Lucas Walton:

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He was my very first roleplay character next to some other guy I had before I knew how to roleplay. Currently dead in idontgiveone's werewolf roleplay. But, as my first roleplay character, he's never truly dead. The top image also comes from what -Dreamspark created.

Here's his relative form preview:

Name: "I am Lucas Walton."

Age: "Twenty one years old, go figure."

Gender: "What? Just because I have long hair doesn't mean I'm a female you idiotic person."

Species: "I'm a werewolf man."

Sexuality: "Heterosexual, otherwise known as straight."

Personality: "For starters, I'm a nice but protective guy for my women. I dislike anything evil and am very stubborn. What more do you need to know?"

Weapons: "I own a set of twin silver katanas and a couple of pistols. Maybe a rifle or two and that's it."

Bio/Backstory: "I'd rather not say much about my past here."

    Well, there's Lucas for you. You're welcome. So far, that's already quite a few characters. Let's keep going. Want to roleplay with this guy? You don't have to, this is just a book of my characters after all.

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