Opening The Rift

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Ganondorf was quick to start his work, flexing his fingers before him realising he had no idea where to start. The dark-skinned male simply stared at his outstretched hand as it gently pushed at the rift testing its limits as sudden schemes rushed through his mind. He could hear the echoing clashing of blades behind him tempting his inquisitiveness to see how the Hero was faring. He doused the curiosity quickly and concentrated on his task, letting his magic come forth. The Gerudo watched the magic flow through his cursed arm reaching his fingertips before they bled into the rift. A pained yell had Ganondorf snapping his head around to see Link wincing greatly at the sudden exertion of magic, sword slowly slacking in his hold. The Desert King ceased his magic as Link's knees buckled and watched curiously as Link's pain lightened. The Hyrulean managed to parry against the Usurper King shoving the man back with his shield before quickly adjusting his sword within his grip. Link gave the Gerudo a fleeting look before he nodded solidly as if giving permission for the Desert King to inflict pain on him. Ganondorf turned back to the rift and replaced his hand, he had to do this quickly. His magic was already staining the rift with its power, pushing it on as fast as he could. The Gerudo didn't want to see the Hyrulean buckle at the sensation, finding himself on his knees shield grasped weakly blocking the sharp edges of the Twilli swords. Refused to acknowledge the clatter of a sword against the polished marble or the mental call of pained release that the Hyrulean was begging for. Ganondorf found the sudden silence both in his mind and around him unsettling, spinning around just in time to grasp Zant's wrist, staring dead on with the tip of one of Usurper King's swords. The second sword was nowhere in sight and Ganondorf felt dread pool at his stomach as he glanced over the Twilli to see Link panting deeply, his gloved hand stained red as it clutched around the sword that was embedded in his stomach.

"Link!" Ganondorf roared in anger constricting his hold on Zant's wrist until he heard and felt the crack of bone shattering against the tension. The Twilli screamed in agony, falling to his knees as Ganondorf proceeded to wind the man severely. Blinded by rage the Gerudo grasped Zant by his scrawny neck and lifted him from the ground. The Usurper's sword clattered to the floor, arm falling limp at his side, his other hand coming up to claw at his God's suffocating grip. "To think you could beat your God, a foolish endeavour!"

"Please." Zant wheezed out, eyes wide with terror. Ganondorf growled low at the pathetic plea, brow narrowing viciously low.

"I'm going to enjoy snapping your flimsy neck."

"Ganondorf!" Link called out, pain clearly present in his voice. "The Rift."

The Gerudo glanced behind to see the rift disappearing, flittering out like a light. His hold on the Twilli lightened ever so slightly in horror and the rift reappeared. Realising what Zant had done Ganondorf let out an aggressive yell before throwing the man across the room. The Gerudo pushed the pained heavy breathing from the Hyrulean Hero out of his mind as he stalked to the whimpering Usurper King.

"You may have infused your life presence with the rift but do not be mistaken to think I've had my fill with you," Ganondorf growled sadistically, summoning his long sword to his side. A hiss of pain caught the Gerudo's ear and he was swift to twist around to find Link pulling weakly at the injury inflicting sword, attempting to pull it from its temporary home. Ganondorf's eyes widened in alarm and rushed to the Hyrulean's side slapping the boy's hand way with little effort.

"Don't be a fool boy, remove it and you'll bleed out in seconds."

"What do we do then?" Link croaked not daring to breathe too deeply. "You need to open the rift."

"I will not risk killing you in the process especially since it can be opened from the other side." The Gerudo snapped and moved behind the Hyrulean and without thinking brought the boys head into his lap. "Besides Zant will not be moving anytime soon."

Their head turned to find the Usurper King with a raised brow, the look of confusion etched on his temple. The scream of rage that was brought out of the Twilli as he attempted to move but found himself unable had a shudder run down Link's spine.


"Midna please hurry, I can sense something wrong," Zelda begged the woman.

"I'm trying Princess." Midna scowled, growling as the magic fizzled out and pushed the woman's arm away in rejection.

"It keeps pushing you away," Marth noted as Midna tried again with no success. He gandered a glance towards the Hyrulean princess and curled his finger against his chin in thought. "Perhaps Zelda should give it a try? Perhaps it can only be open by the magic it was conjured with?"

"It's worth a try." Midna offered her place, standing back as Zelda stood hesitantly in front of the rift. The princess closed her eyes for a moment calming her nerves letting herself sense her counterparts presence. She brought her hand up, palm flat against the fissure, confidence seeping through her as her Triforce began to glow. Zelda let her magic come forth, muttering in her Hyrulean tongue, forcing her hand to steady as the rift pushed her away as if frightened.

Marth noticed Ike had slunk to his side hand clutching at the hilt of his sword, readying himself for the unforeseen battle ahead. Midna herself felt a small bout of glee come forth at the thought of seeing her good friend once more. That glee turned sour at the strain on Zelda's features, her brow was knitted tight, sweat forming on her flawless temple. Her body was beginning to slouch and the sudden appearance of red and black patterned lines slithering their way up her arm had the Twili Princess coming to the woman's side. She grasped Zelda's wrist steadying it before placing her fingers over the Hyrulean's. Marth and Ike were by Zelda's other side eyes flashing in determination placing their hands on her shoulders allowing her to tap into their strength.

"Together," Midna spoke before pushing forward with the others.


Zant's hysterical screams were beginning to bore Ganondorf immensely, deciding to turn his sole attention to the injured Hyrulean. Link had his eyes closed, mouth pursed, his breaths were shallow and the Gerudo found his eyes evaluating the sword still securely wedged inside the Hero's body.

"Do you have a potion?" Ganondorf asked as his hand clasped around the hilt of Zant's sword. Link's eyes snapped open and clasped Ganondorf's wrist in fear.

"What are you doing?"

"Removing this infernal blade," The desert King explained, "Now that potion?"

Link hesitated before letting his hand fall from the dark-skinned male's wrist and fished out a bottle of rich red liquid from his pouch. Link hitched his breath as Ganondorf began to pull at the sword and the Hyrulean was quick to unscrew the bottle, throwing the lid away frantically, gasping at the excruciating pain. Tears pricked his eyes and Link didn't hesitate to down the entire bottle as Ganondorf freed the blade and threw it to the side in disgust. Link blinked the tears away as the pain almost instantly faded as the potion did its work, unfortunately, the sudden fatigue that replaced the anguish had the Hyrulean fighting to stay awake.

"Don't fight it, Hero," Ganondorf swiped a stray hair from the boys face, "I will wake you if something happens."

Link merely nodded lightly giving the Gerudo his full trust, closing his eyes to let sleep overtake him. Now alone Ganondorf he found himself unable to focus on anything besides the frenzied cooing of the Usurper King who was watching him intently.


When the first crackle sounded Ganondorf's head snapped to the rift, ears straining to hear another sound. A loud snap filled the air and the Gerudo's hand was shaking the Hyrulean's shoulder stopping his harsh shakes when a hand encircled his own.

"I'm awake, what's going on?" Link blinked wearily at the unspoken Desert King who seemed to be concentrating on something else. An ear piercing splinter had Link turning to see the fissure pulsing erratically, readying itself to burst from the pressure. A bright light had Link and Ganondorf covering their eyes only daring to open them when the light dimmed. The rift had transformed into a portal a swirling mass that had Zant screaming in anger, his body spasming against his magical bonds. Link pushed himself up into a sitting position allowing the comforting hand Ganondorf provided on the small of his back. When four silhouettes appeared within the portal and one by one made themselves visible Link was unable to ignore the tension that found itself in Ganondorf's body his hand almost clenching at Link's tunic. Marth and Ike were standing by Zelda's side all three relieved to see their companions unharmed. The woman to the Hyrulean's princess's left with her beauty in all her glory had Link grinning from ear to ear.

"Link," Midna spoke harshly, picking her nails casually before she smirked at him, "About time you paid me a visit."

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