Prologue: Sunny day

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" You want to cut your hair? Why? You're pretty with this." Vincent surprisingly asks me with a frown. 

I don't reply, taking time to find a reasonable answer. It's now a beautiful sunny Monday morning, the sun shines brightly and trees surrounding us make me feel relaxed, be at ease. On walking with him, I find some birds singing soundly.

Realizing that I'm distracting from his words, Vincent holds my hand tightly, forcing me to look at him, only him. Looking at his deep grey eyes, I feel as if I have lost myself. He is wearing a black jacket, has a big and tall build. His face was symmetrical. His sharp face gave off a mix of a rough, yet gentle appearance. This man is the college's Mr.Perfect, called Vincent Yu. 

And, also he is my boyfriend.

'He is waiting for my answer.' I quietly tell myself. 

I stare at him, "Don't you think I will look good with short hair?" It's obviously not a great explanation. Calmly touch his face, I wonder how in this world this handsome man does exist. 

For the next second, I fall into his embrace. His chest is wide and warm, with this distance, I can faintly smell the scent of fresh grass on him like it was sometimes there and sometimes not there. He says: "You're beautiful, just the way you are. Or else I won't love you this much." Suddenly he changes his tone, furiously grunts: "Never let any guys get close." 

Sweet and childish.  

For not telling you soon, my name is Cyra. And this man is mine.

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