Adventure Begins

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Samus sat beside the infirmary bed, gazing at the sedated wolf, and cursed herself for being such a fool. She was an intergalactic bounty hunter and she froze over a bigger than average sized wolf. She had killed thousands of creatures ten times more frightening than a wolf, ten times as deadly and much larger than the beast sleeping peacefully before her. The wolf or, Link, she should say, had few and many visitors over the following two days, ranging from the pink blob that was Kirby to Mario the plumber. Link had been visited by Ganondorf at least once, while Zelda checked on the boy almost every hour. Ike and Marth came and went as they pleased, the mercenary more so than the Altea prince.

"When do you think he'll wake?" Samus asked Zelda who was lightly stroking his fur, her fingers flowing smoothly through the thick hair.

"The sedation should wear off soon," Zelda rose from her spot. "I must take my leave. I have business to attend to. Please have someone fetch me if Link wakes before my return."

Samus nodded, smiling as Zelda bowed to her. The bounty hunter still found it strange that her friend was so well mannered, royal and extremely polite. Ganondorf was much the same, despite his attitude and goals, the huge man was a king and he was taught how royalty should act. Link, the village inhabitant, however, was nothing like the two. Yes, Link was incredibly polite and friendly, but his table manners were atrocious, challenging Wario to burp contests, talking with a mouth full of food and in general just having fun.

A knock on the door had Samus escaping her thoughts as she called out.

"Come in."

"Ah, Samus, you're still here." Marth appeared at the door with Ike close behind. "How is Link faring?"

"The same." The woman sighed. "Asleep."

Samus let a mighty yawn pass her lips that caught Marth's attention.

"Perhaps you should retire to your room. Ike and I will stay by Link's side."

"Are you sure? I can-"

"-Off with you. I'm sure Zelda will return shortly."

"Thanks, Marth." Samus bid the two farewell and headed to her quarters for a much-needed nap.

"I didn't know he could transform," Ike spoke out, analysing the markings on the beast's forehead once again. It was clear as day Link was no average wolf, its features far too exquisite to the average animal.

"I was told from Zelda that this form proves he is the chosen hero of Hyrule. I dare say anything would escape Link's excellent senses."

"Why didn't he tell anyone?"

"That Ike, my friend, I'm not entirely sure."


A low groan had Ike swinging his head to the bed where Link lay. Marth had left hours before, having been called for an urgent matter leaving Ike alone to watch over the cursed hero. Ike was warned that Link may not be himself and to take extreme caution. The mercenary held his sword tightly, rising from his seat, circling to the end of the bed. Ike let out a much-needed breath as the familiar blue eyes fluttered open and locked onto his.


The wolf glanced down to himself and let out an annoyed huff checking his back, tail, and paws. He turned back to Ike and let out a whining howl. Ike let his sword slacken and cautiously knelt before Link.

"You can't speak?"

Link shook his head, nudging the mercenary out of irritation. Ike sighed heavily; he should have anticipated this. Link leaped from the bed and wobbled slightly before standing strongly on all fours. Ike's grip suddenly tightened on his sword, watching as the wolf paced in its place.

"Perhaps we should go to Zelda?"

Link's ear pricked up at Zelda's name and nodded eagerly, following Ike from the room before bolting past him, bounding at an incredible pace leaving Ike chasing behind. Link bounced around the corner and crashed into a lithe body. He let out an apologetic howl as Zelda laid shocked beneath him. Link moved away, whimpering, bowing his head low in apology. The princess merely rose, patting herself down before linking her arms around the wolf's neck, her face tickled by the soft fur.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

Link nuzzled the woman's head, causing Zelda to smile gleefully before she turned serious, removing herself from him, standing with her gloved arms crossed demanding an explanation.

"Now, what on earth happened at the stadium?"

Link glanced to the side in guilt and refused to look back, not wanting to be on the receiving end of the wrath from the Princess of Hyrule. Zelda was about to scold Link before Ike came sprinting around the corner, skidding to a stop.

"There you are- Oh, Zelda." Ike bowed to the woman; his breath slighted ragged.

"Ike." Zelda smiled warmly before turning cold once again. "Ganondorf will want to see you, Link."

Link's eyes widened in alarm and protest, shaking his head violently. Zelda grasped the wolf's ear reminding him of Midna and his head instantly stopped.

"Who knows more about dark magic than Ganondorf?" Zelda spoke. "Now come, he may have the answers."

Link howled in defeat, ears flopping at his loss, padding alongside Zelda with Ike following silently behind.

A thudded knock echoed down the hall, causing Link to shift closer to the awaiting princess. The large shadowed door opened, squeaking on its hinges to reveal the King of the Desert. Link shivered under the man's intense gaze as he examined his company.

"Come in."

The three shuffled in, taking in the dimness of Ganondorf's room. It was simple, yet elegant, with a tinge of wickedness that kept Link on his guard. Standing in the middle of the room Link watched with caution as Ganondorf knelt before him, his hand raised with his palm facing Link's head.

"May I?" He asked for Link's permission. The hero glanced at Zelda, who nodded in reassurance. Link padded forward and rested his forehead against the Gerudo's large hand. Ganondorf let out a small smile at his obedience before he began to examine the wolf before him. When the man was finished with his inspection, he stood up and sat at his desk. Ike knelt by Link who whined gently at being disregarded so quickly and watched as Zelda stood by Ganondorf, discussing the apparent results quietly.

"This room is creepy," Ike whispered to the wolf, who nodded and was silently thankful for the distraction. He let out an amused huff before he suddenly felt a surge of pain rush through him, and he growled, backing away from Ike. "Link?"

The three humans watched as Link backed into Ganondorf's dresser, knocking off a priced piece that caused the king's brow to twitch. The wolf gasped; its shining blue eyes littered with pain as he locked eyes with Ike.

"What's happening?" The mercenary panicked.

"I'm not sure." Ganondorf spoke calmly, "From what I could gather there was no trace of dark magic on the Hero's body. As for his transformations-"

Ganondorf silenced as a small heat emitted from his hand. This again. His Triforce had been acting strangely for a few weeks now and he was sure it had something to do with the withering wolf before him. Link began to howl, thrashing his body from side to side. Ganondorf held Zelda back as she tried to reach the hysterical wolf, her Triforce blinding the mercenary and king as she got closer. The room suddenly flashed with a bright light causing the three to cover their eyes. Ike heard a familiar groan and quickly withdrew his arm to find Link raising himself off the floor. The hero was standing on two feet, his brown weathered boots a sight for sore eyes. His tunic was a little ruffled and creased but the three observers were happy to see the hero back. Link rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck, rubbing his arms to soothe his aching limbs.

"It seems the Goddess has plans for us," Ganondorf announced. "Perhaps these transformations are a message. How long has this haunted you, Hero?"

"A couple of weeks."

Ganondorf nodded in understanding, around the same time his own Triforce began to glow. He glanced over to Zelda who was also thinking the same thing.

"I see. Perhaps it is time to return to Hyrule and attempt to solve this mystery."

"I agree." Zelda nodded, "I will inform the Smash Brothers of our absence and we'll leave at once."

"Marth and I will be accompanying you," Ike announced, standing tall and determined.

"Don't be foolish, child." Ganondorf barked with laughter. "You wouldn't know the first thing about Hyrule."

"I may not, but Marth certainly does."

"Help wouldn't go astray." Zelda pointed out, ignoring the outrageous look upon Ganondorf's face. "Very well Ike, please fetch Marth and we'll be on our way."


"Are you sure we should be having these two accompany us?" Ganondorf asked, eyeing the two strangers with disdain.

"They're both fine swordsmen and quite knowledgeable in certain things that perhaps you are not." Zelda smiled, greeting the approaching men. Ganondorf snorted in derision and glanced beside him to see Link silent, watching his uncovered mark, waiting for it to cause mayhem once again.

"It will glow when it glows Hero, stop gawking at your hand." Ganondorf snapped. Link scowled at the Gerudo and grasped his hand, hiding it behind his back.

"Let us be on our way now you've joined us." Zelda greeted the two men and turned behind her and muttered in Hyrulean. Marth and Ike watched in awe as a small white light emitted with radiance from the woman's hand and drifted into the space in front of her. A white like portal large enough for two grown men to walk through appeared before them.

"After you," Ike smirked at Marth in amusement after watching the three Hyruleans walk casually through the portal. Marth rolled his eyes pushing the mercenary away before cautiously walking towards the ripped opening. He placed a hand through the light and something unexpectedly grabbed him from the other side. The prince yelped as he was pulled through. Ike's eyes widened in alarm and ran towards the portal, rushing through ready to save Marth from whatever captured him. Ike only managed to peek a glimpse of Marth removing his wrist from Link's hand, before grunting in surprise as he collided with the Hyrulean. They both fell to the ground in a heap. Ike slowly refocused and found himself in a foreign land laying atop of the Hyrule Hero. Ike was pulled roughly off the boy by Ganondorf and found the disdain scowling the man sent his way a little amusing.

"Hand, boy." Ganondorf offered his assistance to the fallen hero and sighed in irritation as the boy hesitated. Link accepted nonetheless and was flown to his feet. He thanked the huge male and lightly patted himself down.


Link turned to see Ike and Marth standing in awe at the edge of the mountain Zelda transported them to. The two foreigners were gawking out across the vast plains Hyrule was so famous for. Link slinked to Ike's side and took in a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that always soothed his worries.

"You live here?"

"Well Zelda does, I live in a small grove." Link explained pointing into the distance. "Over there somewhere."

"And Ganondorf?" Ike asked, his gaze taken to a vast desert in the distance.

"Gerudo Desert." Link smiled.

"And that is where we are headed," Ganondorf announced behind them with his arms crossed. The twitching of his fingers against his arm had Link knowing that a small part of the Gerudo was aching to return home.

"We must divert to Hyrule Castle first." Zelda clasped her hands together. "There is business I must attend to. It will take but a second."

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