Happy Birthday!

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Beep! Beep! Beep! "Uhh morning already?! What's today anyways?" I look at my phone and saw that it was my birthday. "What that's today?! I had know idea?! I better get up." I got up and picked out a runescape shirt with a dope hat and a golden necklace with some light blue skinny jeans also with my golden high tops.

I walked into my kitchen grabbed a bagel and hoped on my sweet motorcycle. Once I got to the offices I looked in my office and saw the hole place covered with [Favorite Candy]. Then when I turned around I saw the hole office behind me. "Surprise!" "Oh my gosh guys! How did you know it my birthday?" "Well Red actually told us." "Red you remember?" "I don't remember a lot of things." "Haha well thank you all so much! Now how am I supposed to record if it's all covered with candy." "You eat it!" "No really?!" "Yeah!" "I was being sarcastic." "I know. And at after work we are going to Adams place to barbecue!" "Really awesome I can wait!" I walked in my office grabbed all the candy put it all in a bag and set it down in the corner. "That took way longer then I thought it would." I looked at my schedule and saw that I get to record a Golf With Friends video with Max, Ross and Tim. I got on Skype and called them and logged onto the game.
Y-ow my ears!
T-so who's recording here
R-I think Max is
M-ok so I'll start the intro. Hey everyone Mithzan here and welcome back to another Golf with Friends video. Today I'm here with the unfortunate Ross and Tim.
Y- I'm here to guys!
M- oh yeah and Y/N! Sorry I forgot you were here.
Y-it's ok it happens all the time!
T- can we just start
Max started the game and I got a hole in one.
Y-oh! Hole in One!
R-ha your bad!
M- shut up Ross!
Y-you can do it Max I kinda believe!
Y-you can do it!

~Time Skip to end of video

M- I can't believe Ross won.
R-believe it.
Y-I don't think I can
T-well at lest I got second
M-I can't believe I got last!
Y-it's ok if your bad Max.
M-anyways guy thank you so much for watching and I appreciate your existence.

After Max ended the video I look at my schedule and saw I had to do a music video on 7 Years so I pulled out my mic and hit the record button on my camera and started to sing.


~Time Skip to the end of the day
I was about to walk outside when Adam comes up to me. "Hey Y/N! Do you need a ride?" "No I'll manage but dose anyone need a ride because I can take someone." "I think Max doses. Ross and Tim went to get some meat so Max home alone." "Sure we'll be there as so as u can." "Great! See you soon." I hoped on my bike and drove to Max's place. I knocked on the down and Max answered. "Hey Y/N what are you doing here?" "Adam told me that you needed a ride." "Oh I thought Ross and Tim are going to pick me up." "Nope." "Oh well let's go!" He jumped on my bike and I did the same and we drove to Adams place. Once we arrived at his house and saw that we were the last ones to arrive We walked to the back and saw Adam on the grill, Red, Barney, Tim and Ross playing basketball, and everyone else just talking. I looked over and saw Adam walked over to us and gave me a hug. "You made it!" "Yeah sorry it took us so long." "It fine. The burgers are almost ready!" "Sweet!" Me and Max walked over to the lake and just talked. "Hey everyone the foods ready!" I looked over and saw Adam and Alesa setting the food on the table and we all sat down. We talked and talked until Ross brought over a present to me. "Oh Ross you did have to get me something!" "No I wanted to!" "Just open it!" I heard Adam yelled. "Alright alright I'll open it!" I opened it and saw a par of Golden headphones.

"Oh my gosh Ross! You didn't have to get me this!" "Again I wanted to." I walked over to him and gave him a hug. I turned around seeing Adam and Alesa with a small box in their hands. "Not you too." "Yep now open it." I opened it and it was a necklace with a heart shaped rose gold key on it.

"Thank you so much! It's beautiful!" "You're welcome!" "Here you go!" I turned around and saw Red handing me his gift. I opened it and saw a Gods Of Egypt poster.

"Wow this is awesome Red! Thank you so much!" "I heard that it was your favorite Movie so I just thought you wanted a poster." "You thought correctly!" "And I think Max has a gift for you!" "What?" I turned around and saw Max holding a Gold color guitar. "I heard you play guitar."

"Oh my gosh Max is that a..." "Yep it sure is!" I ran over and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. "Thanks Max." "For what?" "For being my best friend." He smiled and so did I. Red walked over to us and broke apart our hug. "Who's up for the 7 second challenge?!" "I am!" "Adam you should vlog this!" "Good idea Red! Hey guys Sky here and today is Y/Ns birthday! So down in the comments tell her happy birthday! So right now we are going to do the 7 second challenge and Red has the phone right now and he's going to pass it on. Let's do this!" "Alright Barney name 5 different school subjects and say each one in a lower pitch then the last. Go!" "What?! Oh uhh Math, science, Biology, geographies and homerooms!" "I'll say he nailed it." "Alright!" Red passed his phone to Barney. "Alrights Jess kiss your shoulders is 7 seconds Go!" "Kiss my What?! Alright!"
Jess kissed her shoulders and Barney passed it to her. "Adam! Act like your being electrocuted while counting to 10 Go!" Adam failed it and got the phone. "Max! Pretend that your a cop who's both good cop and bad cop Go!" "Oh uhh ok umm Barney you I know you have it so can you please give it to me or I'll tear you body lim to lim!" "Ohh wow well done Max here." Adam handed him the phone and looked at me. "Y/N are you ready for this?" "I don't think I can handle the pressure!" "Your going to have to!" "I'll try to do my best!" "Alright ohh God!" "What?!" "It says kiss the person on you right on the cheek." "Oh my gosh!" "You have 7seconds Go!" "Uhh I can't believe this." I walked over to Max and kissed him on the cheek for 7 seconds. "See was that so bad?" "Kinda." We both look over at Jess and she is fan girling so much. "Omg omg I got a pic of it! I'm Sooo posting this!" "What?!" "Yep this ship will happen!" "Ahh here she goes again." "Yep." "Should we do something." "Probably." We both ran to Jess to stop her from poster it. After a while everyone was staring to leave so I gave everyone a huge and told them goodbye and drove home to get some rest. Today was a good day. I thought for sure that I was going to celebrate myself but thanks to my friends I didn't have to. I love them so much.

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