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I walked out of my room that my little sister and I shared. As I walked into the living room I saw my little sister playing with a few of her little Anne dolls.

"Good morning big sissy, do you wanna play with me?" She asked holding a doll out for me to grab. I looked down at her and smiled.

"Maybe later baby." I said while ruffling her hair, before walking into our kitchen and dining room.

"Good morning mama. Good morning papa." I said with a warm smile. Father was looking at the morning paper with the headline I Want YOU above a picture of Uncle Sam. I looked over to my mother who was cooking scrambled eggs, toast, and pancakes.


"Good morning Marie," they both said in unison, as I made my way through the kitchen.

"I can't believe this!" Father exclaimed, as I looked over at him.

"What is it dear?" My mother asked, while flipping a pancake in the pan.

"Taxation just keeps getting higher and higher by the week!" He said with a sigh, causing me to shake my head.
"It's as if the government believes that three dollars and ninety-five cents isn't enough as it is." He grumbled with a frustrated sigh.
"They should know not everyone is made of money." He mumbled, then flipping to the next page of the morning paper.

"Oh papa!" I said with a chuckle.
"You know, I don't think anyone is technically made of paper, papa." I replied causing father to raise his eyebrow at me. Mama let out a giggle, before humming a tune while continuing to cook breakfast.

"So Marie, what are your big plans for the day?" My father asked as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a small glass of orange juice. I took a swig, while thinking about what I was going to do today.
"Have you applied to work for Mr. Jones? I heard he's looking for new seamstresses at the sewing stations." He said as I let out a sigh.

"Papa, I've sent in an application to work alongside Mr. Copperfield in the science devision." I said softly, knowing my father would not condone my choice in work. Father placed his paper on the table, looking over at me with a slightly disappointed face.

"Marie." He said as I looked at my feet.
"You need to let go of this crazed idea of yours. The science devision is a job fit for men. Women are fit to sew clothing, and to be house wives, when they are not being maids or nurses in the war. Science is no place for a women, men take advantage of them." He said causing me to look up at him, as I squeezed the glass cup in my hands.

"It's not some crazed idea! It's what I want to be papa! Why can't you just have faith in me?" I asked as he sighed.

"I do have faith in you my child. But the world will see you as nothing more than a common house wife. I just don't want to see you get thrown to the wolves. I have your best interests at heart." He said as he lifted his paper back up to his face.
"Which is exactly why I expect an application sent to the sewing stations. Mr. Jones owes me a few favors, so I know you'll be accepted. Besides, your handy work is amazing, he knows it too." He added with a proud smile as I sighed.

"Papa I-"

"Mama! Papa! Bucky's here!" Lizzy interrupted, as she had a hold of Bucky's arm, pulling him into the kitchen. I gave him a warm smile, that he returned, before he picked up Lizzy and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. I smiled as she laughed and squealed as she hugged his neck. He put her back on the ground, and stood tall, until she tugged on his white v-neck shirt.

"Bucky do you want to play dolls with me?" she asked tugging on his clothes. He raised and eyebrow at her and got down to her level.

"I think I'm gonna have to take a rain check today, little one." He said while patting her head, making her frown.

"Nobody wants to play with me today." She said sadly causing Bucky to notice her sudden change in mood. He quickly picked her back up and swung her around until she started to laugh at him. He gently set her down and she hugged his leg one last time before walking away to go play with her dolls.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. " he said as papa just smiled looking back at his paper.

"Good morning Bucky, would you like to stay for breakfast?'' My mother asked him, as he grinned.

"Ma'am that sounds wonderful, but I was wondering if I could steal your daughter away for the day. Steve and I would like to hang out with her before enlisting in the army." Bucky said proudly.

"That's fine, my boy. Maybe then you can talk sense into Marie." Father said, as my mother gave us a warm smile, while I rolled my eyes. She walked over and hugged bucky and I. My father stood up and shook Bucky's hand, and pulled him into a hug.
"Be careful Buck. I'm very proud of you son! Your parents must be proud of you too my boy." He said smiling.

"Thank you sir." Bucky replied as I let out a chuckle, before putting a hand on his shoulder.

"We should leave while the day is still young!" I grinned, as he looked at me with a smirk.

"You two be good now, and don't get in trouble you hear?" Mother said as I giggled.

"Yes ma'am." Bucky replied.

"Goodbye mama! Goodbye Papa!" I said as I took Bucky's hand and began to pull him out of the kitchen.

"Goodbye, Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Thompson," he said before we walked out of the house.
"So what exactly am I supposed to talk some sense in you for this time?" He asked with a chuckle as I punched his arm.

"Father thinks I'm only fit for a common house wife, or seamstress!" I said as he chuckled.

"Well, you are handy with a needle. But a house wife?" He replied with a laugh.

"Keep teasing James Barnes, and I'll sew your lips shut." I said with a wink as he chuckled.

"Hey! That's not very house-wife of you." He teased as I rose a brow.

"I'm going to kill you!" I teased as I began to chase him down the block, into the center of Brooklyn, before giving out from being so tired. Bucky must have noticed my sudden change in pace, because I somehow ended up hitching a ride on my best friend's back. As I stared at the back of his neck, I couldn't help but think about what he said earlier.

Steve and I would like to hang out with her before enlisting in the army.
He seemed so proud, so happy to enlist. Is it selfish of me to wish they just stayed here with me in Brooklyn for the rest of eternity?

I let out a soft sigh as I subconsciously tightened my grip around his shoulders.

"What's got you thinking so hard Marie?" Bucky asked disrupting my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked coming back to reality.

"What's got you spaced out Marie?" Bucky asked.

"Nothing Buck..." I mumbled, causing him to sigh.

"Now Marie... You and I know that isn't true."

"Oh yeah? Then you know nothing James Barnes." I teased as he chuckled.

"Your death grip on my body says other wise." He replied, as my eyes widened and my grip softened.

"I'm sorry." I said softly as he shook his head.

"Hm... I'll forgive you if you tell me the truth." He said with a chuckle as I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Really though, what's wrong?" Bucky said full of sincerity.
"Is it about what your father said? You're more than just a common house wife, you know."

"It's not that, but thank you." I said as he nodded.

"Then what is it?"

"It's just..." I said softly.
"Well, I just-" I cut myself off, trying to think of the right words to say without sounding selfish.
"Oh Bucky, I don't want you or Steve to leave... I love you guys... I know it sounds hammy, but I don't know how I'll live. My whole life's been about the three of us. No one else has ever made it in our picture, and I'm okay with that. I can't help but worry. What if you boys got hurt, or worst what if you died?! What if you -" Bucky interrupted me by placing me on the ground and looking at me.

"Marie we are just enlisting, it doesn't mean we'll be chosen for war." he said reassuring me but all I could muster was a half hearted smile.

"I guess I just don't wanna lose my two best friends. You guys are all I have." I said looking at him.
"Kind of selfish huh?" I asked as he shook his head.

"I'm James Buchanan Barnes, and I will always come back." He said with a smile.
"And Steve would go through hell and high water for you. I know you're worried, you have every right to be, but just remember that even if we are chosen... We aren't gonna let some low-life Nazis' be the reason we don't come back to our best friend." He said proudly, as I smiled.


"Promise." He said holding out his pinky. I gave him mine and we pinky promised.

"Now lets go get Steve, and find something worth adventuring over." He said playfully taking my hand as we ran to Steve's house.


I had horrid writers block on my other stories so I'm working on this one.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Let me know? :)

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