Act: 10:|| Sammie Possessed By Tenko

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Here's another chapter guys!
A much needed update I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Some mature content ahead not much but be warned there is some!

So that's where Eros' base of his operations is at then.
But he lives in the country in Bonneau too like I did in a lavish home?
I thought to myself, after Blaze and Ace explained everything about where Eros' base of operations are, his coven, even where he lives.
But they would explain rules of being a lone wolf later, but right now they needed to take Nori to Eros and me to Eros to let him know I'm a lone wolf and pregnant now with their pup.

We were riding in Nori's car, which was a van, which I'm glad for, but why a van?
It was red and had plenty of room.
Blaze sat next to me and Ace drives, while Nori was in the passenger seat.
Blaze kept looking at me, mainly my stomach, my slightly pot bellied stomach in my anime shirt, which I changed into after I took a shower.
Yes I have a slight pot belly comes with having a natural chubby gene.
Blaze then places a hand on my belly.
"I hope it's a girl as beautiful as you."
Blaze murmured and kisses my neck, making me shiver, and sudden I felt my fangs elongate, and my eyes feel weird.
"Oops, I made you transform from your horniness."
Blaze pulled away, and I breathe hard looking at him, breathing hard.
"Focus on something else."

"I can't!
All I'm thinking about is wanting more!"
I whine.

Blaze chuckled, now sober.
"I'm sorry but you need to turn back, we are going to Eros' house and being transformed partially like that is bad."

"Will he kill me?"
I ask him.

"No, he'll make us punish you in front of him."
Ace says to me.

"What do you mean?"
I ask Ace.

"In sex."
Blaze tells me.

I gulp, and I shake my head.
"I.....I can't do that cause I could lose the baby."

"Not if it's anal sex."
Ace tells me.

I look to Ace shocked and Nori looks uncomfortable from Blaze and Ace talking about this, but didn't say a word.
"Um....I'll try to calm down."
I say, as I focused on something else on what our child will look like our pup, if it will be a boy or girl, what the pup's wolf will be like?
Who her mate when she is older will be?

Then I felt my fangs return back to normal human canines and my eyes felt back to normal.
"Good you did it."
Blaze caressed my cheek and then kissed my forehead, and soon enough we pulled into a dirt road, leading up to a long dirt driveway and up to a big mansion-like home and Ace parked next to a red Camaro.

"We are here.
We must all be respectful in his house."
Ace tells us, looking to each of us, and each of us nods.

We all get out, and follow Ace up to the cedar doorway, and Ace rang the doorbell, and I heard footsteps approach the door, and soon enough Eros answered the door looking quite confused, then looked to me, and he sniffed, narrowing his eyes at me then Ace.
"You have explaining to do Ace then?
Come in."
Eros moved from the door then says.
"You even brought a Mage into my home how quaint."
Eros grabbed a glass full of dark red liquid from a table in a big den-like living area he guided us into and sipped the dark red liquid.

"This Mage foresaw things about rogue wolves maybe try to overthrow you."
Blaze tells Eros, and Eros raised a brow, looking to Nori, and Nori nods.

"I foresaw it.
You need to act Milord.
As well as they target Sammie, and they must have a Mage too who sees the future, so they must know what I see that involves you and the future I see with Sammie, Blaze, and Ace, and their future little one.
Sammie must be protected at all costs, and must not miscarry for the fate of your kingdom."
Nori bows slightly to Eros.
"That is all I can tell you due to the Future Telling Laws Of Mages."

Eros sighs running his hand through his long dark hair, and nods.
"I understand the ways of Mages, though you have me curious why this pup of Sammie's is so important?
But these rogues want my thrown, but they shall not have it!
I will have my most loyal vampires guard Sammie you have my word Ace and Blaze.
As well as teach her the ropes of the rules of being a lone wolf, and train her in combat."
Eros walked up to me, putting a hand on my stomach.
"I feel something from this pup.
I do not know what, but I feel a pull since you walked in here.
I feel protective, so I will protect you and this pup even after it is born do you understand Sammie."
I nod to Eros.

Eros was very serious I could tell, he was getting possesssive, and protective, and I think he don't know why at all!
I thought to myself, as he turns away from me, making his chest length and mid back length dark midnight hair swish.
Eros was an Asian vampire, so he naturally had the kind of personality that I noticed he like to hide how he truly felt, afraid others would see how he truly felt on his face.

"We will stop these rogues, and I shall alert my coven and other lone wolves to prepare for war on the rogues, and if they see any to kill them outright, do not leave any alive unless they mention overthrowing me, and to question them, and if they mention Sammie to leave them alive to bring to me, and question that particular wolf."
Eros drank down the rest of his glass of I'm thinking blood.
"Ace, let me know when the pup is born.
Also before it is born I will arrange a baby shower for the celebration of life being conceived."
Eros turned to Ace.

Ace nods, looking to me and I felt overwhelmed that Eros would do this for me, and I didn't understand why.
"Have you thought of a name yet?"
Eros asked me.

" just kinda happened today when I turned today."
I nervously say, rubbing my neck.

"You three mated before the turning which resulted in the pregnancy then?
I have heard legends that doing that results in defects in the pup."
Eros says to me, and I felt my heart race in fear at that.

"That is only legends Eros, and fables."
Blaze scoffed.

"It could happen."
Nori comments.

Blaze looked to Nori.
"Are you hiding something?!"

"No I'm not!"
Nori turns his head away.

Ace narrowed his eyes at Nori.
Clearly Nori is hiding something.
Ace thought to himself.

"I believe it won't happen!"
I shake my head.
"My pup will be born special!"
I glare at Eros.

Eros looked at me with a look he felt sorry he upset me, as I started to cry, and he reached out to me, but then pulled his hand away, and turned away, his back to me.
"If you wish to leave then go."
Eros says to me, and I sensed his voice was in pain.

Blaze humphed, and he grabbed my arm and started walking me out of Eros' home, and Ace followed, and so did Nori, and I looked at Eros over my shoulder, seeing him clench his right fist to his side, his fist trembling.


            ....Six months Later....


It was an all out war, rogues being killed left and right, and Blaze and Ace participating in it, and during my first part of my pregnancy I was trained in combat until I got too noticable in my pregnancy in my pup bump to even do combat training no more to where I could miscarry, so I am lazying around now, and my breasts are always achy and sore, and I thought being a werewolf you would not have cravings or pee alot, but werewolves are like humans you pee alot, and have cravings.

I never got sickness which was a good thing, which I guess werewolves are different than humans, I don't know.
But we figured a name for our little pup, and we know it's a girl now thanks to Nori doing a gender revealing spell.

Our pup's name will be....
Tenko which means Divine Beast.
A perfect name for such a special little pup.
Everyday she does summersaults in my belly, and I swear I feel paws and a tail in my belly, and Blaze thinks I'm crazy, but Ace believes me.
Ace believes our pup will be born unique and special like I do.
Blaze is the one thinking she will be born quite normal, but me and Ace believe she might be born in her wolf form in how I feel she has paws and a tail in my belly.
I believe Blaze will freak out when she is born.

The baby shower is being prepared today at Eros' home, and I was at home munching on some spicy jalapeno cheddar cheese chips, craving them, and they were Blaze's stash that I found, which he will get upset I found them, but I didn't care right now I need to settle my cravings.

Suddenly the door to the house slammed open and I smelled Blaze's blood in the air, and heard Blaze crying in pain, and Nori who was reading a book on the couch next to me perked up, and I stand up, worry etched in my face, watching Ace hauling Blaze over one shoulder in the house to be on the kitchen table on his back.
I walk over to Ace, and see Blaze had a big nasty bite gash over his chest and shoulder.

"What happened?!"
I ask, scared.

Ace glared at Blaze.
"Several rogues jumped us at once.
I killed them in time before they really killed Blaze."
Ace looked to me and I had tears in my eyes.

Blaze looked to me, seeing me crying, I could see how badly his chest was torn up and shoulder.
I could see some flesh showing deep and it's pretty knarly.
"Sammie don't look."
Blaze begs me.

"Blaze I can't help it!
You're hurt!
I don't want you to die!"
I tell him.

"I'll heal hun."
Blaze tried to sit up, but only coughed blood and slumped back down.

"Rest brother.
This kind of healing takes time."
Ace advised Blaze.

"Nori can help!
Right Nori?!"
I ask Nori.

Nori nods, walking up, and puts his hands above Blaze, and they glowed light purple, and I watch in amazement as Blaze's wounds began magically healing, and reconstructing themselves until there was no scar on his body.
Once Nori was finished, he pulls his hands away, and Blaze sat up, looking to Nori, and nods a thanks.

Blaze stands up off the table and walks to me, and kissed me, slipping his tongue in my mouth, and I melted instantly at the kiss, and my thighs trembled too, and I felt a hand go to my rump, slipping past my underwear to rub a finger against my anus' opening.
Yes I had anal sex recently, got the first time with both Ace and Blaze on my third month of pregnancy and I loved it, loved it more than regular sex.

"You three never relent trying to have sex in front of me!
It's torture!"
Nori complains, and then gulped when Ace growled at him.

"Then deal with it!"
Ace growled yet again.

"Yeah like you always do."
Blaze pulls away from the kiss he's giving me.

Nori flustered he was, turns away, and walks into the extra room he goes in when in one of his moods, and shuts the door.
"You two we shouldn't.
I'm really far long."
I say, pulling Ace's hand from my rump.
"I'm sorry.
I do want this but I'm thinking about this for Tenko's sake you know."
I say more, with a concerned look on my face.

Ace nods in understanding, and Blaze sighs in frustration but nods.
"We understand."
Ace replied and kissed my forehead.

"We should get ready for the baby shower."
I tell Ace and Blaze.

"Yes we will shower.
We have rogue stink and blood on us."
Ace says to me.

"I agree."
Blaze says to me.

"Should I change?"
I say, looking at myself, since I see I'm wearing a t-shirt of Ace's that was from a restaurant I bet that closed down awhile ago, and it was red, and it was big on me, but my pup bump shows prominently in the shirt, so did my breasts a little, and my chubby curves, and I wore some of my men's black pants that stretched, and black men's socks.
I wore a maternity bra since my regular bras hurt.

"Yes you look fine."
Ace assures me.

I smile at Ace at how honest he was he don't mind me dressing a boy, that he loved how I dress, loved I kept my hair this short.
"Thank you Ace."
And to be honest Blaze loved how I dressed too, he claimed it was easier to undress me, and loved my hair being short because I looked beautiful with it short too like Ace did.

"We will go get ready now."
Both Ace and Blaze said at the same time as they walk to our shared bedroom.

Nori came out of the room he stormed off into, and looked to me.
"They will be good fathers trust me."
Nori smiled at me.

"I know they will be."
I smile a kindred smile at Nori.

"I hope I find the woman for me one day."
Nori sighs sadly.

"You will Nori.
Don't fret about it."
I assure him, patting his arm.

Nori looked at me sadly.
"I hope you are right."

"You need to have faith Nori."
I tell him.

Nori sighs.


Not soon after, Ace, Blaze, Nori and I had left and made it to Eros' home to the baby shower, and there were lone wolves I could smell there, including vampires around, all indulging on booze, and as well as Eros was chatting with some vampires, until he saw me, and broke from chatting with those vampires, and walked over to me, and grabbed my hand, kissing the top of it in a ginger peck.

"Sammie, you look well tonight and the little pup inside you."
Eros says to me, smiling down at me.

"Her name is Tenko, which means Divine Beast."
I smile up at Eros.

"A perfect name to the future daughter you will have."
Eros gave me a warm smile, and his  silver eyes held a gentle warmth in them not directed at me, but when he looked at my belly, it was directed at my belly!
It was weird.
"I imagine she is quite the hellion when she moves around in your stomach?"

I giggle.
"Yes she is.
It is strange though."

"Strange how?"
Eros asked me.

I look to Ace for permission to explain.
"Can I explain to Eros in private?"
I ask Ace.
"With you two of course."

Ace says, and Blaze merely nods saying nothing, eyeing Eros.

Eros nods.
"We can talk in my study room."
Eros guides me, Ace, and Blaze through some rooms, and to a big room where some books lined huge shelves, and a desk was against a wall by some drawers that were large.
Ace shuts the door behind us.
"What is it you wish to say Sammie?"
Eros turned towards me.

"Um....I've felt in my stomach when Tenko moves she has paws and a tail, so I think she's in her wolf form inside me, and might be born in her wolf form. So Ace told me this will be the first time in history a wolf will be born this way.
So we need to keep it secret, though I don't understand why though."
I tell Eros.

Eros goes wide eyed.
"I see, a wolf being born like this can be seen as blasphemy to certain lone wolves even packs and rogues. Packs are far dangerous than rogues, they will come to my territory and demand the pup be killed because Tenko being born was sin, but I will not let that happen. Some lone wolves who still believe that it is sin by their old pack laws will believe it's sin as well may target Tenko.
I will keep Tenko safe and you safe while she is growing in your womb.
Blaze and Ace, I recommend you three and the Mage stay in my home."
Eros says to us.

"Not happening!
I see how you look at Sammie!"
Blaze snapped.

We must follow orders!"
Ace scolds his brother.

Eros glared at Blaze but looked at my belly with a warm look, then clenched his jaw.
"Fine, you may stay in your household until the pup is born but come see me soon.
I will hold the news off as long as I can about how she is born a wolf at birth."
Eros says to us.

"Eros, what is going on with you?"
Ace asked Eros.

Eros turned away not answering.
"Enjoy the party.
I have many gifts for Tenko."

I walk up to Eros and grabbed his hand as if I was possessed by something, my mind not with it.
What are you doing?!"
Blaze snarled out.

Sammie placed his hand on her belly and she whimpers like a dog.
Eros blinked in shock.
"Sammie? are not Sammie are you?"
She whines again and pants.
Eros looked to Ace.
"She's possessed by the pup."

"By the pup?
The pup has that kind of power?!"
Blaze exclaimed.

Eros looked to Sammie, patting her head, and she smiled, and whined, panting.
"It seems so."
Then Sammie regained consciousness, and blinked.

"Ugh....what the?!"
I look to Eros confused.
"Why are you patting my head and touching my belly?"
I ask even more confused.

"You were possessed by Tenko."
Eros says to me.

"I was?"
I ask in shock.

"Yes, she was highly interested in me."
Eros says to me, letting my stomach go, and looked to his hand.

"Why though?"
I ask confused.

Eros looked to me.
"I am unsure as well."

"The party."
Nori comments.

Eros nods.
"Let us get back to it."


To be continued......

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