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I wonder if anyone's thought of making tea out of despair.

My mind is rife with different thoughts as I walk through the corridor with Kier beside me. The only sounds were from my footsteps echoing off of the walls.

When we reach the heavy oak door, Kier pushes it open and steps inside without a look back. King Malleus already sits there, seated at a long weathered table that looks like it's held more secrets than the weight of books. For a fleeting moment, I feel like a school child in front of their teacher.

The thought is absolutely ridiculous because I've never even been to school.

Kier stands like a phantom besides me. Eerily still as if the discipline of a hundred ghost soldiers reside within him. I try to mimic his posture while fighting the urge to fidget.

The King's presence is commanding as he watches us with calculating eyes, taking in every detail. Kier is serious and solemn even though I can't see much behind his hood.

There are no signs of the playful banter and strange connection that we've started to form. Even if it is one sided. Instead, the weight of what we just uncovered settles on to me.

"Your Majesty, we recovered these from the remnants of the old mill. There is evidence to suggest that someone from within is involved," Kier's tone is formal as the mask of duty sits firmly in place.

Much like it always does.

The wolf takes the box from his arms and places it on the table, displaying the contents inside it. Everyone made sure that the shadow root stayed within the safe confines of the box.

Malleus sports a grim expression as he nods. He rifles through the yellowing albeit crisp paper.

"This confirms a lot of my suspicions," His voice is measured as he looks down at the table, "The coded messages and maps clearly point towards something far more sinister. It doesn't appear to be mere treachery."

Before any of us can answer, the door creaks open. Kier stiffens as two figures enter.

The War General and her mate. I've seen them briefly, even though I've made several attempts to get close to my mate's sister. Regardless of the War General's title and job, the woman is sweet and a sharp distinction from her brother.

Ezra smiles as bright as ever as he wanders inside. His features resemble Queen Fie much to her mate's annoyance. The two cousins were close but Fie still enjoyed her silence when Ezra wasn't around.

Rui follows behind her mate, her face composed and serious as ever. There was a clear contrast between the two mates but there was a certain ease to their match. Ezra's joyful and carefree demeanor balances Rui's unfaltering focus.

Ezra plops himself into a chair with no hesitation. It clearly aggravates the King as Ezra leans into the chair as if he owns it.

"Where's Fie? Still completely shattered from all the wine she chugged last night?"

King Malleus stares at Ezra with a look that combines the fragile nature of exasperation and an unfortunate unspoken admission of truth. Clearly, Ezra isn't completely off of his mark.

"She's resting. It was a long night," Malleus states in a clipped tone.

Malleus' opponent chuckles as he clearly enjoys himself.

"Right. I'm sure it's the wine. That's what did it."

Rui shoots Ezra a warning glance but it was obvious she put up with his antics. Malleus, on the other end, only seemed to tolerate Ezra's annoying banter of love for his Queen and large dollops of long-suffering patience.

Malleus ignores Ezra's words and instead turns his attention onto Kier and I.

"The two of you need to lay low for a while," Malleus instructs with a steady voice.

"Your recent activities have more than likely attracted some unwanted attention. We can't afford any slip ups. Keep a low profile but I need you to focus on these."

Kier motions to the documents that have taken home on the tabletop.

"Kier, you can decipher the messages. Rui, work on the maps and figure out what they're planning to do with them. Althea, I'll need you to inspect this shadow root. You're the only one out of this inner circle that can."

The mere thought of shadow root makes my heart skip a beat. Wolves were increasingly vulnerable to its effect. But as a witch, I was the only person in this room who could handle it without hurting myself seriously.

The task was dangerous but necessary.

"We'll handle it," Kier stated, no nonsense in his words.

The King nods, satisfied.

"Good but do remain cautious. There's too much at stake."

Ezra leans forward in his creaky chair, generating all the attention in the room to flit to him. The jester breaks the tension with a wide grin as he motions between the two of us.

"So. The two of you. How's this whole 'undercover operation' going on? Making new friends?"

I can't help but smirk at the irony of it all. Kier and I friends? The idea was laughable but an itching in me decides to play along.

"It's been very... enlightening. Kier is just full to the brim with charm and social grace," I cast a glance at Kier who slowly turns his head towards me.

Kier focuses his stare onto me, gray eyes just peeking at me through the hood. He remains silent but chooses to ignore Ezra's precise prodding.

The man in question leans forward placing his elbows on the table. His grin widens as he motions towards the two of us.

"I'm not surprised. Kier has always been known to be the life of the party."

Rui nudges her mate gently although a smile plays on her lips.

"Leave him alone. Keir's focused and everyone knows that. Still, it's good to see you two working together."

Something in Rui's tone makes me pause. The woman is usually so serious and disciplined but there was still a warmth in the way she addresses me. It's as if she knows something. Her eyes are incredibly perceptive, years of being a General honing all her skills.

Ezra latched onto the opportunity, not heeding his mates words.

"Mm. I'm sure they're getting along swimmingly. Two peas in a pod and all. Am I right?"

Kier narrows his eyes at Ezra but doesn't say anything. The man's smart enough to know not to argue against Ezra. It was a losing battle. Kier is just as perceptive as his sister and knows how people behave. You can tell from the way they talk and carry themselves. They exude an energy that's unexplainable.

Kier seems to realize that Ezra was just fishing for a reaction, and he wasn't about to give him the satisfaction. He simply sent a signal that he was in no mood for silly games.

"We're just two undercover friends," I answer Ezra's question while batting my eyes at Kier. The man's lips twitch as if he's desperately eager to say something but also values his own peace of mind.

"Huh? Friends. That's new. Kier doesn't usually partake in the whole friendship thing. You must be special Althea. If it were anyone else, he'd already be telling the King he can handle this all on his own."

Shock courses through me as Rui speaks up this time. I half expect Ezra to be mimicking Rui's voice but the gentle gaze with which she looks at me causes me to fumble. The insinuation hangs in the air and my previous thoughts appear to be correct. A blush creeps up my cheeks. It's a feeling I've never felt before.

Even Kier stiffens up as his jaw tightens just slightly.

"Don't let Ezra get to you, Althea. He's just trying to get under Kier's skin."

"Not that there's much to get under," Ezra mumbles through a fake cough.


Kier's warning is enough to get anyone to shut up in their place.

"Fine. Have it your way. I'll behave. For now," Ezra mutters as he slumps into his chair.

Silence reigns and Malleus takes it as his go ahead to dismiss himself. It was clear he didn't want to stay any longer than necessary and wanted to return to his wife. It was early hours of the morning and everyone knew Queen Fie wasn't an early riser.

I wonder if the man in my life will feel the urge to never leave my side. Would I ever get a chance to feel the irrevocable love that mates hold for each other? A side glance towards the man besides me holds more questions than ever.

"That settles this then. Report back to me when you have something solid. Ezra. You just try to keep out of trouble."

Ezra mock salutes the king.

"Of course, Your Highness."

The man closes his eyes, summoning all the patience he's got stored in his body. He merely nods his head and walks out without another look back. The King practically sprints his way down the tunnel.

I make my way towards the documents, perusing them in better lighting than at the old mill.

"How long do you think I have before Malleus realises I'm definitely going to land myself into trouble?" Questions Ezra as he stretches himself out like a feline.

Rui rolls her eyes.

"He's probably already expecting it. I think he's resigned to it by now."

Ezra clambers to his feet as Rui shifts from her side next to him. She glances at her brother but doesn't say anything. Instead her gaze shifts to me.

"Be careful, Althea. We've got dangerous enemies. If you ever need help, you know where to find me."

Ezra hums in agreement as he swings his arm across his mate's shoulders.

"Although I'm sure Kier wouldn't let that happen in the first place."

Ezra and Rui leave but not before the former throws a not so subtle wink my way.

Silence hangs in the air and I can feel the weight of Kier's eyes pressing down on me.

Hmm. The room suddenly feels ten times smaller.

"So," I start out with a scratchy throat.

"I bet deciphering codes while looking just as mysterious is your idea of a good time?"

Kier tilts his head in question, no words leaving him but I see a glint coming off of his eyes. Almost as if he's very- very- mildly amused by my words.

I look down at the maps and decide it's better if I grab hold of the shadow root.

Maps and I have never gotten along.

The darned things always had it out for me. I remember clear as day when I went off to find some Lunar Moss. The map kept changing courses and instead of a pretty glade, I found myself stuck waist deep in a rotting swamp that made Shrek's swamp seem like the Ritz Carlton.

I remember holding back home smelling of rotting fish and toad bites in places I wish they had never discovered.

I ruffle some papers, wondering how to carry the shadow root vials without gaining suspicion.

"Better than chasing after you."

My heart skips a beat at the implication. I would've been offended if someone else had said it but... Kier. The way he chooses to say certain things...

"Fair enough."

For some reason, his words leave me more ruffled than I'd like to admit.


AN: Not sure why I struggled with this chapter so much. I rewrote it like three times. At least it's here. Please give me any tips or pointers where you feel this chapter could be better. Maybe it's missing something?

Question: Which colour do you think has the worst personality? Why?

Please remember to:





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