Chapter 4

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We both slipped our pants back on when he suddenly pressed me against the wall. When we heard dogs barking but this the hunter wasn't alone he had an alpha with him. When they came straight at us. I pushed him behind me when I seen the alpha with him was my biological fathers brother my uncle. He froze when he seen me.

"You just don't know when to quit do you?" I growled ripping my bandges off.

"David please your already injuried." He pleaded I glanced back putting my finger to my lips.

"I heal faster then you." I said, shifting into my wolf form.

"Come on kid I don't want to hurt you just move." The hunter pleaded.

"Sorry I can't do that he's my mate you know what length I'll go to protect him." I replied when he fired a shot and I caught the bullet between my fingers. When he fired another right at Jewel I ran jumping in front of him making it hit my chest.

"David you bastard are you trying to kill him." He snapped clutching me in his arms as tears seeped from his eyes. My uncle knocked the gun out of his hand as he was about to fire. I took advantage of it picked him up and ran off. Jewel pulled my head down making me stop when I started caughing up blood. I fell on top of him weasing it was becoming harder and harder to breath.

"David! Don't you dare die on me you can't! You promised we'd spend the rest of our lives together so you can't die!" He sobbed holding me in his arms.

"Please don't hurt him." I heard him pleaded. When I seen my uncle.

" Don't worry I'm not going to hurt him or you. He ovisiously cared enough about you to take a bullet for you and that's enough for me." He assured him picking me up.

"Come on he needs medicial attention if you want him to live." I heard him say before I blacked out.

When I regained coniciousness I was laying on a bed. I lifted my head when Jewel jumped on me sobbing hugging me.

"Babe please your hurting me." I whinced. He jumped back kissing me all over my face.

"Don't you dare ever scare me like that again you have any idea how close that bullet was to hitting your heart." He sobbed hugging me I chuckled. I looked up to see my uncle standing in the door way.

"You've got a pretty devoted partner there he refused to leave your side the entire time." He informed me. When I noticed he had passed out on me.

"Ya he's worth taking a bullet for." I said kissing his head. When my uncle motioned me to follow him. I got up placing him gently on the bed and walked over to him shutting the door. He hugged me.

"I'm sorry I should've never let him fire his gun it's my fault you got shot." He whispered barring his head in my shoulder.

"No it's not I'm the one who chose to jump in front of his bullet not one made me do it. Besides we're family I can't get mad at you especially for something you have no control over." I replied, he lifted his head smiling.

"You might be your father's son but your the polar opposite of him. Which makes you a way better alpha." He said, putting his head to mine.

"If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask." He said, I nodded. I walked back in when in and gently picked up Jewel and walked out. My uncle walked me outside when I seen my biological father about ready to walk in. He dead stopped when he seen me. He had a woman a little girl and a young male not much younger than me with him. It discussed me. But I paid him no mind till the little girl pulled on his sleeve.

"Daddy why does he have the same markings as you." She asked, I just ignored it.

"Thanks again for pulling the bullet out. Keep in touch I'll see you later." I smiled giving my uncle a slight hug.

"Now you be careful on your way home and make sure to take it easy till that wounds healed I'll be checking in on you and your partner." He said, giving me a hug I chuckled.

"Okay uncle I'ma hold you to that." I teased taking off into the woods. I ran back home, I jumped threw the window and laid him down on my bed and covered him up when I noticed my biological father outside. I jumped out the window.

"Well its nice to see you all grown up." He said, walking over.

"Cut to the chase why'd you follow me?" I asked.

"What is a father not allowed to see his first born." He replied.

"You honestly have no right you threw me away like I was trash and wanted nothing to do with me. Like I was nothing. I grew into the man you see in front of you not because of you but because of the amazing people who raised me. I might be your son but I don't even know you. If you think I want to you now your funny. I might have been taught to be kind but in your case I'll make an exception." I growled.

"I understand your anger towards me but I'm still your father." He replied.

"If you really are my father then where were you when I got shot by a hunter. It was only inches away from my heart I almost died. You weren't the one who saved my life uncle did and to make matters worse is you threw me away only to have another son. So I don't want to hear that from you." I said, realizing my cheeks were stained with tears. I took off in a spit of anger and let out a huge roar when I knew I was far enough away so I won't wake Jewel up. When I finally got it all of it out of me I ran back home and jumped back in threw the window to find not my mate but an empty bed. I started to panic and used my wolf sinces. My father came in my room after I took off. I jumped out following his scent back to the building.

"Give my mate back!" I snapped when my father walked out. The next thing I know a chain wrapped around my neck but I was in no mood for this shit so I grabbed the chains snapping them. When an elder came out.

"Majasty you said he was a rouge this male has your markings?" Hes asked.

"No he's just embrassed to addmitted I'm his first born son." I informed the elder turning to him he froze when he seen how much I looked like my father.

"I didn't know he had an older son?" He asked.

"Well probably because he threw me away. Big mistake I'm the one who inherited his markings making me his stupid heir." I informed him when uncle walked out with Jewel. He smiled when he seen me and smiled running over to me.

"Thanks uncle your the best seriously I was about to rip him a new one if you hadn't brought him out." I smiled hugging Jewel when he pulled away I cupped his face kissing him all over his face. He giggled.

"Well he shouldn't have been trying to medel in your life to begin with your not a kid. Now take him home and get some rest." He said, I nodded picking him up I ran to a cave because I started getting tired. He started a fire so we could keep warm. He crawled on top of me putting his head on my chest I was running my fingers through his hair when I suddenly heard Max and Catlin.

"David?" I heard her yell.

"Over here sweetie!" I yelled she ran over with her friends. When Jewel flashed them a smile.

"Sorry baby did I startle you." I said, kissing his head.

"Shhh it your the one who needs your rest. Hey. Sorry he got tired so we took a break." He exclaimed she smiled sitting down.

"It's fine ma was just wondering where he was." She said, when Jewel lifted his head and started unwrapping my badges. When my uncle scares the shit out of me when he set a first aid kit beside him. I jumped hitting my head off the wall.

"Damn that hurt don't do that you scared the shit out of me uncle." I said, laughing he chuckled.

"Well that's what you get for not paying attention after I'm done cleaning it I brought some deer meat. I wasn't sure when the last time you ate. You need to keep your strength up if your going to heal properly bud." He assured me smiling ruffeling my hair playfully.

"Thanks uncle your the best." I smiled, till he started gently removing the goz revealing the bullet wound in my chest that already started healing.

"I know bud just bare with it I got to clean it so it doesn't get infected." He said, softly Jewel placed a wooden handle in my mouth so I could bite down on it. When they were done they badged me up.

"Okay all done you did so good I'm proud of you." He uncle smiled bumping my fist.

"What happened?" Catlin asked.

"This guff was walking through the woods and accidentally wondered into the game lands and got mistaken for a buck. Luckily he had Jewel with him and I happened to have been with the man who shot him. So I was able to get the bullet out and patch him." He informed her handing me a container of deer meat. I was in heaven.

"It's not my fault there weren't any signs up." I replied.

"David seriously only you would manage to wonder into a game land thank God you weren't by yourself." She joked, I chuckled.

"For real that bullet was literally inches away from my heart if he would've left it would've probably killed me." I informed her.

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