Act 6: The Mage Who Predicts

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Here's another chapter, and slight mature content ahead not much!

I will fix misspellings later if there is any.

Packing my things up from my house took days, several days, and Blaze and Ace did it all...well I instructed them how I wanted everything packed a certain way and they packed it for me, cause they didn't want me doing labor, since they are old fashioned that way.
And Dad never returned home, and that vampire Remriz never bothered us again, and I miss Dad already bad.
We traveled back and forth bringing my things and stuff to Blaze and Ace's big house, and yes their house is huge.

Even back then when I was a kid it was huge, and it also had secret passages in it too from the old days in it that Ace and Blaze and I would sneak in and play in.

Man those were the days.
We had fun in those days.
I smile to myself, as I watch them bring the last of my stuff in the big walk way in their home.

"What are you smiling about sweet thing?"
Blaze asked me in a flirty way, walking up to me.

"Remembering when we would play in the secret passages in this house."
I tell Blaze.

"Those were good times."
Blaze grinned.

"But we also got scolded each time for it by father."
Ace comments, walking up to me.
"Critters and spiders tend to live there, and it is dangerous."

"I realize that now yeah."
I tell Ace.

"We keep those passages clean now."
Blaze tells me.

"Father didn't though.
He never had the time."
Ace comments.

"Let's unpack everything."
I tell them.

"Looks like this is two rooms worth, which is no problem."
Ace comments to me.

"Are you two sure?"
I ask.

"No biggie."
Blaze shrugs.

"Okay then.
The plushies and manga shelves can go in one room then.
Then the bed can go in the other?
Including my posters and statues and pictures?"
I ask them, and Blaze and Ace nod.

They both say.
Tell us where you want them.
We will be careful."

"I can put them in order my stuff."
I tell him.
"My plushies and statues and posters."

"Your bed no."
Blaze retorts at me.

"I know that."
I frown.
"I'm not good with heavy stuff.
I never was."
I admit to him.

"We know."
Ace comments to me, as we began unboxing my plushies first, since Ace and Blaze already had all my shelves put up in both rooms already.

It's still a dream that I'm now living with them, that I have all my necessities here, and my address here, and they took me to my first appointment about my autism to have therapy, and to have my medication filled too.
I paid only three dollars for it to be filled thanks to my medical was transfered here too.
Now I'm all good, but they have to take care of me now, which they will do, as they promised me they would after the therapist explained how my autism worked to them, that they need to stay on top of me and keep a routine for me, and keep me busy, keep my mind focused, which they have been doing too these past few days, giving me things I like to read, and also they bought streaming services for me to watch anime and the like, while they work on homes since I don't work, so I'm at home quite a bit alone, but also they set up a chore list for me to do which I do, do them.
I clean up the home, and do their laundry and stuff, so I'm not a total lazy girl.
But I can't cook worth shit unlike my Dad who can cook.
But Ace can cook and Blaze both can, which I'm lucky for.

Back at hand, and now we are putting my plushies in order in the plushie, anime statue, and manga room, the anime statues and plushies I won online.
I was lucky I won any statues.
I tried hard to win them.
We set the plushies up how I wanted, then started on the statues, carefully setting them all up, which took a long time, and once all were up, we then put up my many genres of mangas I had in order I had, we put the yaois I had in order, then the shoujos, then the shounens, ecchis aka harems in order next.
I read ecchis aka harems just for good old laughs, cause they are perverted yet hilarious, and that took about another long time cause I got four long shelves of them full of them, and they had to be in order or I'll get an anxiety attack, cause I like things a certain way.

Once they were in a certain order, we finally were done with that, and Blaze left, coming back with a big leather recliner, and set it in the big spacy middle of the room.
"For you to relax in and read."
Blaze says to me.

"Thanks boys."
I smile at them both.

"The next room is your bed."
Ace says to me, looking to me.
"And your shelves which your family photos go on.
We will put them on there."

"Thank you again."
I tell them.

"Thank us too much and we will blush you know."
Blaze laughed, teasing me, and Ace chuckled at that, and I puff my cheeks at Blaze at him teasing me like that.

"You annoyed her Blaze as always."
Ace says, as I watch them lift up the frame for my bed where we stand in the open walk way, and they start carrying it in the second spare room.
"Stay in your manga room and out of the way for us alright.
We do not want you getting hurt Sammie."
Ace says, as the two walk by me with the bed frame, that's wooden.

I tell them, walking to my manga room, which has my plushies in it, and anime statues already set up.
I plucked off a shoujo manga, and sat in my recliner that Blaze sat down himself, and began reading it, and I heard them grunting, and fixing the frame in order, and heard clinking and pounding noises, and soon I heard footsteps, and I watch as my bed's matress was being carried by both of them one piece at a time, and they walk by this room I'm in to the second room, and I heard it being set down since both rooms were next to each other.

The two boys grunt, and I heard shuffling, and sighs of relief.
"That's it, now the sheets and blankets."
I heard Blaze say, and I was halfway done with the manga, but I put it up back in it's spot, and left out of the room, and the boys walk up to me.

Ace says to me.
"The bed is done, now the other shelves and things are left."
Ace looked to his wristwatch.
"It's lunchtime.
We should grab something in Summerville."

I agreed, feeling hungry, me adapting to their times they eat, but they told me werewolves eat more than humans, but I don't overeat, so I don't eat as much as they do, just I adjusted their breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule.
Right now was lunch for us, since I've been staying with them for now two days.

"What do you want to eat?
Or do you want to go to something fancier?"
Ace asked me.

"Yeah, do you want something fancier?
We can afford it you know."
Blaze asked me.

"Olive Garden sounds good."
I comment to Blaze and Ace.

"That is in North Charleston, but we can go there for you.
We will do anything for you, know that Sammie."
Ace says to me with an adoring look in his eyes, and Blaze had the same look in his eyes too.

I felt flustered by this, and I felt my core throb, and my core get immediately slick from Ace saying such words, and I heard them sniff, and both men growl.
Both Blaze and Ace growl out my name, making my core throb worse, cause it was sexy as hell they growled like that.

I ask them in a squeak.

Both Blaze and Ace swallow hard.
"We should go eat."
Both of them say at the same time, and I look down noticing they are hard, really hard in their jeans.

"You two are hard though?"
I ask them.

Both Blaze and Ace hesitated.
"We are fine."
Blaze and Ace say, but I knew they were lying to me, I knew they were blue balled big time.

Ace put a finger to my lips.

"You aren't ready for us yet."
Ace tells me honestly, and I give him a disappointed look.

"Trust us."
Blaze says, giving me a sincere look.

"But yesterday you really were going to go all the way though!"
I retort back.

"We were but now we realized, after what happened with your father you are not ready yet.
You would not be ready to want to turn into a wolf first to one day have our pups, because humans can't have wolf children, only wolves can have wolf children, you would need to be turned, and you would go through something similar to what your father went through to be able to turn into a wolf, then your first shift would be painful, and we would guide you in being a wolf and teach you the rules here and Eros' rules, then ones you learned them, we would impregnate you.
Humans can't have werewolf children, human DNA is not compatible."
Ace tells me.

"So you won't have sex with me until then?!"
I exclaim in shock.

"We did not say that."
Blaze tells me.

"We will be inside you, but we think you cannot handle the rough ways we supernaturals can have sex and we are afraid you cannot handle it."
Ace says, with a pained look directed at me.

"We do not want to hurt you Sammie."
Blaze says, with a saddened look directed towards me.

"We want to even protect you from ourselves."
Ace agrees with Blaze.

"I understand you want to protect me, but you two must understand that I want you both so bad too!
You have no idea!
I can endure anything you throw at me!
I'm not a naive child anymore!"
I retort back at them.

"We know this."
Ace tells me, caressing my cheek lovingly, and Blaze puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Still not tonight."
Ace tells me.

"Then when?"
I ask Ace.
"Do I have to beg?"
I sniffle.

Ace and Blaze sigh looking at each other.
They both say their voices sounding hurt.
Both of them hug me.

"I want you to love me all night long with your bodies!
So please!
I'm yours Blaze and Ace!
I don't care!"
I sob in their chests.
"You already marked me!
I made my choice dammit!
I'm homeless and you took me in!
I lost my only family, and now you're my family.
My only family I have!
I want us to be one!"

"Brother she really wants this."
Blaze murmured to Ace.
"I can tell she is not lying can't you?"

"Yes I can tell."
Ace comments back to his brother Blaze.

"Sammie, after Olive Garden then we shall have sex, but for now enjoy a good dinner date with us."
Ace tells me in my right ear.

"Just focus on having fun at dinner."
Blaze murmured in my other ear.

I tell them, and nod in their chests, and they kissed my hair, and soon let me go, taking me by my hands, and guided me out of their home, and Ace locked the home, and this time we took a different car they owned which was a Lincoln SUV.

I rode in the front with Ace as Blaze sat in the back, and Blaze decided to call Eros about getting a request about to ask Remriz to see to get visiting rights for me to see my Dad.
But again Eros shot Blaze down, because if Remriz denied visitation rights then he could do nothing to help, it is against his authority to stop Remriz to boss around his own mate, since Dad is his property and belongs to Remriz.

"Alright I understand Eros, your laws are different than werewolf laws in the vampire community.
I will not ask again.
Goodbye Eros."
Blaze says, and hung up his smartphone, and sighs.
"Sammie, I'm sorry there's nothing we can do.
Remriz has authority over if you can see your father not us, and if he don't want you to see your father then you are screwed."

I sigh, feeling like I wanna cry again.
"I miss him so much."
I murmur.

"We know."
Ace rubbed my thigh as he drives.

"I wish we could do something more, but dammit!
That son of a bitch of a vampire won't let you see your father and it pisses us off making you so sad!"
Blaze snarled out.

"Indeed it does."
Ace comments.

I swallow hard.
"Does this make me and Dad enemies when I turn into a wolf?"
I ask, scared that it could make me Dad's enemy.

"To Remriz you already are since you're with us."
Blaze flat out tells me.

"I am huh."
I say sadly.

Ace growled.

"So Dad could hate me in the future and any children we have?"
I ask Ace and Blaze.

"We don't know for sure."
Ace tells me.

"Are you going to lie to her forever brother?!
Clearly Remriz hates our kind worth a passion!"
Blaze growled out to Ace.

"Blaze shut up!"
Ace snarled out to his twin brother.
"She's hurting right now and your mouth is making matters worse!"

That's right!
Blaze's temper always got the best of him just like at Dad's diner!
I thought to myself.

"But you know I'm right!
She may never see him again!
And if we do he will be so brainwashed he may try to kill her when she is a wolf!
Or kill our pups!"
Blaze fumed.

"Enough brother!"
Ace shouts, and he then parked at Olive Garden in a spot.

"Blaze, let's have a good date and not fight or talk about this anymore.
I feel like I'll crumble to pieces if we do."
I tell Blaze, as I turn to look at him over my shoulder, a painful sad look directed at him on my face.

Blaze lost his rage face he had on his face, and looked at me with a remorseful one.
"Sammie I'm sorry.
Forgive me."

"I do, let's have fun now, then afterwards we can have a different kind of fun in bed at home."
I tell Blaze and Ace, making both of them growl in canine-like ways.

"When we return home you are so going to get it."
Blaze growled at me, smirking at me, leaning forward and tried to kiss my lips, but I put my finger to his lips and pushed him away, then tugged Ace by his hair down to kiss me since he turned to look at me in his seat, and he groans, slipping his tongue in my mouth, teasing and licking my tongue and mouth, and I felt his fangs elongate in my mouth, and he growled in my throat.
Soon Ace sucked on my tongue, and then swirled his tongue around my tongue in a tornado like way, and then pulled away, breathing hard.

I look to Blaze and he looked zealous of that kiss me and Ace shared.
"Teasing me is not nice Sammie."
Blaze looked annoyed.

"You'll get to kiss me when you get home I promise."
I smirk at him.

Blaze perked up at that.
"You better mean that, or I will be cross."

"I mean it."
I look to Blaze with a serious look.

Ace closed his eyes breathing hard, focusing on reeling his wolf in so they can go inside, and he finally did.
"Alright, we can go in."
Ace says, his teeth back to normal, and turned the car off, then looked to Blaze.
"You smell them don't you?"
Ace asked Blaze.

"Yeah, Mages.
They must be having a Mage-Mitzfa."
Blaze says sarcastically.

What's a Mage-Mitzfa?"
I ask confused.

"Mages are immortal magic users, they are very beautiful, and they know martial arts too, and when they have coming of age ceremonies, but back in the days of old they would have grand parties in feasts and battles, but now they cannot have battles, but now instead they have parties like birthday parties by feasting, for say eating out and having a party.
They do work jobs like humans do, but use their magic to do jobs for us supernatural creatures mainly for big bucks, like help get a mate fertile with a spell, or other things."
Ace tells me.
"It is custom a Mage has waist length long hair, it is a sign of their power and nobility."
Ace adds that on.

"If provoked they can cause trouble."
Blaze tells me.
"So we tend to not provoke them."

"If you see them, do not comment about how they dress nor how they act nor their hair.
They do not like humans meddling in their affairs, unless the human is a bride to one of them."
Ace tells me.

I tell Ace, as we get out of the vehicle and walk up to the doors, and once we entered inside, we made arrangements for a table, and we had to sit and wait.

I had to go to the bathroom, so I went to the hallway towards the bathroom, and as I walk to the hallway. I turn down the hallway, and I accidentally bump into something, and two hands caught me on my chubby arms, and I then say.
I flinch, my eyes closed.
Then I look up, seeing a man with teal blue long waist length hair, and he had ruby red eyes, and pale skin, and long dark eyelashes, and he looked like something out of a ancient times Korean drama, but wore all black clothing, modern clothing, black jeans, black boots, and a black suit jacket and a black tank top that showed his slim yet muscular chest.
He narrowed his eyes at me.

He grabbed hold of my chin, and suddenly kissed me, his tongue slipping in my mouth, and I go wide eyed at that in shock.

What is he doing?!
If the boys see this they will get mad especially Blaze!
I thought to myself, as this man shoved me into a corner, and wrapped my thighs around his waist.

He pulls his mouth away from my lips, and I breathe hard.
Why kiss me?"
I ask him, as he rubs his hard as hell loins against me.

"Your smell....
Your smell is driving me mad."
He murmured.
"You smell as if you are in pain and despair."

I blink at him.
Wait is he attracted to my pain and despair?
I thought to myself.

"And your future child it will be magnificent, so beautiful.
Just thinking about foretelling it just now got me so riled up, and I'm the uncle so to speak.
I revealed too much."
This man chuckled, and suddenly a fist decked him off me, and he fell on his side, and I was caught by Ace before I could fall on my rump.

"You fucking pervert!
Touching her!"
Blaze seethed.

The man stood up, spitting out the blood from his lip that dripped from his chin, and he laughed.
"Listen to me before you throw more punches.
It is important.
That human is important to this world, to Lord Eros right now in the future."

Blaze growled.

"I cannot say anymore.
There are rules about foretelling the future when a Mage has foretold the future.
I foretold something that impacts all of us who is under rule of Lord Eros.
I can only say it involves her and you three and me too.
You must trust me.
I just got horny from foretelling such a future I might of jumped your mate, so please forgive me.
I am young you know.
I just came of age, I am 25.
The name is Nori."
Nori tells us.

"Coming of age for Mages is 25."
Ace tells me.

I tell Ace, as he noticed I'm confused.

"I must guide you three through the future, it is custom for a Mage who has foretold the future for someone to make sure their future turns out right, which is what I was taught."
Nori tells us.

There you are!
Your party is starting!
Hurry up!"
Another long haired dark haired Mage walked up.
"What happened to your face?"

Nori looked to me.
"I recognized your energy so I will seek you out, goodbye miss."
Nori walked off with his companion.

Blaze glared at me.
"What did he tell you?"

I gulp.
"He didn't make sense so I didn't understand much sorry."

Ace sighs.
"Blaze we have no choice but to accept that Mage will be visiting the house often."

Blaze looked pissed.
"I do not like it."

"Blaze I'll be fine.
But right now I gotta pee, so excuse me, or I'll pee my pants."
I scurry into the little girls room quickly.

Blaze sighs watching her go.
"What could be so important about the future it involves all three of us including that Mage?"
Blaze asked Ace.

"I don't know but we may find out soon enough brother in the future, so be patient."
Ace tells Blaze, putting a hand on his shoulder.


End chapter....

To be continued.....


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