Sweet Lovin'

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Suguro had been very worried when he'd first seen a motionless body laying on the forest floor.

As he'd gotten closer, he saw it was either a woman with no chest and an angular body or a very pretty man.

Just as he'd leaned over the person to check their pulse, bright, glowing, luminescent ice-blue eyes blinked open."W-Who.....?" It sounded like a man–a very confused man. "Oh! Uh, sorry! I thought you were dead!" Suguro leaned back up in surprise. The man chuckled. "So did I."

"What are you doing here?" Suguro wondered curiously. "Ah, it seems he really did it....." The man sighed and tried to sit up. His voice was a pleasant tenor and very smooth.

The man went on to tell Suguro about how he was a Love God and had several older siblings who had varying degrees of hatred for him for being sweet and happy and the opposite of all of them. His name was Rin.

One of said older brothers had threatened to curse Rin, take his powers away, and throw him into an unfamiliar land. Rin's sarcastic response was probably what got him here. That brother was very short tempered.

Almost every day for the past two months, Suguro had visited Rin and spent the days with him. They'd play in the forest even though they were both too old to play games. They played Hide and Seek, and Tag, and Two truths and a lie.

Two months being with Rin and he was in love with the man. He really was very wise at things regarding love and could flirt you into the ground if he wanted to, so Suguro believed his whole 'Love God' spiel.

He wanted Rin. Didn't think he'd feel the same way about anyone else but the man and he's sure he'll never meet anyone as unique or as special to him as Rin. He wants Rin to be his. But there's one thing he's struggling with.

How do you woo a Love God?!


Suguro decided to start with going over all the things he loved about Rin. Maybe then, he'd get an idea.

They laid under the stars. Rin was already asleep. He'd spent so much time in the outdoors that he'd gotten little freckles on his cheeks and across his nose and on his arms and legs and back–everywhere. Suguro counted the ones on his cheeks. He could connect them connected like the stars above them.

Rin was fair.


Short, choppy blue-white hair that had little braids in it was more charming than one would think. Especially with jewels and beads braided into the messy curls.

The hair was soft and silky and thick when Rin let him play with it and run his hands through it and put it into more braids.

Rin was soft.


His eyes glowed. They glowed in the dark and they glowed in the light. They twinkled with mischief and sometimes they were sad.

Rin was deep.


Rin was pale. His skin was very fair and tinted pink when he was cold or embarrassed. If Suguro told a dirty enough joke, the Love God would give a full-body blush. His cheeks and nose and ears would turn pink. His knees and elbows and neck and the top of his chest would all blush. It was beautiful and gratifying at the same time. For a God of Love(which meant he was also a God of Sex), Rin was very sweet and always playfully slapped Suguro on the shoulder and blushed when he told dirty jokes or when he flirted back with just as much confidence as Rin had.

Sometimes, they'd end up in suggestive positions, like when they'd wrestle and Suguro would end up pinning Rin to the ground as their chests heaved from exertion.

Suguro wished they'd be breathing hard from a different activity than wrestling.

Rin was hot.


Rin told him who his father was. He expected to be exiled from the mountain, for Suguro to push him away, yell at him, tell him he was disgusting.

He sobbed so much that he had a hard time finishing the story of his birth.

Suguro knew fake crying. He knew how to spot people being fake and tears are easiest to tell. Being an Exorcist helped with that.

He probably should've kicked Rin off the mountain. It would be the logical thing to do.

But all he could think of was the utterly gross expression on Rin's face. It was disgusting–his face was blotchy with red, his eyes were puffy and pouring out waterfalls of tears, snot trailed down from his nose. It was nasty.

And Suguro hated it. He loathed that expression. Loathed the fact that humans he'd met before had made the Love God look like this when telling humans that he favored of his full identity. Loathed that just having to tell Suguro a few simple words hurt Rin so much that he sobbed hard enough to struggle with breathing.

But he'd told Suguro. Because he hated lying.

So Suguro wrapped his arms around Rin before spilling the beans about his own identity.

He told Rin about his career as an Exorcist.

Told him that he worked at the Kyoto Branch office, how they'd split off from the control of the Knights of the True Cross and just did their own thing to defend their home from Demons.

Things were quiet on the mountain and there wasn't much to defend against, so Suguro was allowed to go around the mountain and supposedly check out Demon Nests that might be there. What he'd really been doing for the past few months was visiting Rin.

"But what if there really is a dangerous demon nest and you don't see it and it gets around to attacking your people?" Rin sniffled, looking worriedly up at the man. "It's fine. There are more experienced Exorcists around than just me. They can handle themselves." He brushed it off.

"And besides," He tucked a stray piece of hair behind Rin's pointed ear as he looked down into the pretty blue eyes. "If I decided to shirk my duties for you, you're worth more to me than you think." He said, smiling. He'd never seen Rin happier than that moment.


Suguro shouldn't have Jinxed himself. Instead of there being a nest on his side of the mountain rain, one popped up near Rin. When he got there, Ron was fighting off several huge goblins. They'd surrounded him. They nipped at him from all sides, obviously not thinking him a threat and only playing with him.

His clothes were ripped in several places and he had no weapon. All Rin could do was pick up a decent sized stick and beat the goblins away. He poked one in the eye and it whimpered. The others got even angrier and began attacking for real.

They ripped his clothes and sliced deep gashes into his unmarked skin and pushed him around to each other.

Rin's expression wasn't one of a Damsel in Distress. It was still angry and offended.

He punched and kicked at the goblins. The more he hurt them, the more damage they inflicted on him as well. And unfortunately, the goblins overpowers him and outnumbered him 1 to 10.

Suguro didn't even think before murmuring the Fatal Verse of the pests. At once, they were all dispelled and sent back to Gehenna.

Rin dropped to his knees with a huff of breath. He was panting and looked upset. "Holy shit Rin! Are you okay?!" He ran and dropped to his knees in the grass next to the god. He looked over the gashes and ripped clothing barely hanging on his body. Rin's nose was bleeding and there was a cut on his neck that looked painful.

Rin have a strained smile that really looked more like a grimace.

"Sorry to worry you. I'm–I'm fine. Just a few scratches. " He answered, trying to take in even breaths. "Could've taken them on top, if I still had my powers."

Rin was strong.


Rin danced.

He would glide around, twirl and jump and move his hips to a song only he could hear.

But Suguro could hear the music as he watched Rin dance. He could hear the beat Rin swayed his hips to, and the run-on notes he spun around on.

He loved watching Rin move lightly across the forest floor without tripping or faltering in his perfect dance. Maybe one day Suguro would join him in his dance.

Rin was graceful.


Rin loved to sing.

His voice was a pleasant tenor and sounded beautiful no matter what song he sang or what language he sang in.

His voice was always smooth and made shivers run down Suguro's spine every time he held a note.

Rin could hit high notes Suguro could never dream of hitting and he could sing some decently low notes too. Suguro wanted to sing with him one day.

Rin was musical.


Suguro decided that if Rin felt the same way he did, he wouldn't nitpick at the gift he received.

Or maybe the Love God would never want to see his stupid face again and run away.

He made his way to Rin, who greeted him with a smile like always.

Instead of hugging the man like usual, he offered him the flower he'd been hiding behind his back.

Rin stared at it with wide eyes. He took it carefully and examined it, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"You.....you know what this flower means right?" He breathed, looking up at Suguro with hopeful eyes. The man grinned. "I can't live without you." He said. It was both the meaning of the flower and how he felt.

Rin launched himself at the man, placing a passionate kiss on his lips and wrapping his arms around Suguro's neck. The kiss was so filled with wanting and happiness and excitement that it was overwhelming. Suguro kissed back with just as much vigor.

They kissed and kissed and kissed until they couldn't breathe. Then they kissed again and kept kissing until they were on the ground when Suguro over Rin, planting kisses and bites all along his neck.

Suddenly they stopped, breathing hard, chests heaving.

"I love you." Suguro breathed. Rin smiled brightly up at him and only then did Sighed notice that Rin was glowing. There was a pair pink hue to his skin and around his body.

"I love you to, Ryuji." He said, initiating a slow, sweet kiss filled with a passion that made Suguro's knees weak.

Rin had his powers back.

"Be mine forever." Rin looked at him. His expression was delicate, nervous.

"Forever." Suguro agreed.


Rin and Suguro ruled over Assiah together. Rin don't want to go back to his own world that felt so loveless to him.

He made Suguro a minor God and married him. They had children and sent them to teach the world to love.

Love is something you should never take for granted. Love each other. Love your friends. Love your enemies.

Because if you decide to love someone who hates you, you've already won.


Happy Valentine's Day, Y'all! Even if you're single or in a failing relationship, I hope this makes you love this day.

And remember: Love always wins.

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