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ALRIGHT! So ZZZ was released recently so I'm having a blast playing it, I hope y'all will enjoy what I have in store.

Talking: "Is that all you got?"

Thinking: 'I wonder how the gang is doing.'

Action: *crushes can*

Character narrating: [So this is how it all went.]

Scene change: <In a room>












TV: <We interrupt your regular programming for this breaking news, a companion hollow has suddenly appeared on Fourteenth Street and has already breached level-three containment.>

The camera zooms away from the old television to show a short and chubby rabbit-like machine, this is a Bangboo, there are many that have been manufactured just like it with unique appearances.

But that is not what you are here for, the bangboo heads over to the couch to get a blue haired girls attention as it pointed at the TV frantically.

TV: <The Hollow Investigative Association has dispatched a team to the scene to carry out emergency protocols, evacuation of residents in nearby blocks is underway, please stay away from the Fourteenth Street area->

The blue haired girl took off her earbuds to watch what was happening on the news.

Belle: "Wise, come check this out."

The said individual is a tall gray haired male as he carries videotapes.

Wise: "What's that?"

He stops momentarily to look at the TV.

Wise: "Fourteenth Street? I think the news mentioned it earlier....give me a sec."

Wise puts away the videotapes while he listened to his sister.

Belle: "Yeah, in the Janus Quarter. They say it's already breached the level-three controls."

Wise: *types on the keyboard* "Yeah, Public Security were conducting a manhunt over there today, evacuations may not be going as expected."

The girl picks up the bangboo and holds it in her lap.

Belle: "So, you're saying...?"

Wise: "We should get ready, we'll be seeing some business coming our way soon."

Belle: "Cool, now we play the waiting game."

The two turn to the TV once again.

<Business x Strangeness x Justness>




The scene changes to a hallway as an alarm goes off, light shines down the hallway to show three individuals running in a hurry as they're followed by an unseen assailant.

???: *rapid breathing* "Go left!"

The three continue to run as they make another turn before heading down some stairs before running down a hallway, one of them stops to look at a room as she chuckles a bit.

The scene changes again as we look into a small room with a rather odd looking giant bangboo statue, a crowd of shadows run by.

???: "Over there! Go go!"

Once they ran by the three come out from behind the statue, the white haired Android looks around behind laying his eyes on a large prop that resembles a literal turd.

He carefully avoids touching it, however he is spotted before running off after his companions.

???: "Hey, stop!"

The three run down some more hallways, avoiding or jumping over every obstacles.

<Inside a high-rise building on Fourteenth Street in the Janus Quarter, New Eridu...>

TV: <Ahem, umm, yes....citizens, I'm head of the Janus Quarter's Public Security. Currently conducting an operation on Fourteenth Street. I-I regret to inform everyone our operation has been disrupted due to the appearance of a Hollow. I-I'd like to remind the public we are in pursuit of the Red Fang Gang, the group responsible for the terrorist attack on the research institute. These are dangerous dudes.... uh I mean criminals. Particularly their leader, Miguel Silver. Everyone should remain vigilant!>

Suddenly another individual appears on the screen next to the head of security as he angrily holds the microphone close as he yells into it.

TV(News reporter): <I'm f***ing p***ed! As this station's reporter, I can't listen to this anymore! Those criminals need to get f***ed! As soon as we find them we should just f***ing f**k them all! And then f**k them again!>

We see the group of three as they run through the hallways(again), they kick a door off its hinges as it crashes into the room with the group of three heading inside.

TV(PB)(Public Security): <E-Excuse me mister reporter, I'm still giving a briefing on the case... Let me...>

The officer sighs, clearly defeated by the reporters attitude.

TV(NR): <I don't give a motherf***! Listen here you Red Fang motherf***ers! Don't think the Hollow can protect you! The Public Security's air force is on the way. You're f***ed! Is that right, officer?>

Android: "There's a window! Boss, we can get out this way!"

Pink-haired-girl: *sighs* "But that's a Hollow down there... Fine, a way out is a way out. Can you break the glass, Billy?"

Billy: "Easy! Leave it to me!"

He aims his revolver at the window and fires, however the bullet surprisingly bounces off the window and heads toward the TV hanging from the ceiling as it severs the cords and drop the TV onto Billy's head as he falls flat on his back.

White-haired-girl: "It bounced off. This glass must be tough."

Pink-haired-girl: "Damn, I knew it wouldn't be that easy. This window is-"

???: "Reinforced bulletproof glass." *weeps* "You won't be able to break it. The Cunning Hares odd-job agency...."

A man with silver hair cried as he leans against the doorway as he wipes away his tears while holding a katana in the other.

This man is the leader of the Red Fang Gang, Miguel Silver. He pushes himself off the doorway and stands across from The Cunning Hares.

Silver: "Why....why would steal from the red fang gang? My men went through so much trouble to...."

He cries once again, the camera switches to Nicole as she holds the strongbox closely.

Nicole: "You stole the strongbox from the institute! We're just returning it to its rightful owner! Don't make it sound like we're the bad guys here!"

Silver points accusingly at the two, ignoring the seemingly "unconscious" android.

Silver: "We're all trying to get by on the same streets. Why.....why would you be helping the cops?!"

Nicole: "Sorry, but it's not public security that commissioned us. And also that's none of your business anyway."

Silver: "Of course it is! They had people steal from my territory, so I had to teach them a lesson!"

He leans his head back dramatically as he cried a waterfall of tears.

A/n: (Talk about a crybaby. -.-)

Silver: *sobs* "W-why don't you just give it back to me? It's so important to us.....that I'm willing to exchange it for your lives!"

Nicole: *raises eyebrow* "So you need the whole gang armed and ready to handle three people? This is the "Silver Tears"?" *scoffs* "It's even weirder than the rumors...."

She then takes notice of an item hanging on one of the goons legs as she points at it with surprised eyes.

Nicole: "Wait. Is that a flashbang?"

Anby: "Correct. It's a GS 2 high-lumen military flashbang. The blast is quite strong."

Nicole: "Awesome! Time to wake up, Billy!"

Goon: "What?!?"

Not noticing the hand reaching up to the ordinance, it is easily taken from him as the gang look down at the android holding up the flashbang while covering his face.

Billy: "Eyes open everyone!"

He flicks the pin off as he hold it high in the air.

Billy: "SAY CHEESE!!!"

The flashbang goes off as everything in the room is lit up brightly by the flash, causing those who weren't covering their ears or eyes to become blinded and deafened by it. Except for Silver with his quick reaction.

Goon: "AAAAH! MY EYES!!!"

Silver: "Ahh, choose to resist! In that case, I have no choice but to-"

He then dashes forward with a fury, ready to cut the Cunning Hares apart.

Silver: "-KILL YOU ALL!!!"

The pink haired woman only laughed at his declaration.

Nicole: "You've made a mistake, mister. We aren't your enemy."

Her along with Anby and Billy pointed outside the window where a chopper hovered in clear view as it aims the light into the room they were all in.

Nicole: "That is.~"

Outside we look into the cockpit as the pilot spoke into his coms.

Pubsec pilot: "Falcon 4 to commander. We've arrived at the source of the light and found the Red Fang Gang. Repeat, we've found the Red Fang Gang. Awaiting orders..."

Back in the room all the goons back away in fear or stood at the ready.

Goon: "B-Boss, it's the airforce!"

Nicole and her associates raised their arms high in the air to let the pilot know of their surrender.

Silver: "That flashbang just now.... it was to attract the helicopter?!"

Nicole: "You finally noticed? Now it's your turn to choose, you crybaby~. You can stay and fight us and get caught by public security, or you can run, and we all get to live."

Silver: "Damn you, Cunning Hares!"

Nicole looks over her shoulder.

Nicole: "It's in a hare's nature to avoid getting caught~. Don't hold it against me."

On the television beside Silver we hear the reporter talking through it.

Reporter: "What? You found the Red Fang f***ers? Then what are you f***ing waiting for, commander?! Pick the biggest gun and rain down JUSTICE!!!"

Mistakingly taking this as an order from his superior like a friggin idiot, the pilot acknowledges this order.

Falcon 4 pilot: "Falcon 4, attack order received."

A missile is fired as it heads toward the room where everyone was currently in with no time to prepare themselves.

Nicole: "We're done for..."

Once the missile arrives at its target it explodes, blasting everything and everyone in the room. We then see Billy and Anby flying through the air as they plummet down towards the hollow.

Billy: "I want to file a complaaaaaaaint!!!"

As they fell we spot the strongbox they were after was falling down with them, straight into the hollow.

We see Anby right herself mid fall as she enters the hollow, once inside she sores through the air. Quickly avoiding anything that she could crash into before landing on the ground, using her sword to slow down.

Once she catches her barings she inspects her surroundings.

Anby: "Confirmed. We've fallen into a Hollow. I better get going."

She moves on ahead to see if she can find any of her comrades. However she is met with creatures with black and gray bodies along with parts of them glowing a neon green as an orb to its place where the head is supposed to be.

Anby: "An ethereal. That was quick."

She engages with the ethereal's as she swiftly dispatches them with lightning, speed and precision.

Once done she continues ahead while dealing with more ethereal's along the way. After clearing them out she stops and inspects her surroundings once more as she spoke to herself.

Anby: "Tracks, platforms, carriages.... this is the old metro junction. If that's the case, then this must be the Cretan hollow."

She gives her equipment a once-over, making sure it is still functional.

Anby: "Good. Headset is still working, and the recording function is normal."

She clears her throat as she begins an audio recording.

Anby: "Ahem, this is Anby Demara, a member of the odd-job agency, the "Cunning Hares". I accidentally have fallen into a companion hollow. I don't have a carrot or proxy support. Probability of getting lost in the hollow is at 96.4 percent. I will be making a voice log of my experience. Let it serve as evidence for future investigation in case I am killed or turned into a monster by the ether. Anby's hollow survival log number one. From my surroundings, I can confirm this is the old metro junction area of the Cretan hollow. The metro hollow's terrain is inherently complex. My chances of being rescued will be reduced by 37.8 percent if I don't consider my next step carefully. If anyone doubts the nature of the Hollow's spatial distortions, please use my recordings as proof of their danger. Please don't enter a hollow unless you are a professional investigator, otherwise..."

She is stopped when another individual appears (Thank god for that...), this individual being everyone's favorite android.

Billy: "Ah, there you are, Anby! Great! I knew you'd be okay-"

He is interrupted when she suddenly slashes at him, thankfully he was quick enough to dodge the attack.

Billy: "Whoa whoa! Hey, what's gotten into you?! You almost cut me!"

Anby: "I've met another being of reason. He looks a lot like my colleague: Billy Kid."

Billy: *chuckles nervously* "What are you talking about? It's me! Billy!"

Anby: "An investigator has previously encountered ethereal's who can mimic human speech and behavior. The investigator rescued the ethereal pretending to be their teammate, but once they got out of the hollow, it revealed itself. The city made a huge sacrifice but it was unable to defeat the monster. It was only thanks to a courageous investigator who gave his life to drive the monster back into the hollow, that the danger was averted."

Billy: *sighs* "Come on. The ethereal would be done for the minute it left the hollow!"

He then comes to a realization as to the story Anby had explained.

Billy: "Wait, isn't that the plot of that movie that was in theaters not long ago?"

Anby: "...There was a long list of victims involved in the incident. I read all their names."

Billy: *facepalms* "That's called a cast list!"

Anby: "Question. Who would you most like to have dinner with?"

Billy: "Huh? Dinner? Heh, of course... that'd be the big screen superheroes, the Starlight Knights!"

Anby then raised her blade again, which promptly worries the android.

Billy: *fearfully* "Wait wait wait! Put your blade down, I'll tell you!"

She does so, giving him another chance to answer the question.

Billy: *sighs longingly* "...It's really the late night drama actress from "Oh~ Sweetie," Monica~...."

He giggles happily at the thought of his crush.

Anby: "All clear. The individual has been confirmed as the real Billy Kid. Meeting Billy Kid increases my chances of survival by over 67.8 percent. I'm glad you're okay, Billy."

Billy: "I told you I'm me! It's been a while since we fell. Nicole must be trying to come up with a way to get us out from the outside. Buuut, will she be willing to pay for the help? You know how Nicole is."

He laughs.

Anby: "Based on Nicole's tight-fisted spending habits, I'd say your original analysis is likely correct."

Billy: " you've got me worried. But let's not get carried away, we have to work together to get through this. As usual, you take the front, and I'll provide fire support from behind."

Anby: *nods* "Right."

The two move on through the subway, dealing with ethereal's with ease. However they didn't notice that they were being followed.

Billy: *sighs* "My heart rests a little easier whenever you're around, Anby."

Anby: "Same for you."

They continued on, clearing out any ethereal's they come across.

Billy: "Yeah! A hit!"

He quickly ducks as an ethereal leaps at him, shooting it right through its chest.

Billy: "Woah, barely missed me!"

The ethereal crashed onto the floor as the android readies to finish it off.

Billy: "Sorry, it's nothing personal, we're regular people, you're monsters... we're destined to be enemies. I'll aim for your weakspot, it won't hurt."

He pulls the trigger, only for it to be out of bullets.

A/n: (Talk about anticlimactic.)

Billy: "Huh?! Uh oh, forgot to reload!"

The ethereal gets up as it goes to attack him once more.

Billy: "Okay buddy, wait a sec! Time out!"

Anby then appears behind it as she slashes its side before kicking it down, finishing it off for real this time.

Anby: "Stay focused."

Billy: *chuckles nervously* "Whoopsy-daisy!"

He then spot a figure in the smoke as it demolishes ethereal's.

Billy: "Huh? Who's over there?"

The figure is seen tiredly killing other ethereal's on their own, but something was off about them.

The two head over and spot the strongbox next to them.

Anby: "The strongbox is right by his feet."

Billy: "You're right! Awesome. Saves us the hassle of searching for it."

The grey haired girl goes to get it but is stopped by her companion.

Billy: "Slow down Anby. What are you gonna do?"

Anby: "Catch him, then recover the strongbox."

Billy: *hesitantly* "Just wait..."

The two approach the figure, it turns its head as it spots them.

???: "I...." *grunts* "Destroy...." *groans*

The figure faces them, revealing it to be none other than Miguel Silver. However it would seem like he will no longer be himself for much longer.

Billy: "Yep, looks like ether corruption. This mutation is intense, I don't think the guy has any ether aptitude at all."

Miguel could only writhe in agony from his mutation, a shield manifesting on his left arm while a blade coming out of his right palm. The core being on the upper left side of his face as it only grew as he desperately tried to hold on.

Anby: "He's still trying to keep a hold on his consciousness!"

Billy: "It's too late, ether crystals are already forming all over his body, he's already-"

All they could do is watch as Miguel begged for help, but it was far too late to save him.

Soon he fully mutates into an ethereal, this one being tall and menacing, unlike its shorter brethren. This type of ethereal was known as a dullahan.

Billy: "This guy's a tough one. Anby! Get ready!"

Anby: "Roger that!"

The ethereal lets out a roar, as it too prepares for a fight.

The fight lasts for a couple of minutes as the two Cunning Hares avoided its attacks, the dullahan staggers back but it quickly recovered from all the damage that the two had dealt upon it.

Billy: "He's recovered?! Is his ether activity still increasing?!"

Anby: "Keep up the attack?"

Billy: "Nah! We don't have the firepower to deal with this guy for long."

Before the fight continued, an object is thrown past them. Quickly catching their attention to be some sort of grenade, Billy and Anby brace themselves before it explodes, creating a large cloud of smoke.

Anby: "A smokescreen?"

Billy: "Whatever it was it gave us a chance, let's bounce!"

She nods before they quickly ran off, the ethereal waves its arm to disperse the smoke. Only for it to be met with nothing, its foes having escaped it.

The strongbox being left along with it.

<Meanwhile in downtown New Eridu.>

We look upon a video store at the corner of sixth Street, over at Janus Quarter.

TV: "We're returning now to Fourteenth Street, where an explosion occurred on one of the upper floors of a residential building shortly after the appearance of a companion hollow. According to our sources, the explosion was set off by public security. In their operation against the violent Red Fang Gang, Public Security took extreme measures, including the use of air force weaponry."

Our view then changes to inside a room in the video store.

TV: "The leader of the Red Fang Gang is thought to have fallen into the hollow and has yet to be brought to justice. The head of public security has refused to comment. The bomb squad is on the way. Please steer clear from Fourteenth Street! We'll continue-"

The TV is interrupted when we see Nicole abruptly enter the room with heavy breathing, as if she had ran a marathon.

Nicole: "Hey, listen up! I was there when that explosion took place."

She stomps over to the television, attempting to turn it off.

Nicole: "This is an emergency! Billy, Anby and the target of my commission have fallen into that hollow! I need a proxy's help! Immediately!"

The two siblings could only act calmly with Nicole, Eous sitting on the couch as he listened to their conversation.

Wise: "Hello'd be nice of you to knock next time."

Belle: "I feel like I hear your urgent needs every three times a month, Nicole..."

The two exit the room as she follows them.

Nicole: "You two can make fun of me all you want after you help me deal with this crisis. Please legendary proxy Phaethon!"

The two could only sigh at her desperation.

Wise&Belle: "What trouble did you get yourself into this time?"

After deciding they will help Nicole out they head back into the staff room.

Wise: "I just checked. Doesn't look like there's anyone suspicious outside."

Nicole: "Don't worry, I wasn't followed. It took a lot to get out of Fourteenth Street unnoticed, but I made sure nobody was tailing me."

Wise: "I hope so."

Nicole: "I know things have been tight lately with the general election just around the corner. They're really cracking down on proxies. They set up a hotline, and-"

Belle: "So what's the hurry, Nicole? Which creditor is chasing you this time?"

Nicole: "That's not it! I was set up by public security and that angry reporter from Ridu TV!"

She gives them a brief review of the conflict with the Red Fang Gang.

Nicole: " Billy and Anby fell into the hollow. I have to get them out! And I need to get back what I've been commissioned to deliver! It's an emergency, and you're the only ones who can help!"

Wise: "Then why don't you make a rescue application with the hollow investigation association?"

Nicole: "I....don't want to make us a target for the association right now. If they found out we've been hollow raiding, we'd be in serious trouble. And it'd take a small fortune to pay those greedy vultures off! But I can't just abandon my squad, right?"

Wise: "Leaving employees behind....that does sound a lot like Nicole's style."

Nicole: "Hey, don't be mean! I allocate a large portion of our revenue to the "employee rescue budget"! Look. All in all, my request is simple! All you need to worry about is getting my client's stuff out of the hollow safely! Do you not accept basic proxy work now? "Phaethon"? Finish this job, and I'll clear my entire bill in one go!"

Belle: "You've been dodging your bill for months Nicole. Have you even considered the interest?"

Nicole: *begrudgingly* "Fine, I'll give you a share of the commission payment. Does that cover it?"

Wise: "Yeah, that sounds about right."

Nicole: "Great! There's no time to waste! I'll be waiting for you in the hollow-"

As she goes to leave she stops when she feels a sudden pain in her side as she lets out a pained groan while leaning back against the couch, most likely still injured from the explosion.

Belle: "You're injured, you need to rest Nicole."

Nicole: "I-I'm fine, it's nothing."

Wise: "Don't push yourself Nicole. Get some rest, our agent would want you to recover instead of putting yourself in more harm. Instead we need your help taking Eous somewhere close to the hollow later."

Nicole: "Oh? Deploying your "Bangboo Double," huh? Okay!"

The grey haired sibling turns to his sister.

Wise: "Hey, can you treat Nicole's wounds? I'll debug the HDD and help you with the prep work to infiltrate the hollow."

He then looks over at the clock, checking the time for something.

Wise: "He's been out for a while, hopefully he isn't doing anything too crazy.

Nicole: "Wait, he? Did you hire someone?"

Belle: "We didn't really hire him, he's more of our guardian in a sense. He does come and checkup on us every so often. He does fit the bill as a parent, plus he is our go-to agent whenever we take commissions that go into hollows." *whispers* "But if you ask me, he is definitely a himbo."

Nicole: "Eh?"

Belle: "Don't think about it too much though."

Once done, Wise heads over to them.

Wise: "Alright, we're ready for business. I'll contact our agent to let him know of our new commission." *chuckles* "Knowing his habits he should be in the hollow already along with Howl."

Nicole: "I don't suppose you could tell me more about him?"

Wise: "I don't think so, it'd be rude to talk about him, so you can ask him yourself once he helps your squad get out of the hollow."

Nicole: "Then why send in your bangboo if he's got one."

Belle: *sighs* "He still hasn't gotten a carrot, he's a bit of a forgetful goofball. But he isn't someone to laugh at."

Nicole: "I see...."

After an hour we see Belle typing away on the computer.

Wise: "Hello, can you hear me Nicole? You can put Eous through now!"

<Meanwhile somewhere at an entrance to the Cretan hollow.>

We see Nicole gently place down Eous as she spoke with the siblings over the phone.

Nicole: "Okay! Right, little one, off you go then.~"

The bangboo then cutely marches over to the hollow.

Nicole: "Done! Your bangboo is on the way!"

<Back with the siblings.>

Wise: "Well then, shall we begin?"

Belle gives him a nod before sitting back in the chair, wise then reaches over and presses a button.

On the computer screen we see it begin to load, it is done in a second as Belle's eyes glow a blue color. Her vision changing as she is now in control of Eous, he then pulls out some sort of bomb before entering the hollow.

Our view then changes to inside the hollow as we look up at the sky, then suddenly we see the other two members of the Cunning Hares as they leap down together as they were attempting to escape the hollow. Only to find themselves back where they were before, ethereal's not being too far behind.

Billy: "Huh?! We're back here again!"

The ethereal's that were chasing after them leap down from the bridge, the two getting ready to face them.

Billy: "Damn, another fight?! At this rate my ammo's depleting, I can say goodbye to that efficiency bonus...."

The ethereal's roar as they charged at the two, they readied themselves once again for another fight. However it isn't the case as a couple of bombs roll out towards the creatures before going off to create a large dust cloud as the two Cunning Hares covered their faces from the sudden explosion.

Anby looked at Billy, thinking it was one of his silly stunts as he nervously flayed his arms.

Billy: "Wait wait wait, that wasn't me!"

???: "Hey guy's, over here!"

The two turn to see a Bangboo waving them over from behind a train cart. The two quickly head over to get out of the ethereal's sight, once done they look down at their savior as it stood proudly despite its short stature.

???: "Well done y'all."

Anby: *whispers* "It's a scarf-wearing, talking bangboo."

Billy: *Le gasp* "Oh I know who it is!"

He dramatically points at the bangboo.

Billy: "You're Phaethon!"


After a bit of running and losing the ethereal's the three hid.

Anby: "I can't hear that superior ethereal anymore."

Billy: *breathes heavily* "Great...I feel like my leg pistons...are gonna break..."

Anby: "I propose that now is the time to take a break and catch our breath. Is that acceptable with you proxy?"

Eous(Belle): "Go right ahead, I'll keep an eye out for any ethereal's."

Anby: "I appreciate the gesture, but I'll be fine. I'll take the first watch."

Eous(Belle): "You sure?"

Anby: *nods* "Positive."

Eous(Belle): "Alright then."

The bangboo plops down along with the android.

Billy: "Phew! That was close. I wasn't expecting that red fang dude to mutate into a powerful ethereal. But it's all thanks to you manager! You got us out of there in the nick of time, twice! As expected of Phaethon, reliable as always."

Eous(Belle): "I'm flattered, I'm just doing what I do best as a proxy. Also I have not saved you twice."

Billy: "Wait, really? Then who was it that saved us from that guy?"

Eous(Belle): "And with that you've confirmed my theory."

Anby: "What theory might I ask?"

Eous(Belle): "That means our agent should be there already!"

Billy: "Then where are they?"

Eous(Belle): "He should be clearing out any ethereal's near the exit, we'll meet him there along the way."

Meanwhile at another location we have our sights on a roof, at the edge of it we see a tall figure sitting on the side of it with a Bangboo in a wolf costume beside him.

???: *yawns* "Today is quite the busy day huh buddy?"

Wolf Bangboo: "Awoo!"

???: *chuckles* "You said it."

A roar is heard down below as the individual peeks over to see a small group of ethereal's trying to get up to them.

???: "Well aren't they quite eager for a beatdown."

He gets up from his spot and stretches a bit before holding his hand out to his Bangboo.

???: "Ready to go bud?"

Wolf Bangboo: *nods* "Awo!"

The individual smiles as he lifts up the bangboo onto his shoulder before backing up and taking a running start towards the edge.

???: "Okay...."

He then makes a mad dash towards the edge and leaping high into the air before plummeting down towards the street. Once he gets closer he reels back his left arm then slamming it into the pavement, sending nearby ethereal's flying while crushing an unlucky one beneath him.

His bangboo jumps off his shoulder and takes its own fighting stance, the owner of the little fluffball standing up to reveal a black wolf thiren wearing white cargo pants and a tank top with flame patterns on the pants and messy black handprints on his top, he wore a glove that reached to his right bicep, he also had a white tribal tattoolike pattern around his neck along with dogtags.

But what caught our attention the most was his prosthetic left arm that stopped at his shoulder, it sparked with electricity as he stood up and took a stance as he looked at the dozens of ethereal's in front of him.

???: "Let's dance!!!"















Finally finished the prologue, can't wait to get started on the next chapter so I hope you guys look forward to it.

My apologies for taking long, pretty much got distracted with the new update on ZZZ, I'm waiting for Burnice so I'm gonna have to pass on Ceasar.

Also another thing I'd like to tell y'all that I once planned on this book to just have two love interests, but of course hoyo is shooting out more and more hot agents. In which this'll have to begrudgingly become a harem book, but I ain't gonna have every single female character in the harem.

I hope you enjoyed this and look forward to what I have in store for our protagonist and his little bangboo.

Stay tuned!

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Words: 5180

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