Chapter Six

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*The day before the interview*

Like every other day, I always stayed up late on bed, my mother was used to me, and my siblings wouldn't dare wake me up. Despite the loud noises and the terrible sound of the train, I was able to sleep soundly.

What could I do, we have been living in this part of New York for like ever. Since my dad left us for a rich woman, well, there isn't much to say. He got tired of being poor, he found a ticket to a rich life and he took it. I hate him for that, he left us here with my mum, and never even supported with the bills.

The day he ran, he just left a letter, my mum already suspected him, so she didn't bother searching for him. 

It had affected my siblings. Ana my youngest sibling, never wanted to get married, she only cared about money. To her, if she could become super rich and influential she would be able to get any man she desired. 

While Steven, he just never wanted to ever hurt his wife. He did cared about money, but was more family oriented.

I had to drop my plans of going to the university so I could support my mum in funding their education. It was a sacrifice I made when I saw how determined they were. My mum was working too hard, sometimes I felt she needed a break. 

And that was how I ended up working for bars and clubs. Not a shitty business I've not done before, and yes that include drugs. 

My boyfriend Sammy, he sells drugs, and that was how I got in myself. At first as usual, I was scared but then I got used to it. It brings in more than enough cash needed around the house and for fees. But we were still in dept, I needed more. 

I walked straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I had my bath and dressed up fancy, I sat opposite the mirror and brought out Ana's makeup kit, not a thing I do everyday, but whenever I wanted to meet up with Sammy, make-up became one of my thing.

He loved it when I dress up like a doll, he would say I look classy, and sexy like a TV model. I could pass on as one but damn, I got rejected from every audition I had. 

It was all about connection, when it comes to starting a career as a model. I did everything right, and the last one I made it through to the final stage of selection, the producer wanted to have sex with me. Sleeping with a total stranger was not something I have ever done, and sleeping with a man for a job or money, hell no.

I am broke, annoying and pretty stupid sometimes, but then I have my dignity and would never allow myself be insulted. 

I would never forget that producer, I often see him in my dreams. I would beat him up and made him regret being alive. But that was in my dreams, whenever he didn't appear in my dream, I would think about beating him up before getting up from the bed.

"Beautiful" I muttered as I looked at how gorgeous I looked. 

I stood up and went straight to the kitchen. My mum was making breakfast, and my siblings looked like they just finished cleaning the house.

"Well work guys, another day gone. Check." I said to my siblings as I sat on the dinning."

"You should at least help out sometimes you know, it wouldn't take anything away from you." Ana said to me rolling her eyes.

I shrugged at her and felt a wet cloth on my hair.
"ewe." I said as I quickly tossed the wet cloth away. 

When it fell on the ground, I saw that it was a dirty rag. 'This must be Steven' I turned and glared at him. He ran off when he saw the fury in my eyes.

"Gosh" I muttered. He had made my perfectly styled hair smelled like a rat's nest. 

"Fuck! You will get it from me." I stood up and chased him to the kitchen. 

"You can't hide behind mum, I won't let you get away from this." I yelled at him as I took the pan and hit him on his head.

"Ashley." My mum yelled at me.

I ran off when I saw how mad she was. She never liked it when we fight, it made her really mad. She always wanted us to treat each other respectfully but that was never the deal with us. 

We found it boring and would always annoy each other. Frankly, I was quite used to them always trying to ruin my day. 

"My head hurts." Steven said as he placed his hand on his head panting it to relieve the pain.

"For this, I swear I will never tell you about that company." He said to me.

"Oh yeah, you said I have an interview, tomorrow, I almost forgot." I replied him laughing.

"Ashley, you are a grown up now, you should get serious with your life. You are going for that interview, and don't you dare come back home if you miss it." My mum yelled at me.

"Like don't you come back home if you don't get the job." Ana added. 

I know I'm screwed if I don't get this job, we are all relying on it. But I really don't care though, the drugs was paying well, and in two months I would be able to pay off our debts. I just have to figure out a way to make sure the landlord doesn't throw us out before then.

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