Meetting Max And Ross

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I look at it and saw that Adam was calling me. "Uhh What is it Adam." "Hey we are going to Max And Ross's house so I'll send you their address." "Uhh ok so how long are we going to be there?" "I have no clue anyways be there in a hour." "Yeah ok see you then." I hanged up and walked to my closet and picked out a IZombie tee shirt with ripped up black jeans and my golden high tops. Before I walked out I quickly grabbed my red beanie and put it on.

I walked into my kitchen ate some cereal and hop on my motorcycle. I got to the house and saw that it had a beautiful view of the woods. The door open and I saw Adam and Two other people next to him. The one on his right has orange hair with a red beanie on and blue shirt also gray jeans with some Convers. Also a Z necklace on. The one on the left has brown hair and glasses on with a normal black shirt and blue jeans on. "Hey Y/N you finally made it!" "Yeah sorry I made a wrong turn." "It fine. I want to introduce you to Tim's roommates Max and Ross!" "Hey!" The one with the red hair walked up to me. "Is this your bike?!" "Yeah I had this for as long as I can remember." "It's awesome!" "Do you ride?" "Sadly no but I always wanted to ride one!" "Well maybe I can take you on a ride." "Really?! That would be awesome!" Adam walked up to us. "I know you two would be great friends!" "Oh really what do we even have in common." "You two are so much alike! You both are interested in motorcycle and you both have a short temper also your both waring red beanies." Max look at me and held out his hand. "I'm Max." I shook his and gave him a warm smile. "I'm
Y/N." Then Ross came behind Max and held his hand out. "Hi I'm Ross and I like long walks on the beach." "Ok is he always like this?" "Yeah pretty much." We all walked in and sat on the couch while Ross is picking a movie. "So Y/N what's your favorite anime?" "Oh uhh I umm I never watch an anime before." I Looked at Max and Ross and their jaws dropped. "WHAT?!?!?!" "Yeah my parents never let me watch it." After I said that Ross grabbed my hand making me get up from my seat and sat me down next to Max and he put in Gurren Lagann and sat next to me. After the first Episode I walked into the kitchen with Max and got Mountain Dew can then Max walked up to me. "So Y/N what did you think?" "About what?" "The anime." "Oh right I liked it!" "Yeah it's one of Ross's favorites." At this time Adam came in. "Oh sorry am I interrupting something." He laughed "No!" Me and Max said in almost perfect unison. "Wow you two are just alike! Anyways Y/N can you take us all on a motorcycle ride?! Please!" "Yeah sure but I can only take one at a time." "Ok we'll be outside!" Adam walked out. "Well I guess I have to give people rides." "Yeah including me!" "Yeah, Come on let's get outside before they brake something." "Haha yeah." We both walked out side and saw that Jess's car was here. I look around and saw that Jess was here. "Omg Y/N and Max!! What! What about
[Red Ship Name]?! No I think
[Max Ship Name] is better. Yes! You two are perfect!" "Are you making another ship?" "Yep. [Max Ship name] is perfect! Adam told me what was going on inside." "Nothing was going on!" Me and Max said in perfect unison. "They are perfect!" "Well at least she will stop with the Mithross ship." "Yeah come on Max you can be first." I said as I handed him a helmet and grind. "Let's do this!" He gave me a smile and hoped on my bike. I started the motor and drove off. "Your right Jess they are perfect together." One I gave everyone a ride I walked inside and sat down then Max came over and sat next to me. "You're finally back." "Yeah that took forever." "I bet. Anyways Adam told me that you have a music channel." "Yeah I do. It not my main channel though." "Can I hear a song?" "I don't know I hate hearing myself sing." "Oh come on! I bet you sound great. Here I'll plug my phone in the stereo." He plunged his phone in and started playing Wake Me Up. The whole time me and Max danced.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We both laughed and smiled. "See your a great singer!" "You really think so?" He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. "I know so." Right then Jess and Adam came in and saw Max holding my hand. "Omg Adam do you see that?!" "Yeah we should leave so that they can have some more alone time!" The both laughed. "It's not like that!" We both yelled at them and they both ran outside. "Haha well we got rid of them Y/N!" "Yeah! We should hang out more often!" "Yeah I would like that. Here's my number." He grabbed my phone and gave me his number and I did the same. "Well Max it was nice hangout with you but I got to get some rest." "Yeah same." "I'll see you around." "Bye Y/N." I walked out side said my goodbyes to everyone hop on my bike and headed home. I really hope me and Max will become great friends!

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