much but her company is enjoyable, nonetheless. There's something about her that appeals to me. I don't know her well enough to say it's her personality but something about her catches my intrigue and I'm not sure what it is.

It doesn't take that long, only a minute or two's walk before Rui stops in front of a door. With a flourish of her hand, she gestures for me to enter.

"This will be your room. I'm just across from you. You're not in the same wing as the King and Queen but I'm right here if you need me. I'll come to fetch you when dinner is ready if you'd like?"

I nod at her words, "I'd like that, thank you."

I know she's probably sticking to me to analyse each and every move I make but I don't mind, expecting this is what would happen.

Just as I open the door, I feel something brushing against me; the familiar comfort already letting me know my fox has had a thorough search around the premises before sniffing me out.

Rui startles before a glimmer of amusement flashes on her face.

"I nearly forgot about him," she muses to which I shake my head.

"My familiar will stay out of the way, don't worry."

Rui merely shakes her head, before taking her leave after a quick goodbye.

Entering the room, I let my fox run past as he goes straight for my bed, curling up right at the foot of it. The room is magnificent and bigger than anything I've ever seen. A king sized bed sits smack dab in the middle with plushest pillows. The colour scheme runs light and is a nice takeaway from the darkness I'm usually surrounded by. The decor is minimal with a dresser and mirror in one corner and two sitting chairs with a small tea table set up in the middle.

Stepping further into the room, I preen in delight when I see the wide windows overlooking the garden. Closing the door behind me, I rush over and take in the rain speckled French windows, no balcony but a nice alcove with more comfy cushions and a seat for me to sit and admire the view that greets me.

Not wanting to sit on anything in case I ruin it with my clothes, I settle for staring out the window, mesmerised by the gentle rain giving nourishment to the rich green garden below. I can practically feel the flowers and trees glowing with happiness, ecstatic at their daily dose of rain.

So deep in my wonderment, it takes me a second to realise the soft chuffing sound escaping from deep within my familiar's throat. Glancing at the animal, I watch the way he's sat up in alarm, head pointed at the door almost as if urging me to go.

With a confused frown, I start towards the door when an unfamiliar feeling over takes me.

A sensation deep within my stomach rises and my heart throbs, not in a painful manner but something that urges me towards something.

My frown only grows deeper as I approach the door, my heartbeat gradually growing faster and faster as I clench the doorknob. With one last encouraging nod from my familiar, I yank the door open only to come face to face with absolutely nothing.

"What the heck?" I mutter, confused.

As if on its own accord, my head snaps left, peering at the end of the corridor. My gaze sharpens as I see a blur of shadow as the person takes a right, disappearing into thin air.

Gnawing on my lower lip, I slowly close the door while turning back to my familiar. The fox merely gives me a long look before curling back up again.

Something tells me I know who it is what with the black shadows and silent footsteps but I can't figure out why.

This certainly doesn't help my curiosity but it might help me since curiosity can kill that darned cat.


AN: Hi everyone! I know updates are a bit slow but I've got my final exams. Yikes I know lol but after this I'll have a load taken off my plate. Just bare with me for now!

Question: Do you like the buildup in stories or do you like stories that just cut to the chase?

Please remember to:


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