Going To Pax Day 2

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I wake up to the sound of Max snoring like a train on tracks so I just got up put on a Sorry I'm late te shirt and riled up shorts with my gold shoes and my golden hat.

After I got dressed I went into the kitchen to make bacon and eggs for everyone. While I was cooking Everyone came out at the same time and sat down at the table waiting to get food. I sat each plate down in front of them and they start eating it like pig?! Uhh! Men. "You guys ready for today?" I looked over and see there confused faces. "For the signing at Pax." They all looked at each other and rushed to there rooms to get ready for Pax. I laugh a little before walking to my room get my wallet and my phone. I don't carry around a purse because I'm a YouTuber not a Mom anyways once we were all ready to go, we all got into the car and drove to Pax but Alesa stayed to watch over Mason while we were gone. Once we got there we see a huge line outside the door just waiting for Pax to be open. We got out and walked inside and trying to fine our booths in this huge place. Sadly there wasn't enough booths for each of us so they put some of us together! Adam, Barney, and Red got a booth and Max, Tim, Ross and I got one. After a few hours of meeting fans and them taking pictures and giving us gifts it was finally time for lunch but Adam, Barney and Red wanted to skip lunch so me, Max, Ross and Tim got in the car and drove to [favorite restaurant]. Once we got our food we talked about [Favorite Anime] and [Favorite Movie]. It was fun spending time with my good friend just sitting down talking, no videos no phones no distractions just us four. I know it's just lunch but spending time with my friends is what keeps me going and making all these thing possible. After we ate we dove back to Pax and sat back down at our booth. We sat there at the booths until Pax was closed. We met up at the car and drove back home. We got home and me and Adam went to bed right away because tomorrow is our big day.

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