Main Antagonist

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Name: Hiroki Tojo


Age: 20

Birth Date: April 9, 1961

Gender: Male

Rank: Supreme Commander

Nationality: Japanese


The Emperor's Chosen

Pince of the Rising Sun

Famous Quotes:

-"You damn gaijins! Do you have any idea of the damages you caused to my Empire!"

-"To run from your enemies is to bring dishonor to your family!"

-"Defend your Prince! I, Hiroki Tojo, command that you defend your Prince!"

-"You are nothing more than a man, Grant! While I on the other hand am a GOD!"


Background: Hiroki Tojo is born as a genetically modified and natural born, superhuman being. When Hideki Tojo got his wife Katsuko Ito pregnant, Tojo took out the fetus and did genetic modifications on his unborn child before reinserting the fetus back into his wife's womb. When Hiroki was born, his parents took notice that he was born with white hair and red eyes. Despite that, Tojo felt he had succeeded in creating a perfect heir and he was right as Hiroki would prove himself to be a prodigy.

At a young age, Hiroki excelled in his studies and was made an honor student in multiple occasions, making his parents proud. As a teen, Hiroki also excelled in combat, becoming a master prodigy in weapon proficiency and firearms. This would cause the young Prince to be filled with pride and arrogance, believing he was 'superior' and 'better' compared to his peers after learning of his enhancements. Though he was indeed seen as a model student, Hiroki's reputation would earn him both fear and respect.

After the creation of the Kensei-Class Supersoldiers, Hiroki was given a modified and more advanced version of the augmentations that made him more powerful and more dangerous than ever before. This was especially true when he violently murdered and butchered members of the Global Resistance. This was when he becomes team leader of three Kensei-Class Supersoldiers who would form Rakurai Squad. Together, under his guidance and leadership, Hiroki leads his team on a rampage, murdering and destroying all in their path as they eliminate those to dare defy the Greater Japanese Empire.

When GJE succeeded in opening portals to another world, Hiroki was the first to lead the charge, hoping to bring both glory and honor to the Empire while also gaining more resources and new slaves. What he and his Empire found was a slumbering Titan who wanted revenge for their unprovoked attacked. Things got even worse when both he and his team were confronted and defeated by a team of supersoldiers who forced them into retreat. This was when Hiroki learns he and the GJE are now at war with a civilization who has the military technology to rival their own and it would be the biggest and most dangerous challenge of their lives.

Worst of all, the Japanese Prince would face his worst enemy who would become his most dangerous rival. That person is an American named John S. Grant and he was determined to murder the Japanese Prince for his war crimes.

Personality: Given the nature of his birth and how he was created, Hiroki has both a superiority and God complex. At a young age, he was indoctrinated into the Imperial's belief of supremacy. Hiroki revels in violence and in hurting others, to the point of gleefully opening fire on enemy civilians, sometimes smugly mocking and taunting his foes. Due to his genetic enhancements before birth, Hiroki considered himself inherently superior to regular humans, even going as far as to claim that he was born a 'God' and so ought to dominate and control others as he firmly believes their place is being beneath him.

Furthermore, the Japanese Prince would also take some inspiration from the fallen Nazi Germany. Specifically, their ideals of a 'Master Race', only this time it isn't about 'Aryan Superiority', but rather he believes the Japanese are the 'Master Race' and the true 'inheritors' of the world. As such, Hiroki would do propaganda campaigns and make speeches which would eventually make the Greater Japanese Empire a far worse and more dangerous version compared to Nazi Germany.

Above all, Hiroki despised any show of weakness, berating or killing any of his subordinates if they ever show any hesitation against their enemies. As such, he is a die-hard loyalist to the Empire and will do whatever it takes to make sure it survives, no matter the consequences. So, when he learns that the GJE is threatened by the UAC and their allies, the Japanese Prince will stop at nothing to destroy his enemies, even at the cost of burning the world to the ground if it means a Japanese victory.

Armor: Shogunate Powered Assault Armor


HJSH-18 Masamune

Type-5 Bamboo


Combat Knife

Blazing Fury

Chainsaw Wrist Blades

Mecha Weapons:

Type 71-44 Improved Sniper Beam Rifle


Type 70 Beam Saber (2x)

Gerbera Straight

Mecha: Type 15-JKS-21 Kyokujitsu Gundam

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