CHAPTER FOURTEEN, christmas in texas

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Christmas was around the corner and Mirabel couldn't wait for it. She and her mom went to Texas to spend time with her dad. And it made things better that Lucas was going to spend Christmas in Texas with his family too. Since she was a little girl, Christmas had always been her favorite holiday. She loved the holidays and how magical everything seemed. She loved how her family would spend the holidays together and how they would be filled with joy and laughter. She loved how it was a time to celebrate with friends and family. And she couldn't wait to spend her first Christmas with Lucas as her boyfriend.

Mirabel was really excited. She loved Christmas in Texas and she had fond memories of the time she had spent Christmas in Texas with her family. And with the Friars. They would always have dinner together and then afterwards, everyone would sit down and enjoy a good movie together. It was a tradition and she couldn't wait to partake in it again.

Mirabel was currently in a plane with her mom, flying down to Texas. She couldn't wait to see her dad and her other family in Texas. She hoped she could see some friends in Texas too. And, of course, spend time with Lucas. The two had been dating for a few months now and it had been wonderful. Sure, they had their moments and they still argued sometimes, but for the most part, things were perfect. They were happy and in love and Mirabel couldn't be more happier.

In fact, Lucas and his parents happened to be flying as well and on the same plane too. Which made things even better. It wasn't that Mirabel wasn't afraid of flying, it was just that she would feel much more calmer if her boyfriend was by her side.

She sat by the window and Lucas sat by her, holding her hand and rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. They talked to pass the time and occasionally, they would look out the window. Mirabel could hear her mom and his parents talking as well. They were in the three seats behind them. Thankfully the couple didn't have anyone sit by them.

Mirabel's leg bounced and she felt a little anxious and nervous. She chewed on her nails, not noticing when Lucas glanced at her and furrowed his eyebrows with concern. His face softened as he looked at her, noticing how anxious she seemed to be. He reached over with his free hand and gently grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand away from her mouth.

"Darlin'," Lucas murmurs, the nickname and the tenderness and concern in his eyes made her melt. "It's gonna be okay. I know you're nervous and it's understandable. But everything's gonna be fine, sweetheart."

"I know." Mirabel says quietly, nodding her head and taking a deep breath. She glances at him with a small smile. "Thanks, honey."

Lucas's lips twitched upwards and he nods, giving her a warm smile. He leans over, reaching a hand up to gently brush a lock of her hair behind her ear before he pressed his lips against her temple. Mirabel closes her eyes, a smile forming on her face. She relaxed, leaning into him and sighing softly. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Mi sol, no tienes que preocuparte. Todo va a estar bien." He reassures her softly. (My sun, you don't have to worry. Everything will be okay.)

"I know. Gracias, hombre de mis sueños." Mirabel hummed. (Thank you, the man of my dreams) She knew she was blushing, her face felt warm. But she didn't care. She snuggled against him, feeling more calm and relaxed.

"No es nada, mi amor. Yo solo quiero asegurarme de que tu estás bien." Lucas mumbled, his cheeks flushing and a smile tugging at his lips. (It's nothing, my love. I just want to make sure you're okay.)

"You're so cute, Lu." Mirabel giggled, kissing his cheek. "You're getting better at Spanish too. I'm proud." She added.

"Gracias, mi sol. Todavía me falta mucho aprender. Pero tengo un buen profesor." Lucas replied, giving her a grin. (Thanks, my sun. I still have a lot to learn. But I have a great teacher.)

"Aw, Luke." Mirabel coos, giggling softly as she blushes. He always knew how to make her feel giddy and smile like a fool. He was a dork, but he was her dork and she wouldn't have it any other way. "Lo haces sentir tan especial, no sabes cuánto te amo." (You make me feel so special, you don't know how much I love you.)

"I think I might have an idea." Lucas said, his lips tugging upwards into a grin. "And the feeling is mutual, darlin'."

Mirabel smiles at him. "Good."

She felt much calmer and relaxed and was more comfortable with him there. She hadn't even realized they were flying now until Lucas had pointed it out. She could see the clouds from the window and it was such a beautiful sight. It was nice to see the world from above and to see how small everything looked. But it was a bit nerve-wracking too. She had a death grip on his hand, squeezing tightly. Lucas winced, but he didn't complain. He merely gave her a reassuring smile and kissed her cheek, promising her that she would be alright and that they would get through this flight together. She felt bad for hurting him, but he insisted that it was alright and he understood.

Mirabel closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in her stomach. She couldn't wait to land. She was looking forward to seeing her dad and spending Christmas in Texas, especially with Lucas by her side. The flight continued smoothly, with occasional bumps that made Mirabel tense up again. Each time, Lucas's comforting presence and gentle words helped her relax. As they descended towards Texas, Mirabel felt a mix of excitement and relief. She squeezed Lucas's hand tightly, feeling the anticipation build as the plane touched down. They gathered their belongings and made their way off the plane, greeted warmly by Mirabel's dad and Lucas's parents at the airport. Mirabel's heart swelled with happiness as they drove through the familiar streets of Texas. The holiday spirit was in the air, with festive decorations lighting up the neighborhood. Mirabel couldn't wait to reunite with her extended family and friends, knowing that this Christmas would be one filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.

With Lucas by her side, Mirabel felt grateful for his unwavering support and love. Mirabel had to sadly depart from Lucas for now as she and her mom went home and he went home with his parents. Though they would meet up later for dinner and to celebrate Christmas together. Mirabel waved goodbye to Lucas and his family at the airport, feeling a twinge of sadness at the temporary separation but also bubbling with anticipation for their upcoming reunion. Mirabel looked out the window as her mom drove them to the ranch. The familiar sights of Texas greeted her—the vast open fields dotted with cattle grazing lazily under the winter sun, and the occasional rustic ranch houses that seemed to blend effortlessly with the landscape.

As they approached her dad's ranch, Mirabel's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. She was excited to spend Christmas in this serene and picturesque setting, where the air was crisp and the sky stretched endlessly above them. But beneath her excitement, a hint of longing lingered for Lucas's company, his comforting presence that had become so intertwined with her happiness. The house was decorated in Christmas lights, the bright colors glowing softly in the afternoon light. Mirabel felt a sense of familiarity wash over her as they drove down the long dirt road and parked outside the house. The ranch looked the same as she remembered, with the familiar white wooden fence surrounding the property, and the red barn off in the distance. She was finally back home, and she couldn't wait to reunite with her dad and spend the holidays with him. Mirabel was also looking forward to spending the holidays with Lucas and his family. She was excited to share this special time with him, and she was eager to celebrate their first Christmas as a couple.

Once her mom parked the car, she eagerly climbed out and took in a deep breath, relishing the fresh country air. She smiled, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her as she gazed upon the ranch and her surroundings. The familiar scent of hay and leather brought back memories of summers spent exploring the woods and swimming in the lake. The gentle breeze ruffled her hair and she felt at peace, knowing that she was finally home. After a moment of taking in the scenery, she started to help her mom with the luggage just as her dad had left the house to greet them and help.

"Hey, you guys are finally here. Opal will be getting here later tonight. How was your flight?" He asked.

"It was alright. It was a bit scary but I'm glad we're finally here. I missed you, dad." Mirabel says, her lips curling into a smile as she hugged her dad. "We missed you a lot." She added.

He chuckles softly, hugging her back and kissing the top of her head. "I missed you guys too, Mira. I'm glad you're finally here." Beau replies. He then glanced at her mom and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, hun. How are you doing?" He asked, holding her close and pressing his forehead against hers.

"I'm good now. It's so good to see you again, Beau." She says, a soft smile spreading across her face as she hugs him back. "How have you been doing, baby? I've missed you a lot."

"I've missed you too. But I've been doing good. Work's been great and so has the ranch." He says. "Now, c'mon. Let's get your stuff inside and get you settled in." He added.

They got the luggage from the trunk and took it inside. Together, they unloaded the car and brought everything inside. The cozy ranch house welcomed them with its familiar warmth and rustic charm, adorned with festive decorations that mirrored Mirabel's excitement for Christmas. Inside, soft Christmas music is heard, and the scent of freshly cut pine mingled with the crackling warmth of a fire in the stone hearth. Mirabel's dad, Beau, led them through the house, pointing out small changes and updates since their last visit. Mirabel felt a rush of nostalgia mixed with the joy of being back in a place that held so many cherished memories. She was happy to finally be home and she couldn't wait to spend Christmas with her loved ones.

She eagerly went up to her room to check it out for the first time she got here. She opened the door, excited to see the familiar space that awaited her. The room was cozy and inviting, decorated with a blend of rustic accents and festive Christmas decorations. A soft quilt adorned the bed, one that was made by her grandma and given to her one birthday. Photos of her and her loved ones adorned the walls, reminding her of all the happy memories shared in this place. A large window allowed sunlight to pour in, illuminating the room with a warm glow.

Fairy lights illuminated the room with a warm glow, creating a festive atmosphere that filled Mirabel with nostalgia and joy. As she looked around, she felt a sense of peace and contentment. The room was exactly as she remembered it, with the same comforting details that made it feel like home. She took a deep breath, savoring the cozy ambiance of the room.

The next few hours were spent unpacking and settling in. Mirabel's mom and dad were in the living room, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and catching up. Mirabel joined them, sitting down and relaxing as they talked. They talked about their lives and everything that has happened since the last time they've seen each other. Mirabel's mom and dad caught her up on their lives and all the fun and adventures they've had since her last visit. And Mirabel told them about her life in New York and how it's going.

As the afternoon sun began to fade, Opal eventually arrived, bringing with her a burst of festive cheer. Opal, Mirabel's older sister, had a bright smile and was carrying a large box of Christmas treats and decorations. Mirabel ran to greet her, hugging her tightly.

"Opal! I missed you so much!" Mirabel exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness.

"I missed you too, Mira," Opal replies, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm. "I brought some goodies and decorations to help make the place even more festive."

Beau and Mirabel's mom greeted Opal warmly, and soon they were all in the kitchen, unpacking the treats and setting up decorations. The kitchen was filled with the smell of gingerbread cookies and peppermint, adding to the holiday ambiance.

As the evening approached, Mirabel and Opal worked together to decorate the tree in the living room. They hung ornaments, twinkling lights, and a star on top, reminiscing about past Christmases and sharing laughter. Mirabel felt a deep sense of gratitude for being surrounded by her family again, and she was excited to share these moments with Lucas soon. By the time dinner rolled around, the house was alive with holiday spirit. The table was set with a festive red tablecloth, and candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow. They enjoyed a hearty meal together, exchanging stories and laughter. Mirabel felt a comforting sense of belonging as she looked around the table, surrounded by her family. After dinner, they gathered in the living room to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Mirabel's dad pulled out an old photo album, and they spent hours flipping through it, sharing memories and catching up on old times. The warmth of the fire, the laughter, and the stories made Mirabel feel content and at home. As the night grew late, Mirabel looked out the window at the starry sky. The twinkling lights of the Christmas decorations reflected in her eyes, and she felt a wave of anticipation for the upcoming days. She was looking forward to spending more time with her family, enjoying the Christmas festivities, and sharing her joy with Lucas when they reunited.

Before heading to bed, Mirabel had climbed out of her window and headed to the barn, texting Lucas she was on her way. When they both lived here, they often always hung out in the loft in her family's barn they had claimed as their hangout spot. Mirabel stood by the barn's entrance, her breath visible in the crisp night air. The barn looked just as she remembered it, with its weathered wood and the faint scent of hay. She climbed up to the loft, feeling a mix of nostalgia and excitement. The loft had been their special place, a retreat where they shared secrets and dreams.

As she reached the top, she found herself grinning at the sight of the loft, which was bathed in the soft glow of string lights she had hung up years ago. She spread out a blanket on the old hay bales and sat down, pulling out her phone to check for any updates from Lucas.

hombre de mis sueños🧡

on my way, mi sol. can't wait to see you <3

Mirabel's heart fluttered at his words. She looked around the loft, imagining Lucas's reaction when he saw the space they had once made their own. She set up a small, portable speaker to play their favorite songs softly, adding to the cozy ambiance. As she waited, she thought about how much had changed since they were last here together. Despite the changes, this place still felt like a piece of their shared history, a testament to their bond. She was eager to relive those moments with Lucas and make new memories.

Minutes later, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. "Mi sol, where are you?"

"Up here, love. In our hideout." She replied, a smile tugging at her lips.

She heard footsteps coming up the ladder and seconds later, she saw his handsome face peeking out. A wide grin appeared on his face when he saw her.

"Well, hello there, darlin'." He greets her as he climbs up, joining her in the loft. "Long time no see." He teased, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a soft kiss against her forehead.

"Long time no see indeed. I'm really happy you're here, Luke." Mirabel giggles, kissing his cheek. "Things good with your family?"

"Yeah, it was fun spending time with them all again. But I'm even happier to be here with you now, baby girl." He replies, smiling down at her. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good now. Much better. I'm glad to be here, and I'm looking forward to spending Christmas with you." She answers, resting her head against his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat. "I'm just really happy we get to spend this time together, y'know? Like we used to."

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it too, darlin'. This is gonna be one heck of a Christmas." Lucas said, his voice filled with warmth and affection. He looks around the loft, taking in the familiar sights. "This place hasn't changed a bit. It feels just like old times."

"I know, right? It's kinda crazy, isn't it?" Mirabel chuckles, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Oh, also, Riley told me we still have to do the Secret Santa thing even though we're here. She texted me earlier about it." She knew Riley still wanted to keep up with their tradition. Mirabel had always enjoyed the little surprises and thoughtful gifts that came with Secret Santa, and it was something she and Lucas had looked forward to each year.

Lucas chuckles, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Well, I guess that means we'll have to come up with the perfect gift for each other then. Any ideas?"

Mirabel thought for a moment, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I have a few ideas, but I think I'll keep them a secret for now. It'll be more fun that way. What about you?"

Lucas grins. "I'm keeping mine under wraps too. It's gonna be a surprise, just like old times."

They spent the next few hours reminiscing about their favorite memories in the loft, talking about their plans for the future, and enjoying each other's company. The Christmas lights twinkled softly around them, casting a warm glow over their intimate setting. The soft strains of their favorite songs played in the background, adding to the sense of nostalgia and comfort.

As the night wore on, they lay back on the blanket, looking up at the wooden rafters of the loft. The stars twinkling through the small windows seemed to mirror the lights decorating the barn. Mirabel nestled closer to Lucas, feeling content and at peace. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Suddenly, Mirabel turned towards him, a look of curiosity in her eyes.

"Hey, remember the night we snuck out and went up on the roof and looked at the stars?" She asked.

Lucas nods, a soft smile spreading across his face. He chuckles. "Why do I get the feeling you wanna do it again?"

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for nostalgia." Mirabel giggles, standing up and stretching. "Plus there's not really a good view here. C'mon, I'll race you!" She grinned, giggling as she pulled away and quickly headed over to the latter to the hatch that opened up to the roof.

"Oh, you're on, baby girl." Lucas laughed, quickly following after her.

They raced up the ladder, laughing and giggling like they were kids again. Mirabel climbed on the roof and looked out at the expansive night sky, feeling a rush of exhilaration. The stars seemed even brighter from up here, and the crisp night air felt refreshing against her face. She stumbled a little when suddenly arms wrapped around her and helped her keep her balance.

"Careful there, darlin'." Lucas chuckles softly, helping her regain her balance and steadying her. "Don't need you falling off the roof and getting hurt."

Mirabel giggles. "Thanks, babe. Now c'mon, let's see if we can find the big dipper."

"Okay, okay." Lucas chuckled, his gaze following hers to the sky. They move to lay down next to each other, his arm under her head as they looked at the vast expanse of the night sky, his hand trailing up and down her arm, sending shivers down her spine and making goosebumps rise up on her skin.

Mirabel and Lucas lay side by side on the roof, the night sky stretching out before them like a vast, glittering blanket. The cold, crisp air was invigorating, and the silence was only broken by their occasional whispers and the soft rustle of the wind through the trees.

Mirabel points to the sky, her eyes following the constellations as she searched for the Big Dipper. "Oh! There it is," She beams. "I see it."

"Where?" Lucas asked, leaning closer to her as he tried to see what she was pointing at. His head leaned on her shoulder, his gaze following her finger.

"Right there. Do you see it?" Mirabel pointed at the cluster of stars, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Uh, I think so," Lucas replied, squinting slightly.

She giggles, grabbing his hand and gently guiding it towards the stars. "See how those stars form a sort of ladle shape? That's the Big Dipper. It's one of the easiest constellations to spot."

Lucas's eyes followed her guidance, and he let out an impressed sigh. "Ah, I see it now." He glances at her in awe, lacing his fingers with hers. "You're amazing, baby girl."

Mirabel's cheeks flushes pink and her heart skips a beat at his compliment. She smiles up at him, feeling a mix of happiness and affection. "Thanks, Lucas. I've always loved stargazing with you. It makes everything feel so magical."

Lucas's eyes soften as he looks at her, his thumb gently stroking the back of her hand. "It really does, doesn't it? I'm so glad we're sharing this moment. It feels like no time has passed at all, even though so much has changed."

Mirabel nods, resting her head against his shoulder again. "Yeah, it's like we're back in those carefree days, but with all the wonderful memories and experiences we've had since then."

They lay there in comfortable silence, the vast sky stretching endlessly above them. The stars seemed to twinkle more brightly as they continued to watch, each moment making their bond feel even stronger. The cool breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of pine and the earthy aroma of the surrounding woods The sound of crickets and night birds could be heard in the distance, filling the night with a soothing symphony. It was a beautiful night, and they were grateful to be spending it together.

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