Samantha Sparks:

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    I suppose you could say miss Sparks is insecure about her looks. So she hides behind a mask. The bunny ears represent  her personality and her past. The suit represents her father, who had recently been assassinated in the same colored suit. The bandanna would represent her rebellious nature, as well as her older brother who suffered a more bloody fate by gang violence. And the katana represents her desire for revenge. Her glowing golden eyes are a sign of light, hope, and humanity still left in her.
    She's complicated, and is apparently a fire elemental child. Combine that with her need for revenge and her skills with a katana. You have trouble on your hands.

    Her form in a nutshell:

Name: "Sam, nothing more." (Samantha Sparks)

Age: "That's for me to know, and you to never know." (17)

Gender: "I'm guessing you think I'm cross dressing or something." (Female)

Species: "Human, that's it. (Fire elemental mutant human)

Personality: "wouldn't you like to know?"  (Normally quiet, often keeps to herself but not anti social. As regular Samantha, she's actually quite sweet, but quite sarcastic and occasionally insecure about herself. She uses her alter ego "Suicidal Sam" as her exit point for rage and such. She's sensitive as well but tries her best to be honest and gentle.)

Sexuality: "No comment." (Unknown at this point)

Weapons: "You're looking at my weapon now." (Her fire capability if you count that as a weapon.)

    Work with her alright? This is just how Samantha is. She means no true harm to any good individual. Everyone else  is better off already dead to her. Wanna roleplay with her? You don't have to. This is just a characters book after all.

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