Moving In

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I was sound asleep when I hear my doorbell go off. "Uhh who can that be!" I walked to to door and opened it. "Morning Y/M!" "Adam! Max! Ross! What are you three doing here?!" "We are he to help you pack!" Ross said with an happy expression. "Today?! I only bought the house yesterday!" "Yeah and we want you to move in as soon as possible." Adam walked in and started getting out boxes. "And why do we have to pack this early in the morning?" "Because...." "Because..." "Because.....we want you to cook!" "You want me to cook." "Yeah!" "Alright Adam you win." "For one in my life I actually won at something!" I walked into the kitchen and started making some blueberry pancakes with bacon and eggs. I made everyone a plate and one for my self and started to eat. Once we all finished Ross walked over to my stereo and started to play Ride by Twenty One Pilots. "Let's do this!"

~Time Skip To Lunch
"Wow we already got half of the house packed!" I felt someone's hand one my shoulder and I know who it was. "What to get some lunch?" "Max all you think about is food." "So do you!" "That's true....alright let's go to.......[Favorite Restaurant]!" "Ye." "Ross why do you always say that?" "Ye." "Uhh let's just go!" Adam and Max went into his car and Ross was going to with me on my motorcycle. I followed Max all the way to [Favorite Restaurant] because I don't know that part of the area very well, and parked my motorcycle right next to them. Me and Ross hopped off and joined Adam and Max and walked inside. We got a Booth next to the window, Ross sat next to Max and Adam sat next to me. After we ordered our food and drink Adam took out his camera and started do a Vlog. "Hey guys I'm back and I'm here with Ross,Y/N and Max at [Favorite Restaurant] and we just ordered our food." "I don't think they care Adam." "It's my vlog Max." "Alright if you don't want good content." "This is good content." "Watching you eat food is good content really." "Yeah it is." "I'm not going to argue." "Anyways I just wanted all of you to know that this morning I got a letter from Pax prime and it said that me and Y/N are going to sing on stage. Each of us ere going to do one song then a duet at the end so that's my big a announcement." "Yeah I can't wait for Pax!" "Nether can I!" "Alright you two can you go FanGirl somewhere else." "You would do the same Max." "Shut up!" He said playfully. Adam looked at the camera and ended the vlog. We finished our food and drove back to my hose and finished unpacking everything. "Thanks guys so much for helping!" Ross walks over and put his hand on my shoulder. "No problem. We want you to move in as soon as possible." "Alright for a sign of thanks I'll throw a pool party at my new place tomorrow so Adam invite everyone at the offices also Tell Tim and Jess there invited also." "Yes sir!" Then he walked a out the door and drove off. "Max and Ross your invite as well." "Nice!" They both left. Once they left I walked into my bedroom and fell asleep. Tomorrow is going to be crazy!

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