CHAPTER SIX, first day at Abigail Adams high

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The first day to her new school, Mirabel woke up to her loud annoying alarm clock. She groans and rolls over, hitting the snooze button. She really didn't want to get out of bed. She just wanted to go back to sleep. But she knew she had to go to school. She was nervous and anxious for her first day at a new school. She was excited to see Lucas, though. Her heart was racing and she had a smile on her face just thinking about him. The butterflies in her stomach had been there since last night. She had gotten a good night text from him before she went to bed. It made her heart race and her face turn red. He was so sweet.

Mirabel pulls her covers over her head and closes her eyes, wishing she could fall back asleep. She didn't know how long she had stayed there, but the next thing she knew, the covers were ripped off of her and the sound of her mother's voice filled the room. "Time to get up, mija. You have a big day ahead of you." Beatrix said gently, looking at her daughter with a warm smile.

Mirabel groans, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Can't I just stay home?" She whined. She didn't want to go to school. Well, she did, but she didn't want to go to a new school. It was nerve-wracking.

Beatrix sighs. "You can stay home one more day, but you should go to school. I know it's hard, but you'll be okay. The more you wait to go, the harder it will be." She said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. She gently places a hand on her daughter's leg, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Plus, you'll get to see Lucas." She added, knowing it would help convince her.

Mirabel's cheeks heats up but she did open her eyes, smiling slightly. "I do want to see him. But I'm still nervous." She admitted.

"I know, honey. But I'm sure you'll have a good day." Beatrix says, squeezing her leg gently. "Do you want me to walk in with you to the office to get your schedule?" She asked, looking at her daughter in concern.

"No, that's okay. Thank you, though." Mirabel said, smiling reassuringly. "I can do it." Hopefully, she thought but she didn't say it.

"Okay, well, then get ready and when you're done come down for breakfast." Beatrix smiled and kissed the top of her head before getting up and leaving the room.

Mirabel sighs and slowly got up. When her phone buzzes, she reaches over to grab it off her nightstand. She smiles when she sees the notification is a text from Lucas. She quickly opened the message and her heart warmed at the sight of the simple 

"good morning, bel. I know you're probably nervous, but don't worry, I'll help show you around the school. and you'll get used to it in no time. if you need anything, let me know. I'll see you soon."

Mirabel types a reply, a wide smile on her face and her heart fluttering. "Thank you, Lu. It means a lot to me. I'm sure I'll be okay, especially with you there. See you soon, cowboy." 

Mirabel then got up and got ready for the day, going through with her morning routine. She decided on wearing black leggings, a white t-shirt with a floral design and a denim jacket over it. She put on her necklace and a few rings, deciding not to wear any earrings. She slipped on her converse shoes and headed downstairs, her heart racing and her nerves were bubbling.

She found her mom in the kitchen, the smell of bacon and eggs filled the room. She smiles and sits at the kitchen island. "Thank you for cooking, mama. That smells amazing."

"Of course, mija. It's your first day at a new school, I wanted to make you a nice breakfast." Beatrix smiles, turning the stove off and putting the food on the plate. She then set the plate down in front of Mirabel. "What would you like to drink?"

"Um, orange juice, please." Mirabel said, smiling gratefully.

"You got it." Beatrix replied and grabbed the carton of orange juice out of the fridge. She poured her a glass and set it down in front of her. She then got herself a drink of orange juice and a plate before she sat down by her daughter.

Mirabel started eating her food, her mind drifting. She wondered what it would be like at the school. Would people judge her? Would they be nice to her? What would her classes be like? And what about the teachers? There were so many things going through her head.

"What's on your mind, mija?" Beatrix questioned, seeing her daughter looking lost in thought.

Mirabel blinks and looks up at her, her face reddening slightly. "Oh, uh, just thinking about school. What if people are mean? What if I can't make friends? Or what if the teachers are jerks?" She rambled, biting her lip.

"People can be mean, yes, but if they are then ignore them. And if anyone gives you a hard time, tell me. And the same goes for the teachers." Beatrix tells her, giving her a look. "Don't worry, you'll be okay. Just be yourself."

Mirabel takes a deep breath and nods, feeling a little better. "Thanks, mama. You're right." She smiled, trying to relax. She took a few more bites of her food, her eyes wandering around the kitchen. She liked their new house. It was a decent size, two bedrooms and one bathroom. It had an open concept with a small dining area off the kitchen. There was a fireplace and a TV, a nice couch and a few armchairs. It was comfortable and cozy. It felt like a home.

"I'm always right." Beatrix teased, smiling widely.

"And humble." Mirabel spoke in a teasing tone as she chuckled, taking another bite of her food.

"That too." Beatrix grinned and finished her drink.

They finished eating and Mirabel cleans up her plate. "I'm going to go get my backpack. I'll be right back." She announced and walked towards the stairs.

"Alright, mija. I'll meet you at the door." Beatrix told her as she finished cleaning things up.

Mirabel ran upstairs and grabbed her backpack and her phone. She put her phone in her pocket and then slung the backpack over her shoulders. She made her way back downstairs, her heart thudding. Her nerves grew and her palms were sweating. She tried to calm her breathing and push her anxiety down. She didn't want her mom to worry. She took a deep breath and put on a smile as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Ready, mama."

Beatrix was by the door, her purse over her shoulder and keys in her hand. "Alright, let's go." She smiled and the two of them left the house.

It was a quiet car ride to the school, neither of them saying much. Soft music played from the radio, filling the silence. Mirabel stared out the window, watching the houses and buildings pass by. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

Once they arrived, Beatrix parked the car and Mirabel unbuckled her seatbelt. She grabbed her backpack, pausing when she looked up at the school. Students were walking into the building and some were hanging out in the parking lot. She felt her nerves and anxiety return, her chest tightening and her stomach was in knots. She swallows hard and took a deep breath.

"I can walk you in." Beatrix offered, looking concerned. She could see the nervousness and anxiousness in her daughter's face.

"No, that's okay. I can do it." Mirabel said, smiling slightly. She appreciated her mom offering, but she wanted to do this herself.

"Okay, but call me if you need anything. Anything at all, okay? I can always come get you." Beatrix tells her seriously. "You don't have to start school today if you're not ready. I know this was a big change for you."

Mirabel bites her lip, contemplating it. She could just stay home, it wouldn't hurt, right? But then she thinks about Lucas. She wanted to see him and she told him and the others she would be there today. "No, it's okay. I can do it. Thank you, mama."

"Alright, well, if you're sure." Beatrix nodded, still looking worried.

"I'm sure. It'll be fine. I love you." Mirabel leaned over to kiss her cheek with a small smile before she opened the door. She got out and took a deep breath.

"I love you too, mija." Beatrix smiled softly and watched her daughter walk away. Her heart ached, she was worried for her daughter, but she hoped everything would be okay.

Mirabel took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Her hands were sweaty and her heart was racing. She walked through the parking lot, heading towards the front doors. As she approached the doors, her stomach twisted and her chest tightened. She swallowed hard, taking a shaky breath. She hesitated for a moment before walking into the building.

She looked around, trying to get her bearings. The school was really big and so many people were milling around, talking and laughing. Mirabel's anxiety grew, she felt overwhelmed and out of place. She looked around for Lucas or her other friends. She didn't see them anywhere. She chewed her lip, feeling her heart drop. Her breath was getting shallow, her chest constricting and her heart racing. Her head started pounding and she could feel herself starting to panic. Maybe she should've taken up her mom's offer of not going today. She never really did well in big crowds, especially in new places. She wasn't the best at socializing, especially when she didn't know anyone. She always felt anxious and worried about saying or doing the wrong thing.

She tried taking deep breaths, calming her racing heart and her pounding head. Her eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find her friends. Her anxiety was rising and she was starting to feel dizzy. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Great, having a panic attack just as she walked in the school. This is going great.

Mirabel started to head for the bathroom, hoping no one would notice. Just as she was about to turn a corner, someone bumped into her and caused her to stumble. "Hey, watch it!" A voice snapped and she looked up, her eyes locking with icy blue ones. The girl in front of her was pretty, with pale skin, short dark hair and icy blue eyes. She was dressed in a dark blue skirt, a white shirt, and a jean jacket.

"Sorry, I didn't-" Mirabel started, her breath hitching. She felt her chest tighten and her heart raced.

"Whatever, newbie. Just watch where you're going next time." The girl snapped, glaring at her.

Mirabel just nodded, not trusting her voice. Her head was spinning and her heart was pounding. She needed to get to the bathroom. The girl rolled her eyes and walked away, purposefully bumping her shoulder against Mirabel's as she passed. Mirabel flinched, her eyes following the girl as she watched the girl meet up with some other girls who she assumed were her friends. She had a bad feeling about that girl.

She turned and walked down the hall, keeping her head down. Her heart was racing and her breathing was shallow. She could feel her chest tightening and her lungs burning. Her head was pounding and her vision was blurring. She could feel the tears burning in her eyes and she tried her hardest to keep them at bay. She had to keep moving, had to get to the bathroom. She needed air, she needed space, she needed to calm down. She's so stupid to have a panic attack about something so silly.

As she reached the bathrooms, a pair of arms wrapped around her and she was pulled against a firm chest. She started to panic more, fearing it was a stranger. But then she recognized the smell, the familiar warm scent and a soothing voice was in her ear. "Breathe, Bel. It's just me."


Mirabel let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and leaned into his embrace, letting his presence calm her. His grip tightened on her, pulling her closer and resting his chin on the top of her head. His hands rub her arms, trying to help ease her anxiety. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. Lucas had been walking to his locker when he noticed her amongst the crowd and concern had grew when he saw she was having a panic attack. He didn't hesitate to go over to help calm her down. He knew how to, he had dealt with her panic attacks many times before and it broke his heart every time.

Mirabel could see the students walking by glancing at them curiously, some with sneers or frowns and others were whispering amongst each other. Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment. Lucas noticed this and he moved so he was standing in front of her, blocking her view of the others and blocking everyone else's view of her. "Hey, ignore them. Just focus on me, okay? Take deep breaths and follow my breathing." His hands rest on her shoulders, concern and worry were evident on his face.

Mirabel looks up at him and nods, taking a few more deep breaths. She could feel her anxiety starting to fade, her heart starting to slow and her breathing becoming less shallow. She closes her eyes and takes a few more deep breaths, letting her racing heart slow and her mind clear. She didn't understand how Lucas did it, but he was always able to help her calm down and stop a panic attack. It made her wonder what she did to deserve such a sweet friend like him.

As she began to calm down, she leaned her head on his chest, closing her eyes as she kept taking deep breaths. His hands moved to her back, rubbing gently, and she could feel her cheeks flush. Her heart was beating rapidly for a different reason. She tried to ignore it and focus on his comforting touch, on his soft voice and on his strong presence.

Mirabel stayed like that for a few minutes, breathing in his scent and letting herself be comforted by his presence. She could hear students walking by and talking and laughing in the busy hallway, but she did her best to focus only on him and her breathing. It worked, for the most part. Eventually, her anxiety was completely gone and her heartbeat was back to normal. Her breathing was steady and her head was no longer spinning.

"Better?" Lucas asked, his voice gentle and his hands still rubbing her back. He could feel his own heart racing and his cheeks flushed as he held her close. He tried not to think about how perfect she felt in his arms, or how he could hold her like this all day. He pushed those thoughts away and focused on making sure she was okay.

"Yeah, much better." Mirabel mumbles, her voice quiet and a little hoarse. "Thank you, Lu. You're a life saver."

"You're welcome, mi sol." Lucas replies softly. Mirabel's face turns more red and her heart flutters at the nickname. She hadn't heard that nickname in a while and she didn't realize it until now how deeply she missed hearing it from him. Lucas didn't know how to speak Spanish fluently, but he knew some words and phrases, and he only used the ones he thought were special. He rarely ever used them, but when he did, it made her feel warm inside. "Cómo estás, cariño?"

Mirabel's breath hitched at the nickname. She looks up at him, her heart racing and her face hot. His cheeks were tinted pink and he was looking at her with his intense blue eyes, full of care and concern. "Um, I'm okay." She manages to say, her voice cracking slightly. She clears her throat and blinks a few times. "I'm okay. Really, thanks to you. How did you know?"

"I was heading to my locker when I spotted you in the crowd. I should've suggested to meet up at the front doors to walk in with you, I'm sorry, Bel. I didn't realize it would be so crowded." Lucas apologizes, looking guilty. "I'm sorry, I should've been here."

"It's okay, Lucas, really. You're here now, that's what matters." Mirabel assures him, smiling softly. "Thank you, again. You're really the best."

"You don't have to thank me, mi sol. You're my best friend, I'll always be here for you." Lucas promises her, his hand moving up to her face and pushing her curls out of her face. "You're stuck with me." He teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Mirabel's heart skips a beat at the gesture and the look in his eyes. His hand is so soft and gentle, his fingers brushing her curls behind her ear. His touch is sending tingles through her and her stomach is doing flip-flops. "Well, good. Cause you're stuck with me too."

Lucas chuckles and the sound makes her heart flutter. "Good." He replies. "Come on, I'll show you to the front office and the secretary can give you your schedule. Then I can show you around." He pulled away from her, but only to wrap an arm around her shoulders and lead her through the hall, making sure she's by his side and doesn't get lost in the sea of students. It was hard not to get swept away in his touch and presence, Mirabel could feel her worries and anxiety drifting away. She didn't have to worry, not when he was by her side.

He led her through the crowd, his arm around her shoulders and her tucked into his side. He ignored the whispers and stares, keeping his focus on her. Mirabel did the same, her eyes on the ground. Lucas' warm, comforting touch was helping her ignore the stares and whispers.

They reach the front office and Lucas walks her inside. "I'll wait out here while you get your schedule." He tells her with a small smile. "Unless you want me to come in?"

Mirabel is quiet as she thinks about it. She wanted to do this by herself, but it had been clear she couldn't even walk into the new school by herself without freaking out. She chews her lip, looking down at the floor. "Maybe...If that's okay?" She felt silly for asking him to be with her as she walked into the front office, she should be able to do this herself. Why does she need him with her? She was being pathetic.

"Of course it's okay, mi sol. Anything for you." Lucas tells her softly, squeezing her shoulder gently. Mirabel blushes and nods, feeling embarrassed. Lucas must've seen the look on her face and he squeezed her shoulder again. "Hey, it's okay. It's a big change, it's understandable you're nervous and feeling a bit overwhelmed. You don't have to feel embarrassed, not around me."

Mirabel felt her heart clench at his words. How did she ever deserve someone like him? "Thank you, Lucas."

"You're welcome." He smiles and nods towards the office. "Come on, let's get your schedule."

The two of them enter the front office and walk up to the desk. The secretary is an older woman, probably in her 50s, with greying blonde hair and glasses. She looks up when they walked in, smiling kindly. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Yes, um, I'm the new student, Mirabel. Mirabel Flores. My mom, Beatrix Flores, had called to register me a few days ago." Mirabel explained, feeling her anxiety spike again. Her palms were sweaty and her heart was racing. The last thing she wanted was to be a bother, she hated that. Lucas moved closer to her after seeing the panic start to show in her eyes again. He gently rested a hand on her shoulder, rubbing his thumb back and forth, hoping it would help her feel calmer.

"Ah yes, Mirabel. Of course, I remember. I'll get your schedule right now. Let me go find it." The secretary smiles and gets up from her chair, heading over to a filing cabinet and starts searching through it. Mirabel's anxiety eases slowly, the feeling of Lucas' thumb rubbing her shoulder was comforting and it helped keep her mind calm. She felt ridiculous, a simple question from the secretary shouldn't make her feel so panicked and worried. It was stupid. She had been worried that she would be a bother or that something would go wrong. She had a tendency to overthink things way too much and that always ended up causing her anxiety to spike. She hated it.

"Here you go." The secretary smiles softly, handing the schedule to her as she walked back over to her. "I'm Ms. Johnson, but you can call me Ms. Jo, everyone does. Feel free to stop by if you have any questions or need anything."

"Thank you." Mirabel murmured, thankful for her kindness. She didn't know how but the older woman seemed to give off a kind and caring aura. It helped ease her anxiety, even just a little bit.

"You're welcome, dear." Ms. Jo replies with a kind smile. "Have a good day you two."

"You too, ma'am." Lucas responded, smiling politely. He was always very polite and well-mannered, a true gentleman. Mirabel found it cute.

"Thank you." Mirabel mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Ms. Jo nodded and smiled before returning to her desk and going back to work. Mirabel and Lucas left the office, walking into the busy hallway. Mirabel looked down at her schedule, her anxiety returning. There were so many new classes and new teachers. Her eyes scanned over the list of classes, her stomach twisting into knots. She didn't know how she was going to remember everything, let alone find her way around the huge building.

Lucas glances over her shoulder, his eyes scanning the schedule. He smiles softly and looks at her. "We have a quite a few classes together so I can help you find them and we can walk together."

"Really? Thank you." Mirabel smiled, looking relieved. She was glad she'd have at least one familiar face and someone she trusted with her. She didn't think she could deal with new people and classrooms all on her own. It was scary.

"Of course. Come on, we should head to homeroom. It's about to start." Lucas told her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her against his side. Mirabel blushed at the closeness and her heart fluttered as she smiled. They walked through the busy halls, Lucas steering her away from crowds and keeping her close. Mirabel appreciated the gesture and she couldn't deny how safe and comfortable she felt being near him.

They reached their homeroom and walked inside. Everyone's eyes were immediately on them which made Mirabel uncomfortable. She just wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole. She felt her cheeks turn bright red and she kept her gaze down on the floor. Lucas' arm was still around her, and she was grateful for that, she needed the support and comfort. She felt her heart skip a beat and her stomach fluttered at his closeness. She hated the feelings and the way her body was reacting. She hated how easily he was able to affect her.

"Alright, class, listen up!" The teacher's voice calls out and the class grew quiet, everyone turning towards the front. "I want you all to give a warm welcome to our new student, Mirabel Flores."

Mirabel could feel the eyes on her and her anxiety was skyrocketing. She glanced up, looking around nervously, her face bright red and her palms sweating. Everyone was staring at her and whispering, making her feel extremely uncomfortable. Lucas was quick to pick up on this and he stepped closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders again and squeezing her arm gently.

"I expect you all to make her feel welcome and respected" The teacher said sternly, his gaze landing on a group of boys in the back who were laughing. They quickly fell silent after seeing his firm gaze. "Mirabel, feel free to take a seat wherever you want. Welcome to Abigail Adams High."

Mirabel nodded and smiled, thankful for his kindness. She knew she would need it. The students' gazes were still on her and it was making her nervous. She felt Lucas gently squeeze her arm and he nodded towards a few empty seats in the back. Mirabel was relieved there were empty seats in the back. She was worried that the only open seats would be upfront.

The class grew silent as the teacher started teaching. Mirabel's eyes wandered around the room, taking in the new faces. Most of them were unfamiliar, a few students caught her attention. The girl who bumped into her was in this class, she noticed, and the girl was giving her a nasty look. Mirabel quickly looked away, hoping the girl didn't notice. She didn't want any trouble, especially on her first day.

The other students that caught her attention were a group of girls sitting a few rows ahead. They were giggling and glancing over their shoulders at Lucas. They were all pretty and popular, that was obvious, and it was clear they were interested in Lucas. Mirabel knew Lucas would most likely be popular because of his good looks and his personality. It was a no brainer, he was the whole package. He was sweet, kind, and smart, not to mention hot. Mirabel knew it would only be a matter of time before girls started noticing him and wanting him. So she wasn't surprised, but it didn't stop the bitter feeling from rising up. Mirabel felt jealousy rise up and she hated it. She didn't have any right to be jealous, she knew that. But that didn't stop her from feeling a pang in her heart at the sight of the girls. She quickly pushed it down, burying it deep down, and forced herself to ignore it.

Lucas didn't seem to notice the girls, or he didn't care. He was too focused on the teacher and paying attention. He was such a nerd sometimes, but Mirabel loved it. It was so adorable how much he cared about his grades and getting good marks. He always wanted to do his best and learn everything he could. She knew why though. At their old school in Texas, he kind of had a bad reputation and he was trying to change. She was so proud of him and his determination to be better.

"Psst." Mirabel's thoughts were interrupted by a whisper and she looked over at Lucas. He was leaning close, a piece of paper in his hands. Mirabel's face heated up and her stomach flipped as he leaned in close. "Here, this is for you."

Mirabel took the piece of paper, confused. She opened it up and saw his neat handwriting. Her eyes scanned the page, her heart racing and her face turning more red. It was a map of the school, with little notes on where their classes were and little tips on how to get there. He had even written down which classes they had together and which ones they didn't. It was so thoughtful, she couldn't believe he had done it for her. Her heart fluttered and her stomach did flip-flops. She couldn't believe how sweet he was. 

"Thank you." She whispered back.

Lucas just smiles, a cute smile that makes her heart skip a beat. His eyes sparkle as he smiles and it's hard to look away. "You're welcome, mi sol." He said quietly so only she could hear.

Mirabel smiled and looked down, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. Her heart was racing and she felt a rush of happiness and excitement. She glanced back over at the group of girls and noticed they were looking over their shoulders at them again. She could see the jealousy and anger on their faces. The sight made her grin. It may not have been right, but she enjoyed the fact that the girls were jealous. She couldn't help it.

The rest of the class passed by quickly and soon the bell was ringing. Students got up from their desks, grabbing their things and leaving. Mirabel quickly packed her bag and stood up. Lucas stood up beside her, his arm slipping around her shoulders again. She felt her heart flutter and her stomach flip-flop as he pulled her against his side.

"You have math next, right?" He asked her, his voice low and close to her ear. It sent shivers down her spine.

"Uh, yeah, but you don't." Mirabel reminded him, trying to ignore the goosebumps that rose up on her skin.

"I know, but I'll walk you there. Don't worry, I'll come find you afterwards, okay?" Lucas reassured her, squeezing her shoulder gently.

"Okay." Mirabel replied softly, butterflies swarming her stomach. "Thank you."

"Anytime, mi sol." Lucas replied, giving her a small smile. As they walked out of the classroom, Mirabel glanced over her shoulder at the group of girls. They were giving her nasty looks and glaring daggers at her. She looked away quickly, trying not to let their looks affect her. But she had to admit, it did make her feel a bit uneasy, but also a bit good that they were jealous. It wasn't right, she knew that, but she couldn't help it.

She tried to push the feelings away and focused on Lucas. She wasn't going to let those girls or anyone else ruin her first day. This was supposed to be a good day, a new start, and she was going to make the most of it. And as long as she had Lucas by her side, she knew she'd be alright.

Soon they arrive at her next class and Lucas stops her outside the door. "Alright, I'll see you after, okay? If you need anything, text me. I'll keep my phone on vibrate, so I'll feel it."

Mirabel nods, a warm smile on her face. "Okay, I will. Thank you." She didn't think she could ever express just how grateful she was for him. She was truly blessed to have him as a friend.

"Of course." Lucas replied, smiling softly. He leaned in, giving her a hug. Mirabel's heart skipped a beat and her breath hitched. She hugged him back, enjoying the feel of his arms around her. It was comforting and made her feel safe. He was the only one who could ever make her feel this way.

Lucas pulls away after a moment, his arm dropping from her shoulder. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Mirabel nods, a small blush on her face. "Yeah, see you later."

Lucas smiled and waved, turning and walking away. Mirabel watched him go, her heart pounding. She couldn't deny the feelings she had for him, but she also knew she shouldn't have them. He was her best friend, nothing more, and she had to accept that. She sighed and turned to walk into the classroom after taking a deep breath. She hoped this class would go well.


Math went as well as it could go. There weren't any rude or mean people, just some curious glances and a few whispers. She managed to stay calm and get through the class without having a panic attack. Lucas found her afterwards, like he promised, and walked her to her next class. This class they shared so he stayed with her and walked her in. Mirabel noticed Farkle and Smackle were in this class too which made her smile, relieved to see some familiar faces.

They sat together, the three of them talking while the rest of the students filled in. Soon the teacher entered and class started. The lesson was easy and it seemed like she was able to keep up. She had always been good at math, and she was thankful for that now. It would help her with this class. As the teacher droned on, she glanced over at Lucas. He was already looking at her and he gave her a small smile. She felt her heart skip a beat and she blushed. It was weird, the effect he had on her, and it was something she wasn't used to. She was never one to get crushes and she never had a boyfriend before. Lucas was the first person to really make her heart race and her face flush. He was the only one who could get that kind of reaction from her. It was both confusing and exciting.

Mirabel tried to focus on the lesson, but her mind kept drifting to Lucas. She couldn't help but steal glances at him every now and then, feeling a flutter in her chest every time their eyes met. She wondered if he felt the same way, if he ever thought about her in the same way she thought about him. But she quickly pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself that they were just friends, nothing more.

As the class ended, Lucas walked her to her next class, just like he had done before. Mirabel couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence, for his unwavering support. She knew she could always rely on him, no matter what. And that thought brought her comfort, especially in this new and unfamiliar environment. But in between classes, Mirabel had been at her locker, putting books away and getting different ones she needed, when someone came up to her and suddenly a boy is leaned against the lockers by her with a smirk, his hands in his pockets. He was clearly older than her, maybe junior or senior, and his dark hair was slicked back. His clothes were fancy and expensive, and he just had a cocky and arrogant air about him.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A new girl, huh?" He drawls, his eyes scanning her up and down. Mirabel feels uncomfortable, she didn't like the way he was looking at her, like she was some sort of prey. "You must be Mirabel Flores, the new transfer student."

"Um, yeah, that's me." Mirabel said, closing her locker and standing up straight. She didn't like how tall he was, he towered over her. She squeaks out with surprise when he's suddenly standing in front of her, blocking her exit. "How do you know my name?"

"Word gets around, princess." The boy smirks. Mirabel cringes at the nickname, it sounds wrong coming from his mouth. It didn't sound right, it didn't make her heart flutter or her face flush. She didn't like it. She tries to back away, but her heart sank when her back hit the wall of lockers behind her. "The name's Ryder." He finishes, leaning in close to her, his breath hot against her skin. Mirabel's heart races as she feels trapped, her instincts screaming at her to get away from him. "And let me just say, you're quite the sight to see, princess."

Mirabel swallows nervously, trying to keep her composure. She didn't like the way he was looking at her or the way he was making her feel. She just wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible. "Um, thanks, but I really have to get to class."

Ryder chuckles, the sound sending shivers down her spine. "Oh, I'm sure you have plenty of time to spare for me, princess. After all, I'm sure you're dying to get to know the most popular guy in school."

"Well, I really don't wanna be late to class on my first day here so I'm sorry but I gotta go." She tried to sneak past him, but she gasped as his arms trapped her there, his hands on each side of her head on the lockers behind her. Mirabel's heart pounded as she found herself trapped against the lockers, Ryder's imposing presence making her feel even smaller and more vulnerable. Panic surged through her veins, and she struggled to maintain her composure.

"Please, I really need to get to class." She managed to say, her voice trembling.

Ryder's smirk grew wider, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Come on, princess, don't be like that. I'm just trying to be friendly."

Mirabel's anxiety spiked. She glanced around the hallway, hoping to spot someone, anyone, who could help. But the hall was empty, and her fear intensified. Ryder's face was inches from hers, his hot breath fanning across her skin. Her mind raced as she tried to think of a way to get out of the situation, but her thoughts were interrupted by Ryder's next words.

"Now, how about you and me get outta here and go somewhere more private, huh? Get to know each other better." He murmured, leaning forward until he was flesh pressed against her, causing her to gasp and try to pull away as much as she could. But it was useless, he was stronger than her.

Mirabel is so relieved when Lucas suddenly appeared and she's never been happier to see him. "Hey man, back off." He snapped at Ryder.

"What are you gonna do about it, cowboy?" Ryder sneered, clearly not intimidated. Ryder was taller and more imposing, but Lucas stood his ground, his eyes locked on Ryder's.

"I said, back off." Lucas repeats, his voice firm and unwavering. He steps closer to them, his hands at his sides clenching. "She's not interested."

Ryder scoffs, but backs away slightly, giving Mirabel some room to breathe. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. She was thankful for Lucas' intervention, but she was still on edge, unsure of what might happen next. "Fine, whatever. I'm out of here. She ain't worth my time anyways." Ryder huffed, clearly irritated. He shot Mirabel a nasty look before turning and storming off down the hall.

Mirabel released a breath she didn't realize she was holding, feeling some of the tension leave her body. But she was still shaken up, her heart still racing and her hands trembling slightly. She took a few more deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked, his voice laced with concern. He stepped closer to her, reaching out and gently resting his hand on her shoulder. His touch was soft and warm, and it grounded her, calming her nerves.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit shaken up, that's all." Mirabel said quietly, offering him a small smile. "Thank you for stepping in. You really didn't have to." She was so relieved he did, but she didn't want him to get in trouble.

"Of course, I wasn't going to let that jerk harass you. No one deserves that." Lucas said firmly, his hand squeezing her shoulder lightly. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to take you to the nurse or something? I don't mind."

"No, I'm okay, really. I appreciate the offer, but I'm okay." Mirabel reassured him, giving him another smile. She appreciated his concern and his kindness, and it made her heart flutter.

Lucas nods, seeming relieved. "Alright, well, let's get to class, yeah?" When she nods, he smiles warmly at her and wraps a protective arm around her shoulders as they start to walk to the next class they happened to share. "By the way, that guy, Ryder, he's not someone you wanna be messing with. He's trouble. So, if you ever see him again, just ignore him and walk the other way, okay?"

Mirabel nods, a shiver running down her spine at the thought of that jerk. "Okay, thanks. And, I figured he was. I tried to leave, but he wouldn't let me."

"Well, don't worry, if he bothers you again, just let me know, okay? I'll make sure he stays away from you." Lucas assured her, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You can count on me."

Mirabel smiles, feeling safe and protected with him. "I know. Thank you. But I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"Don't worry, I can handle myself." Lucas says, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Besides, it's worth it to keep you safe."

Mirabel's heart skips a beat at his words, and she can't help the blush that creeps up her cheeks. "Thanks." She whispered, looking down at the floor shyly.

The two of them continue walking to class, side-by-side, with Lucas' arm around her.


The rest of the day passed by in a blur of classes and interactions with other students. Mirabel was relieved to find that most people were friendly and welcoming, despite her initial worries. She even managed to strike up a few conversations and make a couple of acquaintances along the way. It wasn't easy, but she was proud of herself for pushing past her fears and putting herself out there.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Mirabel gathered her things and headed towards the front entrance. She spotted Lucas waiting for her by the doors, a warm smile on his face. Relief washed over her as she approached him, knowing that she wouldn't have to navigate her way home alone.

"Hey, how was your day?" Lucas asked, falling into step beside her as they walked out of the school together.

"It was...Interesting for sure. But overall, I think it went well." Mirabel replies, a smile on her face. She was tired but she was happy. She was proud of herself for getting through her first day, and for not having any anxiety attacks. Well, besides that moment she had earlier that morning. But other than that, it was a successful first day. "You helped me a lot. I appreciate it. Thanks for being there."

"Of course. You know I'll always be there for you, mi sol." Lucas reassured her, pulling her in for a hug. Mirabel melted into his embrace, breathing in his scent and savoring the feeling of his arms around her. She could feel her anxiety and tension fading away as he held her. He had a calming effect on her, and she was grateful for that. "Do you want to hang out for a bit? I can show you around the city a little."

Mirabel nods, smiling. She didn't want to part ways with him just yet, and she hadn't explored the city yet so she had been looking forward to see it. "Yeah, I'd love to."

"Great!" Lucas grins, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Let's go then."

The two of them walked out of the school, side by side, and into the bustling streets of the city. Lucas pointed out various landmarks and shared tidbits of information about each one as they passed by. Mirabel listened intently, enjoying the sound of his voice and the warmth of his presence. It was a beautiful day, and she was glad to be spending it with him.

A/N ugh i just love them so much, mirabel & lucas are so cute

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