ii. peer pressure

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second chance at first line;
❛ WONDERLAND❜ ↷ teen wolf
❝ what happened last night should never be mentioned again ❞


Alice woke up in the backseat of her red jeep with no clothes on. The cold winter air was the first thing that she picked up on. She opened her eyes a little and squinted at the window that was halfway open. Then, she picked up on the fact that she was laying on somebody's cold and bare chest. Her eyes widened and she hurriedly pushed herself up from the naked body, not expecting the naked and sleeping person under her to be Isaac Lahey; one of her boyfriend's closest friends.

"Fuck." She cursed in realization and struggled to move to the front seat where her clothes were scattered across the two seats, mixed with what she guessed were Isaac's clothes. She awkwardly started to get dressed, trying to remember what happened at Lydia's party last night, only to freeze in shock when everything came rushing back.

"Watch where you're going, McCall." Alice cursed at Scott after he bumped into her and made her spill her drink all over her white shirt. Her expression shifted from annoyance to concern when she noticed Scott's eyes were squeezed shut and he was holding his head in pain. "You okay? Do you need someone to drive you home?"

He was the boy that Allison had a thing for. He was also Jackson's new competition when it came to lacrosse. But he seemed sweet in a dorky way so Alice tried not to be a bitch to him.

"No." he said, although his words were followed by a painful groan, "I'm fine."

She did not get a chance to argue because before she could blink, he was practically running out of the house. Alice moved to follow, still concerned, but another boy rushed past her and after Scott which made her stumble as he pushed past her.

She gaped at the back of the boy's head and went outside to see Scott hurriedly getting into his car and driving off. His friend was nowhere to be seen and she briefly saw Allison watching Scott drive off which made her realize that their date did not go well. She sighed and turned around to go back inside, only for something, or rather someone, to catch her eye.

"Seriously?" Alice scoffed in disgust, her face scrunching up into a grimace as she tried to fight off her anger. Minho pulled away from the faintly familiar blonde girl he was kissing next to the doorway to look at his angry girlfriend with wide alarmed eyes.

He looked like a deer caught in the headlights and there was nothing that Alice wanted more than to slap that look off of his face. "I cannot believe that I wasted my time with you." She glared at the girl who was still clinging to his arm with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "You are going to have a blast in school these next few weeks."

Her words were slurry and her exhaustion was evident in the way she stumbled away from them. She turned on her heel and marched away towards her car with her head full of thoughts but still held high.
"Wait!" she heard Minho call after her, "Come on, Ali!"

Alice did not falter. She had already wasted way too much energy on their draining relationship. She slid into the driver's seat when a face showed up in front of her window. Her mouth opened and she was ready to curse the boy who she thought was Minho when she met Isaac's pretty blue eyes rather than Minho's empty ones.

"I don't think you are in the state to drive." He gave her a look of concern and opened her doors. "Let me drive you."

He did not end up driving her home. Instead, they drove to the edge of the woods and drank some more. Isaac claimed his father thought that he was sleeping over at a friend's house so he didn't have to go home anyway, and Alice knew that her parents probably didn't even notice her not being in her bed that morning. But their parents were the last thing that she was worrying about at that moment. Especially when she heard shuffling in the back seat.

"Going somewhere?" The familiar male voice asked from behind her. Alice nervously bit her bottom lip and threw her shirt over her head.

"Home." She faintly responded and looked for her underwear with furrowed eyebrows. Isaac chuckled to himself and picked her underwear from the floor next to him. She took a deep breath and snatched them from her hands before putting them on.

"Cool." He said and slid his sweater over his head, then put on his pants while she watched him do so through the rearview mirror. There was no way that she was getting rid of him in the next to minutes. He lived next door to her so she was literally obligated to drive him. That only meant that she was forced to talk to him.

Alice sighed, brushed her messy hair from her face, and turned on her phone to see seven missed calls from Jackson and three missed calls from Lydia, along with a bunch of texts from them and Audrey, and a lousy 'I'm sorry, can we talk?' text from Minho which she did not hesitate to ignore.

"Do we have to tell anyone?" Isaac asked, almost nervously, "Minho will hate me and Jackson will kill me."

"Can we not talk about Minho?" Alice huffed and cringed to herself. The memories of their sort-of breakup flashed through her mind. "I practically dumped him so who I sleep with does not concern him anymore. Plus, I think Jackson will be more concerned about his best friend cheating on his sister rather than me sleeping with the cute guy who never gets to play lacrosse."

Isaac slid into the passenger's seat and gave her an amused smirk. "Cute, huh?"

"Shut up." the brunette snapped and narrowed her dark eyes into a glare, "And of course, I won't tell anyone. It's the best thing for both of us." She gave him a knowing look. "I don't think your friend would still be your friend if he found out you slept with his ex-girlfriend an hour after she dumped him. So from now on, anything that happened last night should not be mentioned ever again. Is that clear?"

"Not as clear as the memory of ── "

Alice cut him off. "As far as both I and anyone else is concerned, last night never happened."

"Whatever you say, boss."


For Alice, the weekend passed in a blur. From Jackson either spending his time trash-talking Minho or whining about the fact that Scott McCall made first line to Lydia already trying to set her up with another lacrosse player and by the time Monday rolled around, she was already so over sophomore year.

To make things worse, Jackson ended up in the hospital during Monday's lacrosse practice because he got a separated shoulder after acting like a complete dick to Scott. Alice honestly thought he deserved it. As much as she loved her brother, he was a complete asshole when it didn't come to her and sometimes Lydia and Danny. Now when there was a ninety percent chance that Jackson would not be playing at the game the next night and Minho was somehow benched, Scott McCall was their last chance at winning and when Alice heard he wanted to quit, she was just a tiny bit pissed off. She did not decide against joining the lacrosse team and chose basketball over it during fall of freshman year to watch it fall apart because of her brother's big ego and because Scott was a pussy.

"Busy?" She heard Allison ask Scott as she walked down the hall. Alice paused on top of the stairs behind the black-haired girl and waited for the conversation to be over so she could talk to Scott.

"No, no, it's just my mom." Scott shook his head with a puppy-like grin that anyone with eyes thinks is adorable, "She's nothing. I mean, it's nothing. I'm never busy for you."

Smooth, McCall.

"I like the sound of that." Allison giggled and Alice could practically hear the annoying smile on her face just from the sound of her voice, "I have to run to French class, but I wanted you to know that I'm coming to see you play tomorrow."

Scott's eyes comedically widened, "You are?"

"And we're all going out afterward." Allison added, clearly not noticing his change in mood. "You, me, Lydia, Alice, Jackson, Audrey, and the guy that she is seeing. It's gonna be great. Tell Stiles to come, too because I really don't want Alice to be the seventh wheel since she and her Minho just broke up so I feel like she and Stiles can get to know each other."

Did everyone know? Alice thought to herself with a clenched jaw as she glared at the back of Allison's head. Why did she have to be so nice anyway? Don't get her wrong, it's not like she minded hanging out with Stiles while the couples ran off to do whatever they wanted but she did not want to get set up. Especially when she felt Isaac's stare burn at the side of her head during every class they had 𝘢𝘯𝘥 in the hallways in school and she still couldn't find herself being too bothered by it.

"Anyway, save me a seat at lunch. I gotta go." Allison told her boyfriend before skipping off down the hallway and Alice took her chance to walk down the stairs and grab Scott by the forearm.

"Crap." The boy muttered to himself but she chose to ignore him and started dragging him away to Math which she knew they had together.

"Why are people saying that you are not playing tomorrow night?" She asked, her voice monotone but there was clear annoyance slipping through.

Scott sighed under his breath, not bothering to fight her surprisingly strong grip, "Because I'm sort of not."

"Well, I think you sort of are." Alice corrected him as they entered the classroom. Scott sat in his seat and she sat next to him, instantly turning her body to face him, "Since you injured my brother, who is one of the strongest players. You are our best chance at winning."

"He brutally injured himself by ramming into me." Scott quickly defended himself just as what Alice remembered to be one of his friends, Stiles, sat down behind him with a confused look on his face. He stared between the two like it was the strangest thing he had ever seen.

Alice gave him a tight-lipped smile and then turned back to Scott with narrowed eyes, "There's a small possibility Jackson is going to play but he won't be as good as always so you have to play."

"Losing one game isn't gonna kill anyone." Scott snapped, his following words coming out as a murmur but Alice still heard him clearly, "In fact, it might even save someone."

The Whittemore girl glared at him, deciding to try reverse psychology and sitting up with an easygoing look on her face which was a huge contrast with how she looked a couple of seconds ago. "Fine, you don't have to play. Coach is probably gonna replace you with someone better from the bench and then we will win anyway. Maybe that lucky guy is exactly who's going to be replacing you when Allison goes out with us tomorrow night. I am sure that she will be much happier with someone who can own up to the consequences of his mistakes."

Stiles' eyes widened and he blinked in surprise while Scott's eyes squeezed shut in frustration as the brunette turned to the board just as soon as the teacher walked into the classroom.


Alice was just done with Latin and started heading to English when a hand grabbed her wrist and she was pulled into the empty Coach's office. She was just about to slap whoever it was when the person stopped her hand by grabbing the other wrist too.

"We are not doing anything that kinky in here, Ali."

She quickly turned around and was met with Isaac's amused eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She hissed, putting the palm of her hand on his chest and pushing him away from her. HIs eyes crinkled in the corners when he grinned at her and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You've been avoiding me."

Alice rolled her eyes half-heartedly and crossed her arms across her chest almost defensively, "Do you have anything to do with Minho breaking his nose and getting benched?"

His lips quirked up into an amused grin, "Your brother has a temper. Not that I can blame him."


The dirty blond scoffed and ran his fingers through his curls nervously, "Because the asshole cheated on you. What else did you think he was going to do?"

That only confused her more. "He's your best friend."

"So what if he was?" Isaac asked in genuine confusion, "That does not give him permission to treat you like shit. Especially after you tolerated so much of his shit."

"That's the exact reason I dumped him." Alice stated, not understanding how any of this was his business in the first place. Sure, they slept together and it may or may not have been better than any night she spent with Minho but that did not mean that he had to beat up one of his closest friends for her.

But at the same time, it did make Alice see him as a little more than just Minho's adorable introverted friend that barely talked to anyone other than her, MInho and a couple of his friends from the team

"I wish that I had the balls to break his nose instead."

Alice barked out a surprised laugh at how bold he was being since their hook-up. "You're acting like a jealous boyfriend."

Isaac looked up from the floor to look at her in silence. He hesitated and then let out a scoff that sounded kind of forced. "You wish. I have to go. I'll see you later."


After a while of Alice and Jackson arguing about whether or not he should be playing at the lacrosse game that night, the siblings finally got into Jackson's car, picked up Lydia, and headed toward the school.

While Jackson went to change in the locker room, Alice and Lydia went to the bleachers and met Allison and Audrey there. The former was accompanied by her strangely attractive dad who gave the girls a warm smile. How come she liked him more than she liked his daughter?

As soon as Alice caught sight of Scott, she narrowed her eyes, excused herself, and got up from the bleachers to head straight toward him. She ignored Lydia calling her name with furrowed eyebrows and tapped Scott on the shoulder to make him turn around.

"McCall." Alice greeted with a grin that too wide to be genuine, "I heard you decided to play. Wise choice."

Scott blinked, "Thanks?"

"I just want to make sure you remembered one thing before getting on the field."

Scott was not sure if he should be scared or just intimidated by the smile she was giving him and swallowed before answering hesitantly, "That winning isn't everything?"

Alice raised an eyebrow at his shaky voice and bluntly stated, "I am going to castrate you if you don't do your best."

She did not give him a chance to say anything and simply gave Jackson a once-over to see if he was in any pain. He was quick to feel her eyes on him and met her gaze to give her an annoyed glare. Alice rolled her eyes and walked back over back into her seat.

"What was that about?" Allison asked with an unsure voice.

The Whittemore girl just shrugged without looking away from the Devenford Prep lacrosse players who were trying to intimidate their team. "I just gave him a little motivation so he would do his best and win."

Allison furrowed her eyebrows but chose to ignore the unease she felt and then nodded. Her doe eyes filled with an unfamiliar emotion that made Alice frown. She felt sympathy despite herself and made sure to look Allison in the eye with a genuine look when she said, "I threatened him and told him that I was going to castrate him if he doesn't make our team win."

Allison's eyes widened and she let out an amused giggle. her nervous look being replaced by an easygoing one. Audrey snorted under her breath, Lydia smirked in amusement and Chris Argent avoided the gazes of the teenage girls in favor of staring at the empty field. He let out a quiet sigh and grimaced a little. He hated high school.


The game was going pretty well for everyone but Scott. He was failing miserably to even get a hold of the ball. Jackson, on the other hand, was playing like he usually was, ignoring the fact that his shoulder still was not healed, which honestly pissed Alice off so much that she wanted to rip off the poster she and Lydia made for him last weekend.

While Scott was looking like he was planning a genocide, Lydia thought it was the right time to bring his spirits down even further and forced Allison to help her hold up the "we luv i Jackson" poster that even made Alice feel a little bad.

Scott turned his attention to them the second he heard Allison's cheering and Alice visibly flinched. Brutal.

What really drew her attention though, was Jackson gathering up everybody on the field except for Scott and whispering something to them. Something that Scott was clearly not supposed to hear.

That was what Alice meant when she said her brother could be an asshole.

"Which one is Scott again?" Allison's father asked as the team got back onto the field.

"Number eleven." Alice answered easily, her eyes still glued to the field.

Lydia scowled, almost bitterly, "Otherwise known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball this entire game."

"I hope he's okay." Allison chimed in and Lydia instantly rolled her eyes.

"I hope we're okay." Audrey said while fidgeting in her spot. "We suck."

The strawberry blonde stood up on her feet with another poster in her hand and narrowed her eyes at Allison, "Allison? A little help here?"

The Argent girl hesitated but joined Lydia in holding the poster while Alice shook her head in silent disappointment. Apparently, how angry Scott was at Allison for cheering for Jackson was enough to have Scott get back in the game (not that he was really in it, to begin with). He caught the ball almost instantly and easily dodged everyone else and it didn't take him long before he scored his first goal of the game.

For the first time in the past half an hour, Alice stood up from her seat and cheered loudly with the rest of the crowd.

"Pass to McCall!" Coach's loud yelling was clearly heard across their side of the field and Rory watched with a small smile as Stiles ran behind him and cheered for Scott.

Her smile stayed perfectly in place until she frowned in confusion when a Devenford Prep player passed Scott the ball willingly and then Scott shot the ball straight through the net of the goalies' lacrosse stick and into the goal. She did not know what the hell he was doing but she didn't plan on questioning it because they were doing a pretty good job altogether and they were definitely going to win if Scott kept that up.

When Scott got the ball into the net during the last minute and they officially won, Alice was going to congratulate Scott. But when he ran off, she chose to approach Stiles who was sitting alone on the bleachers while everyone else ran to the field to congratulate the players.

"You did great." Alice told the buzz-cut boy with a small, barely there, smile.

Stiles blinked in confusion and looked around and looked back at her, "Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah." the brunette girl nodded, trying not to smile at how dumbfounded he looked.

"I, uh, I wasn't even playing." Stiles stuttered out nervously and Alice rolled her eyes.

She gave his shoulder a push. "You were cheering."

Stiles licked his lips and a nervous smile grew on his lips, "I guess I was pretty good."

Alice chuckled and her eyebrows furrowed when Stiles turned to his father in slight concern, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Sheriff Stilinski swallowed and gave Alice a look that she realized meant it was her time to leave. She stood up and gave them a smile, "I gotta get going." She looked back at Stiles, "I'll see you at school."

"Yeah... I'll see you."


a/n: scott and alice's friendship is very dear to me

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