Morphan Country Chap. 2 (Vote goal is 10)

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Dash goes to his cave and does his normal nightly routine. He yawns and is about to get ready for bed when he hears footsteps entering his cave. He sighs and gets up, putting on his peg leg. He walks to the entrance and sees a small human child, crying and in the fetal position. Yelling can be heard outside and Dash isn't awake enough for this.

"Human child, why are you here?" He gently asks, kneeling on the ground near the child. As he studies the human, he realizes that the child is more of a young adult instead. The human looks up with the eyes of an animal, a bob cat to be exact. Dash gasps and sees a long tail as well. Suddenly, the villagers' voices get closer and Dash grabs them and takes them to his bedroom.

Dash takes off his leg and clothes to look like a fox. He says his plan and the two go to the entrance.

"There it is! Burn it before it creates more!" The mayor says, waving a knife.

"But sir, I am merely trying to take care of my pet here. Can't you see he has only one eye and three legs?" They say, their voice a more masculine and rough voice. Dash looks at the ground like a sad beast. The town's people look at each other and glare while walking away. The two wait before saying anything.

"Hey, that was pretty good for a human," Dash says, walking back to his room to get his clothes and leg back on. "So by your voice, you are male. Your long hair and slightly below average frame don't help that. The name is Dash."

"Hello Morphan, my name is Yai. I normally hide the eyes and tail but my grandmother finally told me to show the world who I am after talking to one of my grandfather's kind." He says, looking at his tail. Dash nods and stops, looking at Yai.

"So your grandmother was the one I saw while at the river? Who were the guys who came to get her then?" Dash asks, remembering an older fellow and a middle aged man.

"That would be my father and my uncle. The trait for 'this' skipped a generation and went straight for me." Yai explains, laughing a little. The two continue to speak and get to know each other for a while until Dash accidentally falls asleep. Yai looks around at the cave walls and notices some pictures on the walls. Some are ripped pages from books with bipedal animals. Others are of paintings of animals. There is one that stands out though, a beautiful female picture. Yai notices that there is a mirror behind her, and in it is a familiar fox holding the camera. He laughs but stops, he thought she looked familiar and he suddenly realizes why, she was hanged a while back for taking care of and loving a Morphan, and she was only 16. He sighs and goes to bed on a sleeping bag placed on the ground for him.

Yai wakes up after Dash and is utterly confused. He smells cooking meat and he follows it to what he thinks is the kitchen. He spots Dash cooking bacon and sees that he doesn't have his peg leg on and is using a crutch. Dash turns his head and he doesn't have is eye patch on and Yai gasps. Dash's left eye is no longer there, but a burn scar replaces it. Dash looks back at the bacon and sighs.

"My eye patch in on the table. Please grab it for me," Dash asks, putting some pieces of crispy and tasty bacon on a metal plate. He doesn't have anything fancy but he gets by. Yai gets his eye patch and puts it next to Dash.

"So, how come you don't have your peg leg on?" Yai asks, leaning against the wall.

"I accidentally fell asleep with it on and if I wear it for too long, it rubs my leg raw."

"Also, last question, how old are you?"

Dash hesitates, he looks at the last piece of bacon and sets it on the plate. Yai waits for a response and notices that Dash is tearing up.

"You saw the photo, I know you did. Why else would you ask? For your information, I am 17." Dash answers, wiping his eye and taking a bite of bacon. Yai rubs the back of his head and an idea pops into his mind.

"Hey, you have talked to my grandmother right?" Dash nods. "Then she must have talked about a country of Morphans, we can go there! The both you and I don't have to worry about humans hurting us or those we love!" Dash finishes his bacon and looks at Yai, his eye shining with glee, then changes to sorrow.

"Wait, where is your grandmother? Doesn't she try to protect you?" Dash asks, putting on his eye patch.

"She did before the mayor had her killed yesterday, when she was spotted talking to a fox. My father had her inspected for a mental disorder and was deemed crazy. My father and other relatives never knew about my grandfather as he died while my grandmother was carrying and she had me hide my tail all of my life." Yai explains, shifting his weight to his other foot. Dash slams his fist on the make shift table and he curses at the top of his lungs.

Dash starts to cry and he sits on a stool. He puts his face in his paws and Yai walks over to him. Dash mumbles something under his breath. Yai asks him to repeat what he said.

"We are going to the Morphan country, for your grandmother!"

I havent been writing on my computer as much, sorry. Morphan Country is the first to reach its goal surprisingly. So this is the second chapter and the vote goal has been increased. I never thought a story in this book would ever really reach its vote goal but because I got third place in art contest, that was possible.  

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