James Lucifer!

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Ah, that two day old mischief making monster. He's wonderful isn't he? James is uh, hard to explain. He's neither good nor evil. But isn't exactly neutral either strangely enough. The kid's crazy, bottom line though.

A second picture of him:

Here's his form:

Name: James Lucifer

Age: 16 (two days old)

Gender: Male

Species: Demon/human hybrid

Personality: James is one of those unpredictable, clever, and slightly insane boys with a whacky personality. He's mainly friendly, but in his own devious way. He's also very reckless, but very loyal to the allies he makes.

Looks: blood red hair, sky blue eyes (demonic red when angry),Black leather jacket, black casual t-shirt and pants, hidden demonic wings

Whose side is he on?: Hell

Weapon: Flaming sword.

Abilities: He can control and use fire however he pleases. And also, he can can't telport (with distance limits of course).

Backstory: He was created for some unknown reason just a couple of days ago as far as he's known. His uncle is apparently the late great Lucifer himself. But oddly, nobody knows who his mother or father is. Was basically sent off to fend for himself half clueless of what's around him.

Weakness/es: He's apparently extremely vulnerable to holy water and Heavanly light (as the cliche apparently goes)

Why this side was chosen: He quotes: "Hell, why not Hell? It's the one place I can have the most fun!!"

More: Believes that he's on a mission to save his fellow demonic people from some sort of total doom. But because of his total carelessness, he slacks off rather a whole lot from his supposed 'mission' thinking that he has his entire lifetime ahead of him. And, he thinks that the voice inside of his head is very helpful (but obviously more insane than him).

Have fun with this fella. He's more than just hand full. Want to roleplay with him? You don't have to at all though (warning: don't).

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