A Mirrored Reality

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Emerging from the other side of the eerie portal, setting sights on the emblem of the Twilight Realm had a mixture of differing emotions flow through all three of the Hyrulean and Gerudo beings. Hatred, caution and hope were only a few that flowed through them along with relief. When Zelda glanced to her companions her eyes flew open in horror to find Link was gone.

"Link? Where is Link?!" Zelda gasped glancing around as pure dread began to set in her heart, clutching a hand to her chest she took a few deep breaths. Panicking wasn't going to get her anywhere and she let her eyes close praying to the goddess of Link's safety.

"Ganondorf is no longer among us either." Marth stood beside her, watching as Ike walked further ahead clutching his sword tightly in his grasp. The Prince felt Zelda move beside him, quickly changing his focus on the Princess who glanced to her hand, watching sadly at the pulsing Triforce.


The Prince turned to the mercenary curious to know why the man's voice seemed so hesitant and vexed. The prince let his eyes widen before he gently patted the Princess on the shoulder in attempt to gain her attention. Zelda furrowed her brow when Marth refused to look her way causing her to glance over her shoulder to see several Twili soldiers pointing their weapons at the sudden intruders. But, they were not the ones that held Zelda's attention, it was the woman smirking warmly at her.


"Long time no see Princess." Midna greeted, motioning for her people to lower their weapons before she approached the Hyrulean Princess.

"Midna, it is so good to see you again." Zelda smiled, grasping the taller woman's hands in hers, admiring the exquisite Twili markings on her body that never ceased to amaze her. But she was not here to gawk, the curse was still binding and Zelda was a little startled to find the Twili unharmed. Midna seemed to sense her distress and rose a brow in concern.

"What's going on?"


Link was panicking, pure utter anxiety flooded through him, materializing through the portal to find an unconscious Gerudo King and no Princess of Hyrule had Link was pulling at his hair. Despite knowing Zelda was more than capable of looking out for herself, Link couldn't help but hope Ike and Marth were with her. That thought seemed to allow Link to calm his heart for a moment and gander a glance to the Gerudo slumped against the wall. The Hyrulean knelt beside the hulking figure, placing a gentle hand over the man's forearm, biting his lip in concern as the curse pulsed beneath his fingertips. Link glanced at the man's face, flicking the red lock that had escaped the tight knot of hair to dangle over the King's eye over Ganondorf's ear. Link had never really taken notice of the Gerudo's features before, probably due to the huge male continuously trying to kill him, but now that he was somewhat peaceful the Hero was able to focus. His beard rough but well shaped brightened the darkness of the man's skin, smooth but wrinkled, no doubt from the constant scowling. Link let a small smirk appear at the thought, unconsciously laying a hand to the man's bearded jaw. The Gerudo's brow thick and despite relaxed still held a great deal of intimidation. Under the dark lashes were the ominous yellow irises that never failed to cause a shiver to pulse down Link's spine. The Hero flickered down the man's mouth, plump and shaped with a natural down curve caused Link to frown in response. When the Hyrulean glanced back up to the man's eyes he found them open staring unexpectedly at him. Link froze when he realised where his hand was placed and found himself too shocked to remove it. Ganondorf seemed just as stunned and continued to stare at the Hero before he suddenly furrowed his brow and motioned to stand. Link's hand fell from the man's jaw and quickly joined him quickly catching him as Ganondorf stumbled. The Gerudo grunted pain shooting up his arm into his head before pulsing over his body.

"Are you okay?" Link asked eyes wide with worry, slinging the Gerudo's arm over his shoulder. Ganondorf was about to nod but his eyes found his hand enlaced with the Hyrulean's. Petite was the word that entered his mind and Ganondorf was quick to shake his head removing any thoughts that involved anything to do with the Hero of Hyrule and shook off the boy's help.

"I am fine. I do not need your help." Ganondorf spoke through clenched teeth, attempting to ignore his rapidly beating heart. Diverting his gaze from the one ocean pool of Link's eye Ganondorf glanced down the corridor. "Let's get going."

Link bit his tongue stopping whatever concerning words he had assembled as Ganondorf began to walk, stumbling as he went, alternatively the Hero silently caught up with the Gerudo, asking a simple question instead.

"Where to?"


"This place looks familiar." Link furrowed his brow, unable to pinpoint what was wrong. He recalled his journey through the Twili Palace and this particular room had the Hero confused. It was everything he remembered yet everything was wrong. "But it's all back to front. like it's been mirrored."

"What?" Ganondorf ceased his movements, spinning to face the Hyrulean. "Mirrored?"

"Yeah, I could be wrong but something is definitely off."

"Zant." Ganondorf seethed as he gazed at his cursed arm.

"You think he did this?" Link feathered a touch to his ear, causing a small pulse to run through the dark lines.

"If I'm right and I usually am." Ganondorf turned to continue ahead. "Your Princess and the others should be on the other side of the mirror."

"So we find them?"

"We find where the mirrors overlap, hopefully, the Princess has figured out what has happened and is waiting for us."


"A mirror reality?" Marth questioned the extraordinary Twili woman. "How is that possible?"

"I don't know, but I felt a strange presence not too long before you showed up. Perhaps that sensation was the mirrored reality."

"So how do we find them?"

"First we must find where two realities overlap then we must find the source that enabled this to happen."

"I do not think Zant would give himself up so easily." Zelda clasped her hands together.

"Zant?" Midna almost snapped, hearing the Usurper's name set the woman on edge. "What has that traitor got to do with anything?"

"It seems he has some influence with the problem we are faced with."


"Link believes the curse has traces of Zant's magic," Marth informed the Twilli leader.

"He was disposed of," Midna shook her head, waving her hand. "Zant is nothing but dust."

"Then how do you explain Zant's presence?" Ike rose a brow in challenge as he crossed his arms.

"You say Ganondorf is working with you." Midna gave her visitors a stern gaze. "Are you so sure he has told you everything?"


Link strolled beside the Gerudo King, a little weary in the silence. He knew Ganondorf was a man of few words but the unspoken tension between them was causing the Hyrulean to feel agitated. What was going through the Gerudo's mind? Link noticed a flicker of emotion come and go and the Hero wondered perhaps if Ganondorf was thinking of the strange but warming touch of Link's hand. The Hyrulean's cheeks flushed lightly at the thought, diverting his eyes when Ganondorf glanced at him.

"What is it, Hero?"

"Nothing, nothing I just-" Link didn't finish the sentence when the lights suddenly diminished, snuffing themselves out leaving the two in darkness.

"Your lantern Hero, get it out."

"It ran out of oil." Link muttered, patting down is satchels at his waist, sighing when he lifted out an empty bottle, having thought it was brimmed full with the slippery liquid. Link furrowed his brow as Ganondorf made a noise of disappointment and placed his hands on his hip. As he adjusted his position his shield jutted a little banging against his sword causing the Hyrulean to quickly unsheathe the Master Sword. The blade glowed dully within the darkness, allowing a small of amount of light to cut away at the shadows. Link lifted his sword towards Ganondorf and found himself distracted with the shining yellow irises of the Gerudo. Ganondorf was a little too close for comfort, his face had it not been for the sword would have been inches from Link's own which caused a small shiver to cascade down his body. The jewel on the man's forehead sparkled in the light of the sword and the Hero was tempted to run a gentle touch over the gem. The temptation almost instantly left when the larger man moved away, gazing down at the sword. Sensing a little hostility towards the weapon Link moved the blade away letting it light the hall before them. A low, sickening screech echoed through the corridor like a sudden gust of wind flowing by.

"That was not natural," Ganondorf spoke heavily, brow furrowing in suspicion.

"Zant." Link breathed out breathlessly unconsciously shifting closer to the Gerudo King. "He's here."

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