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Associated with the sun.
A new life is obtained from the ashes of it's predecessor.
Dies in heaps of flames and combustion.
Appears at the tail of each great year.
Not just a tale anyone wants to hear.
Rulers of darkness laid curses upon her counterparts, she was indignant.
Coming out of the first heaven with full power, she chased those rulers out of their heavens and cast them into the sinful world, so that there they should dwell, in the form of evil spirits upon the earth.

So that in their world it might pass the thousand years in paradise—a soul-endowed living creature called "phoenix".

It kills itself and brings itself back to life as a witness to the judgement against them, for they did wrong to Adam and his race, unto the consummation of the age.

There are three men, and also his posterities, unto the consummation of the world: the spirit-endowed of eternity, and the soul-endowed, and the earthly.

Likewise, there are three phoenixes in paradise—the first is immortal, the second lives 1,000 years; as for the third, it is written in the sacred book that it is consumed. So, too, there are three baptisms—the first is spiritual, the second is by fire, the third is by water.

Just as the phoenix appears as a witness concerning the angels, so the case of the water hydri in Egypt, which has been a witness to those going down into the baptism of a true man.

The two bulls in Egypt posses a mystery, the Sun and the Moon, being a witness to Sabaoth: namely, that over them Sophia received the universe; from the day that she made the Sun and Moon, she put a seal upon her heaven, unto eternity.

And the worm that has been born out of the phoenix is a human being as well. It is written concerning it, "the just man will blossom like a phoenix".

And the phoenix first appears in a living state, and dies, and rises again, being a sign of what has become apparent at the consummation of the age.


Sounds like a story right? Maybe it is.

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