▪ Chapter Two ▪

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Family is forever

"Who the hell are you?" Vigolfr demanded, his hands clenching into tight fists.

"Ah, I almost forgot! I am Thor Odinson, heir to the Asgardian throne," the man introduced with a playful bow, his handsome smile never leaving his face.

"Why are you here?" I queried from behind my brother, my hands trembling from the attack of the blue creatures.

"I have come to escort you safely to Asgard!" Thor esclaimed, offering one of his muscular arms for us to take.

"Asgard?" Vigolfr snorted, his nose wrinkling, "As in Norse mythology Asgard?"

"Norse? Yes. Myth? No," he answered with such a proud glimmer in his striking blue eyes that I couldn't help but trust his words. Besides, something about him was familiar, although I couldn't place it.

Vigolfr stayed where he was and I could practically see the gears turning in his mind. His jaw clenched, his arm stayed held out in front of me. I leaned my head against his shoulder with an exhausted sigh. The events of today were wearing me thin.

"Please. We need to leave now, or I fear that more Frost Giants will come in search of you," Thor pleaded, his arm still outstretched.

"G-giants?" My voice was a mere squeak, small and pitiful.

Thor's expression softened when he looked at me, something flashing in his handsome eyes. Pity? Sympathy? Disappointment? All of the above? His lips moved, saying something too quiet to hear.

"Come," he moved his arm, getting a bit impatient now.

Vigolfr, body tensed and suspicion in his dark eyes, nodded reluctantly, "Alright. But try anything and I will not hesitate to kill you."

Thor seemed to be amused by this as he restrained a hearty laugh, "You have my word, Lord Vigolfr! Now, hold onto me tightly!"

"Wait! We need to pack our things!" I cried in protest. We had to arrange clothes and other necessities for a trip like this.

"There is no need, dear Lady Télika, everything you need is awaiting your arrival," Thor shook his head as Vigolfr grudgingly and reluctantly tangled one of his hands in the red cloth of his cape. His other hand reached for mine, squeezing it tightly, reassuringly.

"Hold on tightly!" Thor repeated, shoving his hammer upwards, murmuring, "Heimdall, open the Bifrost!" A beam of white light tore through the second floor and the ceiling, creating a hole up to the sky. I gasped, tears threatening to form. I tightened my grip on Vigolfr's hand, pulling close to bury my face in the space between his chest and Thor's cape.

My feet left the ground and my stomach dropped, my nails digging into my brother'e palm instinctively. It was only when I felt sticky liquid that I loosened my grip, guilt surging up my throat at the pain I had caused him.

The sensation of weightlessness filled my being and I hesitantly glanced up, instantly becoming mesmerized by our surroundings. Bright stars glowed white while a canvas of black was splashed with purples and blues and reds. It was beautiful and a feeling of tranquillity wanted me to loosen my hold on Vigolfr's hand even more. I almost complied, if it wasn't for stumbling into a round structure suddenly.

I nearly face-planted, but Vigolfr's hand snatched my elbow, righting me. I took this time to study the building we were situated in. It was round and gears sat on either side and it was.. pure gold.

On a raised platform, a man with darker skin and unnerving gold eyes stood, leaning against a pedestal which housed a golden sword. He quirked an eyebrow at us, a welcoming smile on his older face.

"Welcome back to Asgard, Twin Wolves," he straightened his back, waving toward the scene behind him.

In the distance were buildings, a large gate concealing most of the architecture. A sparkling bridge of multiple colors stretched from the golden sphere to the gate, reflecting the blinding light of the unnaturally pure sun.

"Lady Tèlika, Lord Vigolfr, this is Heimdall, the Gatekeeper of the Bifrost." Thor introduced with a respectful nod to the older man. Heimdall climbed down from the platforn to plant a kiss on my knuckles and to give Vigolfr a firm handshake.

"It is a pleasure to have you back," Heimdall spoke softly with his unnerving gaze studying our faces. Then he stepped aside.

Thor, with a large hand on one of our shoulders, led us out onto the bridge. Vigolfr had relented until the blonde had threatened to leave him behind. We crossed the magnificent Rainbow Bridge and entered through the opened gates. The city's architecture was beautiful and unique with curving arches and elegant designs.

The crowds greeted Thor boisterously, some clapping him on the back, some giving him shy smiles. But, when their attention shifted to my brother and I, I saw contempt and anger and even flashes of fear. Although they dared not sneer or insult us in front of Thor.

Thor brought us into a castle made of purely gold. The abnormally bright sunlight struck the narrow towers and was reflected brilliantly. It was magnificent and my breath was taken from my lungs as we entered. The inside was covered in gold like the outside.

Thor took us down wide halls and to a pair of large doors with guards out front. He pushed the door open without giving the guards a glance. We entered a spaceous room with an arching ceiling and beautiful carvings on the columns that supported the ceiling. A thin red carpet stretched beneath our feet and guided us to a raised platform where a gilded throne sat. An aged man was settled in the glorified chair, his head resting in his palm, the crown on his head tilted slightly.

"Father," Thor dropped to one knee and Vigolfr and I hastily mimicked, bowing our heads respectfully.


We stood simultaneously. I bit my lip, my palms becoming clammy, drips of sweat trickled down between my shoulder-blades. Was this really not some terribly elaborate dream?

"I never thought I'd see the Twin Wolves in the flesh again," the man's voice was loud and clear and authoritative, demanding attention. "I'd say it's a pleasure, but that would be a lie, children. Thor, how much do they remember?"

"Nothing," the said man turned to us, noticing our confusion. "This is Odin Borson, King of Asgard and the Allfather. And my father."

I shifted from foot to foot. How did we manage to anger a king? And what was this talk about our memories? How did they know us? What the hell was happening?

"Both a relief and a shame, I must say. You were both such ferocious warriors," despite his appraising words, Odin voice betrayed his gratitude for our amnesia.

A bubble of anger churned in my stomach, boiling in my blood. I barely even understood why I was so furious as I felt my face grow hot and my lips pressing into a firm line. My fingers curled into fists at my sides, trembling the slightest bit. I faintly registered Thor's and Odin's conversation about my brother and I, but I no longer cared enough to actually listen.

When my rage became unbearable, I turned my head to stare helplessly at Vigolfr. He seemed to understand, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape, for he reached for my hand, but it was too late. I returned ny focus on Odin and my insides felt as though they exploded. Cold energy expanded from my body, sending those unfortunate enough to be in the room flying backwards. Odin's throne groaned under the force, Thor hit a wall, Vigolfr's feet were torn from beneath him, the guards were pressed flat against the large doors.

I was the only one still standing, the anger subsiding. I stared down at my hands, tinted blue in color. A memory briefly flung itself in front of my eyes, echoing in my ears.

It was myself and Vigolfr, we were standing in front of Odin, anger bubbled in my chest.

"So we're monsters!"

And then it cut itself off, vanishing once more. My head throbbed painfully and tears threatened to fall from my eyes. My hands trembled as I stared down at them, then past them to notice a network of thick frost creating a web-like design around me and splintering off in all direction.

When I looked up, I saw Odin giving the recovered Thor a long, hard stare. A hand enveloped mine and I found Vigolfr by my side once more.

"Thor, please escort our guests to their rooms. And send me Skadi and Njord," Odin commanded in a tone of anger and disbelief, I think I even sensed fear, deep down within his soul. A fear that had been long forgotten, but now aroused once again.

"Télika," Vigolfr's voice in my ear jerked me back to the present and I felt his thumb slide across my hand. I glanced down only to do a double-take; his hand was slowly being layered with frost. I pulled my hand from his, trembling.

"It's okay, sis," he cooed softly, "We'll figure this out, I promise."

"Come, Lyells, let's get you settled in!" Thor intervened, striding between us. He wrapped one of his thick arms around my shoulders and another around Vig's before leading us out of the room.

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