Thief's Guild

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When Link awoke that morning he was still a wolf. He had hoped he return to his original form but alas the Goddess clearly had different plans. After his rude awakening from Ganondorf, the companions had set off. The big male was in a foul mood, his eyes were dark and the king snapped at Link whenever the boy got close. It was clear to Link that he must have crossed a line last night, he had wanted to apologise but with only barks and howls, there was no way the King would understand. Link lagged behind the group, tail sagging between his legs and his pointed ears drooping in despair. Ike had noticed Link's behaviour and dropped back to keep the Hyrulian company. That seemed to improve Link's mood and Ike smiled to himself in success. Ganondorf suddenly announced they were closing in on his home and the others began to become alert. Link nudged Ike with thanks before pouncing towards Zelda, on guard in an unfamiliar place, ready to protect the princess with his life.

In the distance two large pillars stood solidly in the desert wind, Link noticed a small smile make its way on Ganondorf's mouth and knew that they were here. Ganondorf lightly brushed past the pillars, letting his hand pass over the deep carvings. The companions heard several shouts and watched as ten Gerudo women pounced from the sand and brought the companions down in one fell swoop.

"Ganondorf?" The woman on top of him spoke in shock. She scrambled off the man and knelt before him not daring to look up at him in fear of being punished.

"Nora, please stand."

The woman hesitated before rising from her spot, still not daring to gander a glance his way. Ganondorf spun around and waved his arm dismissing the other women. "These people are our guests. I expect you to treat them like so."

The women glanced around at each other in disbelief, they hadn't had outsiders among them in centuries. They slowly released their prisoners and bowed to them as they brushed themselves down. Ganondorf watched as the woman who had pinned Link to the floor offered her palm to him. Link tilted his head to the side as the woman flinched slightly afraid that the beast would harm her. Link nudged the woman's hand reassuringly and suddenly fell to the floor in a happy state as the woman began to scratch behind his ear howling happily his puppy instincts taking over. Noticing his companions smirking faces Link huffed, removing himself from the woman's warm clutches and bounded over to Zelda hiding behind her form.

"This way," Nora announced, turning to lead, taking them past several more carved pillars until Ike let out an awed noise and the companions stopped dead in their tracks. Ganondorf's clan was more of, to the hero, a guild. Link felt uneasy with the hundreds of pairs of eyes staring holes through him and almost plastered himself to the princess's side. Link noticed many of the women were counting coins, large golden coins. Others were shining jewels, stacking papers or inspecting gems. The wolf furrowed his brow in confusion attempting to understand what this meant only for his attention to snap back to the male Gerudo.

"You're welcome to look around." Ganondorf announced, "Dinner will be served in a few hours, someone will be along to fetch you."

"Where are you going?" Zelda asked a rise of suspicious in her voice.

"I have business to attend to."

With that Ganondorf flicked his cloak and followed Nora into his study. The doors closed and the four companions stood unsure on what to do next.

"So shall we discuss further plans?" Marth offered as an option to which Zelda agreed.

"It would be wise to come up with a better plan of action with the situation we are under."

"If it's okay with you Marth, I might go look around." Ike waited for the Prince's acknowledgement.

"Of course Ike, feel free."

"You as well Link." Zelda petted the hero's head affectionately. "I'm sure you're eager."

Link shook his body before running off, his adventurous spirit finally able to come out to play. He turned corner and corner entering room after room enjoying the sense of freedom he was currently enduring. A cry had Link stopping in his tracks and he padded towards the small but loud cry. He nosed the door open and found himself staring at a Gerudo baby. The baby turned his way and its crying ceased, its small brown hands clenched several times as if motioning Link to itself. The wolf cautiously padded over, sniffing the child curiously finding no scent of Ganondorf. Link shook his head scolding himself internally for unintentionally searching for the King's connection. The baby gurgled as Link leant forward huffing lightly in happiness as the baby gently stroked his fur.

A loud gasp echoed through the room and Link glanced to the door.

"Get away from her!" The Gerudo woman yelp rushing forward pushing Link away and swiping the baby into her arms. A knife suddenly appeared in the woman's hand and she threatened Link with the blade. Link snarled showing his sharp pointed teeth, fur on end ready to take action if need be. The woman thrust the dagger several times to warn Link off which only caused Link to growl more.

"What's going on?" Ganondorf's booming voice echoed. He appeared at the door and his eyes widened at the scene. "Seron, it's okay."

Ganondorf stood in front of Link putting a hand out in defence, blocking him from the woman. The wolf instantly lightened, the snarling seized and he watched the man in disbelief.

"How can you protect the beast?" Seron snapped. "He was gonna hurt her."

Link grunted in protest before whining a little at Ganondorf's stern gaze.

"He meant no harm Seron. Now lower the knife."

Seron hesitated before slowly lowering it dropping it to the floor, cuddling the baby to her breast. She gave Link a hateful stare before addressing her King.

"I'm sorry Ganondorf." She bowed. "Please forgive my actions they were maternal."

"That's quite alright Seron." The king nodded. "Now let's just make sure that your little one is okay."

"Ganondorf is everything alright?" Nora burst into the room with Zelda, Marth and Ike close behind.

"Everythings fine Nora. The issue has been resolved." Ganondorf motioned to Seron and Link before speaking again. "A simple misunderstanding."

"Come here, boy," Zelda called Link over to which the hero watched her in surprise. Did she just call him boy, like a dog? He walked over to the princess and sat before her unimpressed with her choice in words and glanced the other way.

"I'm sorry to disturb Ganondorf. But dinner is ready." A young Gerudo woman appeared.

"A Thief's Guild." Zelda finally broke the silence.

"Don't look surprised," Ganondorf announced. "I am your enemy. I am evil."

Link snorted and simply looked away when the two royalty shot their glares. This was totally disrespectful on so many levels. First, he wasn't a dog, sitting away from the table with a small bowl of inedible food before him. Secondly, they kept referring to him as a pet which didn't sit well with Link at all and last but not least he was being totally ignored like he wasn't even in the room. Every time he'd make a derisive noise Zelda would give him a scolding glare before turning back to the conversation at hand. When Link rose from his spot not bothering to let them know, he left the dining room. He headed anywhere with no destination in mind. He turned a corner to find huge dark double doors at the end of the hall. The doors seemed to almost threaten Link not to go any closer. But did the hero ever listen? Of course not. Link cautiously opened one side of the door and found himself jumping onto the biggest comfortable bed he had ever laid eyes on. He let out a whiny yawn and settled himself down wrapping his tail in front of his body.

When Link awoke next it was to a familiar voice but the low grumble wasn't directed at him. He groggily opened his eyes to see Ganondorf's broad back.

"Tell Nora to call off the search and bring some food up please."

"Of course Ganondorf."

The door shut and Link was trapped in the room with The Gerudo, who luckily, hadn't noticed that he was awake. Link quickly shut his eyes and let his other senses work. He heard Ganondorf slowly approach him settling down beside him. Link forced every part of his body not to flinch as the king placed a hand on his back.

"You caused quite a stir earlier," Ganondorf spoke. Link kept his eyes shut half expecting the Gerudo to call his bluff but he continued on. "I apologise for our behaviour. But if we do not treat you as a companion then my clan's suspicions will rise and we do not need that right now."

Link felt Ganondorf rise from the bed and cracked his eye open to see the man stretching his arms above his head. Link could see the fatigue in the golden eyes and felt a pang of sympathy for the big male. The man turned and Link shut his eyes again and heard the man fall into his chair, the scribbling of his pen was all that filled the silence. Link didn't go back to sleep he was tormented between trusting the Gerudo enough to fall into a slumber or have Ganondorf slay him in sleep. So when a loud knock on the door echoed Link opened his eyes and found Ganondorf already gazing at him. The king rose from his spot disregarding Link and stalked to the door.

"Ah, Nora thank you."

"Still hungry are you?"

"Oh, you could say that." Ganondorf smiled and Link's eyes widened. He'd never seen the man smile before. Well wickedly, yes, but not sincerely. When the conversation ceased and Nora left Ganondorf turned sour once again and placed the plate on the floor.

"Here you go."

Link gave him a confused tilt of the head as he leapt from the comforts of the mattress.

"You didn't eat anything before. I thought you might be hungry."

Link whined happily rushing over to the plate and devoured the contents. When he was done he licked his lips savouring the taste. Ganondorf was at his desk again and Link walked over to him and nudged his leg.


Ganondorf found his leg being rubbed lightly with Link's head as if in thank you and the Gerudo grunted.

"For someone who doesn't like to be called a pet, you sure act like one."

Link snapped at the man huffing angrily at him before bounding back onto the comfy bed his back to the Gerudo. Ganondorf smirked a little at the hero's antics speaking an offer before turning his attention back to his work.

"You may spend the night here if you wish. Princess Zelda is not two doors away."

Ganondorf didn't receive a reply and Link made no attempt to move which caused the desert inhabitant to smile taking in the wolf's slow breaths as Link drifted off to sleep before letting his pen hit paper doing his best not to wake the Hylian Hero.

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