The Fissure Crumbles

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It's been over a year, whoops. Sorry fellas. thankfully this story is almost over ha. Let's hope I don't wait another year to update it haha.

Again, so sorry about this.


Link pinched his brow at the onset headache that was forcing his attention. The five of them had been arguing for the past few hours on what to do now that Ganondorf was gone. Link had been adamant about searching for the Gerudo king. Over their journey, Link had learned so much about Ganondorf that he hadn't expected to find under such a hostile skin. Though he acted as if nothing bothered him and he was above social standing, the Gerudo had shown his softer side with his people. Link never allowed himself to imagine Ganondorf as a leader. It always started as it ended, horribly. But seeing it, witnessing the desert king reasoning on his behalf and saving him from being skinned, had Link reconsidering everything he knew about him.

Yes, Ganondorf used his piece of the Triforce for his own personal exploits, but power has always been a merciless opponent to resist. Ganondorf's reasons for terrorising Hyrule had been at the bottom of Link's list as he travelled the vast continent to save his home and friends. As he journeyed closely with the desert king, Link was fortunately enlightened as to why the Gerudo acted out his revenge on Hyrule and its people.

Ganondorf's hospitality had waned for some time for the sake of his treaty with Hyrule's king. He had warned Zelda's grandfather to stop his soldiers from taking advantage of his people, only to force Ganondorf's hand after what sounded like many a dismissal. Wall paintings depicting certain death led to the Gerudo king demolishing Hyrule's entrance into his home. Link could only guess what happened next in the long string of Ganondorf's rageful plot.

Ganondorf trained his people to defend themselves, to be able to protect their homes from anyone that dare invade. He proclaimed them a thief's guild, to pilfer and take from the Hyrulean's as revenge for what they did to them. The Gerudo king was eventually captured, sentenced to the Twilight Realm to spend an eternity paying for his crimes. And if history served correctly, Ganondorf was chosen by the Goddess and was gifted with immense power that he chose to use to rebuild Hyrule in a world damned to eternal darkness. Link finally understood why the Goddess selected Ganondorf over the thousand other men and women of Hyrule. Her hypothetical results of the Gerudo changing over a new leaf with his newfound power was perhaps a misstep on her part. But he had certainly proven himself worthy to carry such an immense privilege.

Now for some reason or another, they were arguing whether the Gerudo was worth saving. Link was growing impatient, his headache pounding and the disagreeing voices were a nuisance. Zelda had thankfully agreed with the Hyrulean Hero, knowing Ganondorf's whereabouts would put her anxious thoughts at ease. Midna shrugged, indifferent to know.

"He could stay there forever for all I care. He won't be any danger from there." She said and sighed as Zelda countered with reason. Marth and Ike tried to ask what was the harm in leaving the Gerudo where he was, which finally caused Link to snap. He threw his fists down onto the table, and stood sharply, causing his chair to be violently thrown back.

"We're finding him and bringing him back." Link growled out. By the alarmed gazes on the faces of the others, Link withdrew. He glided his tongue across his teeth to find his canines had grown in size at his outburst. He gasped lightly and stood his ground. "We need to find him now."

"But where would we even look?" Midna asked him softly. Link clenched his jaw and tried not to be angered by the Twili's swift attitude change due to his vehement eruption. "Remember when we fought him? He bounced in and out of those portals."

"Which means he'll show up eventually." Link countered and tried to ignore the tingling in his fingertips. "Ganondorf needs our help."

"You really think he'd do the same for us?" Midna contradicted with a smug smirk. "He wouldn't, and you know it."

"I don't care." Link scowled at them all as they stared at him. "I'd help anyone in need. That includes our enemies."

Link stormed out without another word, forcing himself to look forward and not back at the gazes of pity no doubt watching his retreating form.


Link headed back to the throne room and began to relentlessly pace. He forced himself to forget his friends' reluctance to find Ganondorf and focus on determining the Gerudo's movements. The beastly form of Ganon was a terror to behold, a monster made of unstable wrath and resentment; Ganondorf's anger come to life, his chosen form to take. Link halted in the middle of the room and furrowed his brow. Ganon had not acted as such while Link had been his prisoner. The beast had been wary of him; not that the hero could blame him. He had defeated him after all. But despite being chained to the wall, immobile, Ganon hadn't seized the opportunity to take his revenge. Link had watched as he paced, just as he had not moments ago. – What was Ganon fighting? Had Link been correct in the assumption that Ganondorf was fighting for dominant control of that form? Did the Gerudo king allow himself to disengage with reality, and allow his rage-filled mind to overcome his sense of right and wrong, to dispense his vengeance upon those who crossed his path? – Link had little answers to his growing myriad range of questions about Ganondorf.

But now wasn't the time to refute the Gerudo's secrecy – considering the desert king was missing and unable to answer any of Link's questions. A sudden ominous presence in the room caused Link to spin around. He took a step back in confusion as he revealed that he was still very much alone. Link had reacted the exact same just after Ganon had fled. The fading rift he had felt beneath his fingertips inclined the Hylian that the distance make-believe yowl he had heard was perhaps not as made up as he convinced himself it was. Link breathed in deeply before he decided to take the unevaluated risk.

"Ganon?" He called out confidentially. "Are you there?"

Link waited a few minutes before he tried again. He cautiously shuffled over to where he felt the unknown presence and lifted his arm. The symbol on the back of his hand began to glow lightly the closer he got to the centre of the fissure. Fingers flexed in anticipation as he hovered, attempting to decipher what was beyond the naked eye. He pushed his hand forward – somehow expecting to stumble headfirst to the ground – only to find an imperceptible barrier blocking his way. The Triforce shone brightly and Link squinted until the mark dimmed.

Ganon was here, Link was certain. The Hylian pushed at the rift and grunted as it stood fast. After another few unsuccessful attempts, Link clenched his jaw in thought. He mentally scanned his cache of weapons and tools, discarding each one as he went. The rift needed to be pierced, by something that could counteract the force that pushes back. Link grabbed the Master Sword from his back and twirled it in his grasp.

"Here goes nothing." Link muttered and thrust the sword into the fissure. He felt the resistance and disregarded it for blinding light that forced him to look away. He continued his attack and soon found that his sword could go no further. Link tried slicing or carving but was unable to budge the blade from its new home. Now stuck, the Hylian made a noise of irritation at having his plan thwarted so soon. "Ganondorf, please." He called out and placed his hand beside his sword. Link looked up and foolishly hoped he was gazing into the beast's eyes. "I need you."

Link's shoulders sunk with sorrow and he tilted his head down in defeat. Maybe the others had been right, maybe Ganondorf truly was still their enemy. Link didn't know why or when he decided otherwise, but it had been nice not to watch his back every moment the dark Gerudo was in his presence. Link jolted in surprise when he felt the rift spasm beneath his hand. He snapped his gaze up when he heard the thundering crack and swiftly pulled his hand away. The fissure was beginning to fracture. Link gasped as the fragmentation got larger and continued to splinter with determined force. It wasn't long before the fissure abruptly crumbled taking Link by surprise. The Master Sword clattered to the ground as the rift collapsed, plunging the room into white light. Link was unable to foresee the beast that barrelled through. The Hylian was forced to the ground by a crushing weight and struggled desperately to breathe. As the light slowly dimmed, so did the mass on top of him. Link beamed through the pain as he realised what, or rather, who trampled him to the floor. Ganon was diminishing, no doubt from the exertion he used to break the rift, back to Gerudo king.

After the transformation was complete and Ganondorf fluttered his eyes into focus, Link gasped as he received much-needed air into his lungs. The Gerudo sat up and waited patiently for the Hylian to calm himself. Link joined him and placed a hand on his chest as he continued to breathe deeply. They studied each other for a moment before Ganondorf decided to speak.

"Thank you, Hero." The Gerudo announced and Link smiled back. "You saved me from a fate worse than death."

Link would have liked to say that Ganondorf would have done the same, but Midna had no doubt been correct in her assumption of the Gerudo's willing capability to help anyone other than himself. Link appreciated the thanks and informed him of that. He caught himself when he was finished and noticed the curse, like Link himself, had covered most of the Gerudo's face.

"We need to fix this." Link shuffled forward to take a closer look. He shifted to his knees and leaned them on top of Ganondorf's legs for support. The Gerudo allowed the Hylian to grasp his chin and examine the curse intently. It pulsed under Link's touch and his bit the inside of his cheek in worry.

"Let us not be concerned with how I look." Ganondorf moved his head away from the Hero's grasp and lifted his chin in retaliation. Link sighed at him and smirked a little. "What?"

"Nothing." Link replied and moved his wavering hands back to his lap. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Ganondorf simply nodded and grasped Link's arms. The Hylian's eyes widened as the Gerudo stood found his legs dangling rather childishly off the floor. Link cleared his throat and Ganondorf returned it with a smug smirk before placing the Hylian back onto his feet. They stood opposite one another for a rather long awkward second as they both tried to decide what they should do next. Link noticed his Master Sword laying a few feet away and headed over.

"I would have done the same." Ganondorf's voice returned and Link looked over his shoulder in confusion as he picked up the blade. "I believe I would have found a way to save you as well."

Link held the sword fast in his grip, looking at the Gerudo as he clarified what he meant. Astonishment was one of the reactions pouring out of the fractured dam of emotions. As Ganondorf continued to ramble on, trying to cover up the kind-hearted gesture he had just conveyed to Link, the Hylian sheathed his sword before he ran forward and threw his arms around as much as he could of the Gerudo.

"What in the Goddess's name are you doing?" Ganondorf stood there tensely, looking down at Link. The Hylian huffed in emotive amusement and tightened his hold.

"Thank you." Link said as his voiced muffled in his elbow. Ganondorf hummed and clumsily placed his hand on the Hero's back.

"For what?" Ganondorf asked confused and moved his hand back to his side as Link pulled away.

"For helping me." He said and swung his arm in front of him, motioning to the room. "You came all this way. You didn't have to. I've caused you so much pain, this curse is affecting you because of me. Ganondorf, thank you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

The Gerudo king remained silent, mentally deciding on what his best course of action would be. Link smiled lightly at him and shook his head as if to say he needn't say anything in response.

"I have confidence that you are worth saving." Ganondorf unheeded Link's olive branch and decided to continue. "We have both grown with this journey. I have learned much about you, as not the hero who thwarted my vision for the world. But, as the Hylian who smiles despite a losing situation and sees the good in everyone. And I mean me."

Link blushed a little in embarrassment at Ganondorf's praise and lifted his hand to show the Gerudo his Triforce. "You were chosen for a reason. It may be the Triforce of Power, but it is not the thing that drives you. You are a Gerudo who carves his own path, not one that blindly follows one that is easily laid before him."

Ganondorf graced Link with an extraordinarily striking smile that caused the Hylian to shiver. Link watched as the Gerudo brought his hand up and observed the dim triangle in thought. Ganondorf let his hand fall and he unexpectedly strode to the door. He turned back to Link and rose a brow.

"Shall we finish this?" He asked. Link stood tall and nodded once in answer before jogging over to the retreating Gerudo with a new-founded pride in his power.

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